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Book online «The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Karen Tumulty (motivational novels .TXT) 📖». Author Karen Tumulty

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presidential race, 510–13

in 1992 presidential race, 431, 539

NR’s dislike of, 311–14, 510–11, 512, 539

presidency as undisguised goal of, 312

Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to RR by, 541

as reluctant to press for Regan’s firing, 477

as RR’s 1980 running mate, 225

RR’s belated 1988 endorsement of, 511

RR’s doubts about, 375

RR’s temporary transfer of power to, 397–98

Will’s attack on, 310–11

Bush, George W.:

inauguration of, 557

NR awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by, 559

NR’s friendship with, 559

NR’s stem-cell research letter to, 558–59

RR’s death announced by, 562

Byrd, Robert C., 473

Cable News Network, 299

Caen, Herb, 230

Caldicott, Helen, RR’s meeting with Patti and, 370–71

Califano, Joseph A., Jr., on NR’s antidrug crusade, 330

California, University of, at Berkeley, antiwar protests at, 138, 151

California, University of, at Santa Barbara, anti-apartheid protest at, 152

California legislature, abortion rights bill passed by, 150

Campbell, W. Glenn, 524

Camp David:

FDR’s use of, 290

Middle East peace negotiations at, 290

Reagans’ movie nights at, 291

as Reagans’ weekend retreat, 289–92

restorative effect on RR of, 291–92

RR’s renovations to, 291

Camp David Accords, 290

Camp Kechuwa, 29, 495

Cannon, Lou, 147, 162, 204, 313, 394, 399, 504, 524

on Loyal Davis, 34–35, 42

on NR’s blunt honesty, 148

on NR’s political astuteness, 1

on NR’s push to end Cold War, 433

on NR’s understanding of RR’s psyche, 300, 384

on RR’s 1980 presidential run, 204

on RR’s break with Sears, 212

on RR’s dislike of political socializing, 146

on RR’s idealism, 436

on RR’s image as isolated president, 295

on RR’s post-governorship plans, 169

on RR’s signing of abortion rights law, 151

on second-term White House exodus, 385

Canzeri, Joe, 227

Capone, Al, 28

Capote, Truman, 240

arrest of, 413, 417

Capps, Diane, 548

Carlucci, Frank, 488

Abshire’s strategy memo to, 483

as national security adviser, 483

Carmichael, Katherine, 13

Carrion, Celeste, 425

Carson, Johnny, 245, 262, 279–80, 303, 342

Carter, Jimmy, 199, 228, 353, 381, 436, 518

“crisis of confidence” speech of, 205–6

election of, 199

inaugural gala of, 246

Iranian hostage crisis and, 206, 232, 247, 466

low job approval of, 205

marijuana decriminalization advocated by, 322

in Middle East peace negotiations, 290

1980 concession of, 237

reelection campaign of, 205

RR’s debate with, 232–33

Carter, Rosalynn, 433, 524

at Carter’s inaugural gala, 246

NR compared to, 229

NR’s reported rudeness to, 242–43

on NR’s White House renovation, 261

Casey, William J., 227, 434, 444

brain tumor and death of, 477–78

as CIA director, 219, 434, 444, 473, 477–78

Iran-contra and, 473, 477–78

NR’s demand for resignation of, 478

Sears replaced as 1980 campaign manager by, 219–20, 221

Cattle Queen of Montana (film), 109–10

CBS, 173

Centers for Disease Control, US, 411

RR budget cuts to, 412

Central America, Cold War proxy battles in, 434

Central High School (Little Rock), 328

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 385, 400, 483

Casey as director of, 219, 434, 444, 473, 477–78

Century City (Los Angeles), RR’s post-presidency office in, 503, 515–16

Chancellor, John, 237

Channing, Carol, 35, 523

Charles, Prince of Wales:

wedding of Diana and, 256, 284

White House dinner for, 314

Chemical People, The (TV program), 325

Chernenko, Konstantin, 438, 446–47

Cheshire, Maxine, 230

Chew, David, 486

Chicago, Ill.:

Davis residence in, 24, 29, 43, 49

Depression years in, 28–29, 30

Chicago Community Fund, 45

Chicago Daily News, 61

Chicago Latin School for Girls, 30–31, 38

Chicago Medical Society, 42

Chicago Tribune, 24, 27, 28, 45, 50, 67

Chico State College, 152

China, RR’s 1984 trip to, 295–96

Christopher, George, 141

in 1966 gubernatorial race, 134

Churchill, Winston, 290

Citizens for the Republic (RR PAC), 204

Civil Rights Act (1964), 141

Clark, William P., 219, 236, 434, 441, 502, 524, 525

as hard-line anti-Communist, 442, 443

as interior secretary, 305, 444

media’s relations with, 442, 444

as national security adviser, 304, 439, 442, 443–44

NR’s constant calls to, 159

NR’s dislike of, 442–43, 444

as RR’s California chief of staff, 159, 442–43

RR’s friendship with, 443–44

Clarke, Thurmond, 94

Cleaver, Eldridge, 152

Cleaver, Margaret, as RR’s high school and college sweetheart, 84–85

Clements, William, 226

Cliburn, Van, 459

Clifford, Clark, 568

Clinton, Bill, 4, 547

inauguration of, 540

in 1992 presidential race, 431, 539

Clinton, Chelsea, 391

Clinton, Hillary, 4

CNN, 488

Coalition for a New Beginning, 252, 253

Cohn, Roy, 204–5

on NR’s influence on key appointments, 244

Colacello, Bob, 7, 35, 52, 62, 70, 71, 127, 192

Cold War:

end of, 462

NR’s push for end of, 433–34

RR’s desire for end of, 450

US détente policy and, 435

see alsoUS-Soviet relations

Coleman, Gary, 325

Colleagues, NR in, 132

Columbia University, 330

Communists, Communism:

movie industry and, 75, 91, 107, 434

RR’s loathing of, 41, 98, 295, 371, 434, 436

Congress, US, AIDS spending by, 418, 425

Connally, John, 213, 216, 221

Conservative Caucus, 241

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 184, 302

conservatives, conservatism:

AIDS as viewed by, 418, 420, 421, 422–23, 426

Buchanan as, 478

downplayed in RR’s 1980 campaign, 208–9

Maureen as, 359

Meese’s dedication to, 303, 387

NR’s discomfort with, 209

NR’s lifestyle criticized by, 251

NR’s traditionalist image as appealling to, 231

Reagan Foundation purge of, 524–26

RR as voice of, 127

RR’s move from New Deal liberalism to, 41, 98, 125, 569

as unhappy with RR’s Soviet policy, 456–57

as upset by RR’s closeness to Washington establishment, 241

Conway, Jill Ker, 328

Coolidge, Calvin, 15

Coolidge, Grace, 15

Costello, Paul, 243

“Cousin Eve” (society columnist), 27, 28

Crane, Phil, 213, 216, 217, 221

creationism, RR’s endorsement of, 227

Crest toothpaste, NR and children in ad for, 117

Crispen, Elaine, 368, 403, 406, 510, 512

and NR’s reliance on astrology, 348, 353

Cronkite, Walter, 191, 225

Cukor, George, 68

Cuniberti, Betty, 405

Cunningham, Barry, 262

Cushing, Harvey, 33

Customs Service, US, in war on drugs, 321, 323

Cutler, Lloyd, 241

Dahl, Arlene, 343

Daily Mirror, 443

Dalmane, 320

Danforth, John C., 562

Dark at the Top of the Stairs, The (Inge), 17

Darman, Richard, 333, 408

blamed for 1984 debate debacle, 381–82

in move to Treasury department, 385

Dart, Justin, Sr., 185, 219, 237, 253

Davis, Al, 29–30, 32

Davis, Barbara, 432

Davis, Edith Luckett “Edie,” 70, 126

as absentee mother, 12–17, 21

acting career of, 9–10, 12–13, 15, 22, 590

Alzheimer’s disease of, 25, 334–35, 404

charity work of, 45, 50, 67

in Chicago police payroll scandal, 50–51

childhood of, 12

death of, 25, 124, 405–6

declining physical health of, 335

and Goldwater’s endorsement of Ford, 192

happy marriage of Loyal and, 24–25

liberal views of, 10, 12, 41

and Loyal’s death, 339

Loyal’s first meeting with, 20–21

marriage of Robbins and, 10–11

Michael’s warm relationship with, 124

Moore’s friendship with, 12–13, 46

in move to Chicago, 22

in move to New York, 11

Nazimova’s friendship with, 11–12

and NR’s engagement to RR, 102

and NR’s society debut, 28

political connections of, 49–50, 51–52

racial discrimination opposed by, 35–36

radio work of, 44

Robbins’s divorce from, 17

RR’s eulogy for, 406

and RR’s gubernatorial campaign, 137

at RR’s inauguration, 248

RR’s shared sense of humor with, 106

show business connections of, 63, 64

social connections cultivated by, 46

social snobbery encountered by, 45

theater and film stars as regular guests of, 46–47

Tracy’s friendship with, 68

two weddings of Loyal and, 23–24

Wallace’s friendship with, 44–45

as writer and producer for

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