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Book online «The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Karen Tumulty (motivational novels .TXT) 📖». Author Karen Tumulty

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Johnson, Lyndon B., 167–68, 172

in decision not to seek reelection, 174, 175

Goldwater’s loss to, 127

John Thomas Dye School, 131

Jones, Jennifer, 95, 96

Jordan, Vernon, 241

Jorgensen, Earle, 132, 163, 236–37, 250, 509–10

Jorgensen, Marion, 132, 236–37, 250

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 560

Kanavel, Allen B., 22, 23

Kaposi’s sarcoma, 411, 416

Keel, Howard, 68

Keeper of the Gate (S. Roosevelt), 521

Keirstead, Hans, 558

Kelley, Kitty, 24, 35, 38, 192

NR biography by, 522–24

sexual liaison of NR and Sinatra intimated by, 332

Kelly, Edward J., 49, 51

Kelly, Gene, 200

Kelly, Margaret, 49

Kennedy, Edward M., 571

1980 presidential bid of, 206

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 451

Wexford home designed by, 226

White House redecorated by, 253–54

Kennedy, John F., 284, 493

assassination of, 226, 271

Kennedy, Robert F.:

assassination of, 174

in 1968 presidential race, 174, 175

in Vietnam debate with RR, 173

Kenworthy, Stuart:

NR’s funeral service conducted by, 576–77

NR’s meetings with, 574–75

Kerr, Clark, 151

Kerry, John F., 562

Khachigian, Ken, 227, 302, 393, 479, 547

in RR’s 1980 campaign, 228–29

Khrushchev, Nikita, 451

Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna, 451

Killers, The (film), 126

Kings Row (film), 89

Kinsolving, Lester, 414

Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., 444–45

Kisselgoff, Anna, 357

Kissinger, Henry, 191, 241

Kitchen Cabinet, 129–30, 148, 185, 219

NR’s ouster of, 253

in RR’s presidential transition committee, 252

Sears’s sidelining of, 208

Kitt, Eartha, 35

Klement, Cyndi, 576

Klemesrud, Judy, 194

Knight, Goodwin, 138

Knox College, 33

Knute Rockne All American (film), 89

Koehler, John O., 485–86

Kohl, Helmut, in Bitburg cemetery visit with RR, 390, 392, 393

Koop, C. Everett, 421

AIDS report of, 419–20

as surgeon general, 419

Korea, RR’s 1983 visit to, 345

Kowl, Andy, 500

Krasna, Norman, 95

Kristofferson, Kris, 369

Krost, Barry, 431–32

on NR’s response to AIDS crisis, 432

Kuhn, James, 291, 343, 401, 479, 514, 547

on conservatives’ unhappiness with RR’s Soviet discussions, 456–57

and Geneva summit, 448, 449–50

on Michael’s opportunistic schemes, 361

on NR’s demands and complaints, 299

on NR’s dislike of CPAC, 302

on NR’s political astuteness, 297

on NR’s relationship with Barbara Bush, 313

on NR’s relationship with Deaver, 394

on NR’s rivalry with Raisa Gorbachev, 458

on NR’s vetoing of Middle East trip, 285

on Reagans’ quarrels over Iran-contra, 474

on Reagans’ quarrels over Regan, 474

and Reykjavik summit, 454

on RR as voracious reader, 292

and RR’s Bitburg visit, 392, 394

on RR’s desire to meet with Soviets, 436

on Will’s friendship with NR, 310

Kushner, Rose, 404

Lake, James, 208–9, 211, 220

Lamb, Brian, 556

Lambert, Gavin, 12

Landon, Michael, 325

Late Christopher Bean, The (play), 64–65

Lawford, Peter, NR dated by, 72

Laxalt, Paul, 218–19, 381, 487–88

and assassination attempt, 272

RR presidential exploratory committee formed by, 204

Leadership ’80 (RR’s 1980 campaign plane), 230

Leadon, Bernie, 181

League of Women Voters, 232

Leamer, Laurence, 70, 132

Lebanon, 294

US hostages in, 466, 472

Lederer, Edith M., 167

Lennon, John, murder of, 242

LeRoy, Mervyn, 75–76

lesbians, seehomosexuals, homosexuality

Libby, Bill, 17, 229

Lilly, Frank, as gay member of president’s commission on AIDS, 426

Lincoln, Abraham, 29, 284

Lincoln-Douglas debates, 29

Li Xiannian, 397

Loeb, Elizabeth “Nackey,” 363

Loeb, William, III, 217

NR’s glamorous lifestyle criticized by, 251–52

Logan, Joshua, 48

Lombard, Carole, 66

Look, 19

Los Angeles, 522

Los Angeles, Calif., Watts riots in, 138

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 209

Los Angeles Times, 230, 253, 343, 430

Lost Weekend, The (film), 90

Love Is on the Air (film), 87

Luckett, Charles, 12

Luckett, Edith “Edie,” seeDavis, Edith Luckett “Edie”

Lute Song (musical), 63–64

McCain, Carol, 188

car accident of, 222

divorce of, 221–22

on NR’s appeal to conservatives, 231

NR’s friendship with, 222

on NR’s harsh press coverage, 231

Reagans’ friendship with, 168–69

in RR’s 1980 campaign, 221–22

McCain, Cindy Lou Hensley, 221

McCain, John, 188, 558

divorce and remarriage of, 221–22

Reagans’ friendship with, 168–69

McCall’s, 72

McCarthy, Eugene, in 1968 presidential race, 173–74

McCarthy, Timothy, 273, 279

McClure, Jessica, 404

McCoy, Peter, 250, 254, 264

McFarlane, Robert C. “Bud,” 396, 446

attempted suicide of, 492

in departure as national security adviser, 472

and Geneva summit, 449–50

in hospital meeting with RR on Iran, 399–400, 471–72

in Iran-contra scandal, 445, 466, 492

as national security adviser, 445, 465

in secret meetings with Iranian officials, 400, 472, 473

McIntosh, Robert, 329

McKinley, William, 284

McLellan, Diana, 539

McManus, Doyle, 464

Mademoiselle, 67

Make-Believe (Leamer), 70

Malibu Canyon, RR’s ranch in, 98–99, 145

Manchester Union Leader, 217, 251–52, 363

Mann, James, 458, 470

Mann, Judy, 262–63, 496

March for Life, 301, 302

March of Dimes, 568

marijuana, changing public attitudes toward, 321–22, 330

Marijuana Research Project, 322

marriage, NR on, 166, 202–3

Marshall, Glesca, 46

Martin, Mary, 47, 64

May, Anita, 77

Mayer, Jane, 464, 488

Mayer, Lorena, 71

Mayer, Louis B., 69, 71

Mayo Clinic, 401, 537

RR’s mental acuity exams at, 542

MCA, 108, 110

Meacham, Jon, 311


AIDS crisis as underreported by, 412

astrology controversy and, 353

and Michael’s feud with parents, 363–64

negative stories about Regan in, 475, 484

NR as target of, 229–30, 242–43, 250–51, 256–57, 260, 261–62, 323

NR’s favorite journalists in, 309–10

NR’s growing security about talking to, 324–25

NR’s improved relations with, 319, 333–34, 380

Patti’s activism covered by, 370

Reagan children’s problems covered by, 356

Reagan presidency coverage by, 298–99

Regan’s ouster reported by, 488

RR’s age as issue in, 382–83

RR’s Alzheimer’s disease and, 546

seriousness of assassination attempt withheld from, 280–81

Meese, Edwin, III, 222, 227, 252, 413, 502

and assassination attempt, 272, 274, 275

as attorney general, 303, 387–88, 467, 468

as California chief of staff, 81, 159–60

on closeness of RR and NR, 94

as conservative ideologue, 235, 300, 303, 387, 443, 444, 524

dropped from Reagan Foundation board, 524, 525

on failure of RR’s marriage to Wyman, 93

Iran-contra investigation of, 467, 468

law on accepting gifts explained to NR by, 257

named counselor to the president, 235

NR on, 388

on NR’s curating of RR’s image, 209

in power-sharing troika with Deaver and Baker, 235, 300, 387

as RR loyalist, 303, 525

RR’s failure to recognize, 538

Sears’s attempted sidelining of, 218–20

Stockman firing urged by, 264

White House chief of staff appointment expected by, 234

Meese, Ursula, 222

Megalopolitan Blizzard (1983), 1

Method, Harold L., 34

#MeToo movement, 70

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM):

NR in publicity stories of, 72–73, 100–101

NR’s contract with, 68–69, 108

star-making machine of, 69

Middle East, NR’s vetoing of RR’s visits to, 285

Milland, Ray, 90

Mississippi, University of, 322

Mitchell, Aaron, execution of, 149–50

Mitchell, Andrea, 295

Mitterrand, François, 293

Modern Screen, 72

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 206

Mondale, Walter, in 1984 presidential race, 377

Ferraro as running mate of, 381

first debate won by, 381–82, 535

NR’s appraisal of, 376

in pledge to raise taxes, 381

revived momentum of, 382

in second debate, 383

Monitoring the Future project, 330

Monroe, Marilyn, 69, 594

Moomaw, Donn, 279, 346, 523

Moore, Colleen:

dollhouse of, 46

Edie’s friendship with, 12–13, 46

as Patti Davis’s godmother, 46

Morris, Edmund, 4, 36, 78, 88, 156, 248, 313, 570

on lesson of 1968 presidential bid, 175–76

on NR as good listener, 74

on NR’s drug dependency, 320, 614

on NR’s increasingly paranoid behavior, 548–50

possible effect of Alzheimer’s on RR’s job performance dismissed by, 533

on RR and Cleaver, 85

on RR’s Bergen-Belsen speech, 395

on RR’s compulsive dating after Wyman breakup, 78–79

on similarities and differences of NR and Wyman, 94


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