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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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station controls and operate an array of weapons with exacting efficiency.”

“We’ll definitely take advantage of that, but I won’t push anyone’s nose out if they want to stick with the weapons. I like having Koparr on the bridge, for sure,” I replied.

“I’ll need a full instruction manual,” Calegg said with an overwhelmed expression, no doubt wondering how the fuck he was going to engineer this beast.

“The ship’s A.I., which you can access from any terminal, including those in your quarters, can provide you with all operational information on the ship, including answering queries and providing training demonstrations. We currently have a number of Apochros on board to assist you all with settling in and learning everything you need to know.”

“That’s excellent news,” Calegg replied, clearly itching to get stuck in.

“Assuming you are in agreement with our plan, the Council believes a week will be long enough to familiarize yourself with the ship,” Jezai said, looking at me expectantly.

I sighed. “Of course we’re in. I mean, I haven’t discussed it with everyone, but it would be kinda stupid not to get involved in this.”

“We’re in,” Ember confirmed from my side, prompting a wide smile from Jezai.

“I assumed you would be.” He smiled. “We will discuss the details in depth over the coming week. We are in the process of gathering whatever information we can on the Fystr’s scout and fleet movements and disposition.”

“We best get busy, then. Looks like there’s gonna be a ton to learn,” I replied, keen to take a look around.

“Certainly. Let us make our way to the bridge, shall we?” Jezai said, beckoning us to a doorway off the side of the docking bay.

Surprised that we were not going through what looked like the main exit, I followed him at the head of nearly 200 Uprising members. At the doorway, Jezai spoke loudly to the whole group. “Everyone! If you can listen for a moment. The capsules we are about to see, can hold six people. When you can enter the capsule, the display terminal inside will show seven options: Quadrants One through Four, Engineering, Bridge and Emergency Suite. If you can all choose Bridge, please. Once the doors close behind us, wait for this light to turn on as it is now. Simply press the access panel to enter the next available capsule. We will see you all again shortly at the bridge,” he explained, then pressed the panel to open the double-doors, before extending his arm to let Ember and me enter first.

It was like a small underground tube tunnel, with a sleek, white bullet-shaped capsule. I attempted to look around it, curious as to how it might move. Meanwhile, Ember jumped in front of me to be next to the control panel. I had no choice but to shout, “Shotgun,” and jump in alongside her. Jezai and Ogun entered next, with Elyek and Calegg last, filling the last two seats in the capsule. The doors swished shut behind them, sealing us in.

I looked over at the panel to see the options Jezai had described, itching to press for the bridge. With a self-satisfied smile to me, Ember jabbed the option with her finger, and we shot forward like shit off a stick. Around two minutes later we pulled to a stop, the doors opening automatically to let us out. “How far is the bridge from the docking bay?” I asked Jezai.

“It is at the opposite end of the ship, so approximately four kilometers.”

“This ship is four kilometers long!” I gaped.

“Five. The bridge is not at the prow of the ship. That would be too vulnerable a position in battle.”

“Yeah, and it's not like we use windows, is it!” I remarked while we entered the bridge. There were around ten Apochros working on a relatively small bridge compared to what I expected. It was around double the size of the bridge on the Uprising. It came as an unexpected relief. As I looked around more and more of our crew streamed onto the bridge. It must only have been five minutes before all of them were crowding the bridge.

“Jezai, do you think it would be better to get the crew settled somewhere while we work out what everyone is doing?” Ember said. “If someone can show Acclo to the nearest living quarters and closest canteen, then everyone can relax a little while they’re all assigned rooms.”

At Ember’s words, Acclo moved forward. “I certainly will. Are there specific quarters for the captain? I wouldn’t want to assign them to anyone else.”

“Yes, there are, Acclo,” Jezai said, gesturing behind the bridge to a door. “They are just over there.”

“Behind the bridge? I don’t know about that, we may have to look for some others. I'd like a bit more distance between work and my chillout zone.”

“I agree with Shaun, isn’t that where the captain’s office usually is? Our office isn’t in our quarters, is it?”

“Partially. Give me a couple of seconds,” he said, then waved an Apochros over. “Aliel, would you be amenable to showing Acclo around the closest living zone, please?”

“Yes, of course, Jezai, right away,” he said, before turning to me and saying with a slight bow, “Welcome, Vakuna. It is an honor to meet you, and I hope this ship meets with your approval.”

I was about to snap at him, even though he was being incredibly positive towards me, when Ember touched my arm and I managed to hold my tongue. She was right. “It’s a cracking ship. Please call me Shaun though.”

“Certainly! Of course,” he said happily. It was weird to have people a few thousand years older than me be in awe.

Jezai nodded approval at my handling of the matter. “It is not meant as an insult, the opposite in fact.”

“As long as it’s said as a title and not as my name, I can just about handle it, as irritating as it is to hear.”

“I do appreciate that and thank you for being diplomatic about it. Now, come and assess your

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