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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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quarters,” he said, beckoning us onward.

Through the doors lay a very large, impressive office. Occupying the center of the space was a long wooden table, which splayed seamlessly out into the captain’s desk at the far side of the room. Carved from one piece of wood, it must have once been an epic tree, and inset in front of the twenty or so chairs that surrounded it was a display screen. The rest of the office was a tasteful blend of technology and comfort.

“This is the captain's office first and foremost. There are plenty of other meeting rooms around the ship for others to use,” Jezai declared before moving us onward to another door. It was like walking through a portal to a different world as we entered a large lounge room that dreams were made of. Carpeted in a thick pile carpet, furnished with plush couches, and so many plants it was completely unrecognizable as the inside of a spaceship. The entire back wall of this huge yet cozy room was a screen displaying what I guessed was a view of Accre’s countryside. A lush meadow, with hills off in the distance. It gave the impression of being a huge window rather than a screen. In the centre of the lounge area was a centerpiece stone chimney with what looked like an actual live, roaring fire, and I instantly fell in love with it. Once we’d moved far enough into the room to take in the whole space, it was far larger than I was expecting. There was an open-plan kitchen and dining area to one side, and I mused that I could have fit four of my old apartments into this space. The kitchen itself was all stainless steel, with some fancy lighting choices that a certain Swedish furniture company would be proud of. The dining area had a thick wooden dining table that reminded me of something out of an old country mansion. The mix of modern and natural worked spectacularly together. This space was designed for luxury as much as utility.

Ember stood silently, as in awe as I was. Beyond the lounge, in the other direction, there was a spiral staircase leading to a balcony and another level. I was intrigued. “Would you like to lead the way?” I said to Ember.

“Hell yeah, I would!” Ember said, finally showing as much excitement as I had on entering the ship. She practically ran to the staircase and began to ascend.

I looked to Jezai with a smirk. “Stairs, huh?” I said as we both levitated up and over the balcony in a smooth motion.

“Oh! Very fucking funny, you arseholes,” Ember huffed as she got to the top to find us both standing there. “It’s my own fault, I’ll have to get used to using powers more regularly.”

“It is a good habit to develop. I’m certain that learning to use your powers as second nature will one day save your life,” Jezai replied.

“Okay, you don’t need to labor the point. I get it!”

Jezai laughed as the taciturn Ember spun on her heel and went to the first door. It opened to reveal a huge bedroom, bigger than our entire quarters on the Uprising. “That bed makes a super-king-size look like a single!” she almost squeaked, while walking over and pressing down on the mattress.

I obviously wanted to jump on it, but you know, I was trying to look professional. “That’s about the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. You could get lost on it,” I said, instead of the diving spread eagle, I so desired to do.

“Yes! The Apochros believe being in space shouldn’t mean being uncomfortable.”

A door to the side of the bedroom led to an en-suite, containing a good-sized shower and a huge bath big enough for four people to bathe in comfort. Along the balcony we found two more bedrooms, each with an en-suite.

“Wow! Jezai, this place is a goddamn mansion. I think I can just about get over the fact that we won't be living on the Uprising anymore,” I said as we moved to the last door.

Behind this one was an open platform that overlooked a good-sized gym with a part-wooden, part-padded floor area. There were several resistance machines, but what really caught my eye was the hoops all around the ceiling. A smaller recreation of the course in the facility on Accre. I grinned at Ember and Jezai, then shot off the platform, flying around the hoops as fast as I could. Both for the thrill and to show off to Ember. Thirty seconds later I was back on the platform, grinning like the cat who’d got the cream.

“I think I’ll wait till later before I try the rings out,” Ember stated, “but thanks for the demonstration, you tit.”

I smiled back, suitably chastened. “I couldn’t help it, sorry. Pretty fun, eh? We’ll be trying to beat each other's times by the end of the week, I’m sure.”

Jezai nodded. “It won't take long to get up to speed, Ember. Ialos spoke to me about having some of the apparatus we used with Shaun installed onboard. As long as they are used under medical supervision, there is no reason why not. If you wish to have them available both here and in the communal gym, you will have to look into obtaining enough medical staff. While Ialos is a wonderful, hardworking physician, she cannot be everywhere at once!”

“We have a few useful people with medical training that Ialos could perhaps help train on their use?” Ember replied.

“I am sure she will be amenable to that, and I hope you like your new ship so far. I think you deserve a place you can really call home, and as far as spaceships go, this should fit the bill. The next big question is, what will you call the new ship?” Jezai asked enthusiastically.

“That’ll be down to a meeting of the crew. I’m not allowed to name things.”

“Not that it’s a bad thing to share the decision, but

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