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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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why not?”

Ember helpfully provided the reason. “Because he's shit at naming things apart from Havok, and that took him nearly a month.”

“I see.” He smirked. “Well, do let me know. I’m fascinated to hear what you all decide upon. For now I should leave you to get situated. Oh, and one last thing before I go. You can change the main wall display, have it blank or showing the view of outside the ship. There will be a control for it somewhere in here.”

“Worth knowing. Thanks, Jezai,” Ember replied.

“Good luck. I will be in touch tomorrow,” Jezai said, then levitated over the balcony and was gone, leaving us alone in our flash new pad.

“Well, this is awesome!” I declared.

“It sure is! It's so lush, like it could be a very swanky house on Earth! I don’t want to leave, but we should probably go and make sure everyone else is okay.”

“We should, yeah. But not until I’ve spent a full five minutes on that couch,” I insisted, pointing down at the expanse of comfiness. I levitated over the balcony to float above the couch, angling my body into a horizontal position a few above, then I let go of the levitation, dropping into the snug cushions with a huge smile on my face.

Ember was giggling from above, leaning over the balcony. “I’m so jealous of your levitation skills. I want to know everything,” she demanded as she carefully levitated to hover above me. She looked rather unsteady to my eyes now, after all of my training with the Apochros. Hard to believe I once thought her amazing at the skill. She lowered herself slowly down toward me, smiling brightly. I had to admit to becoming a little nervous underneath her. A second later, I discovered I was right to be. She dropped the remaining distance, feet first onto my stomach. Honestly, with 450 Constitution, it pretty much tickled. She got down next to me and cuddled in. We spent five blissful minutes just lying there next to the fire, which burned and crackled away. I could have stayed like that forever, and I sensed Ember could too. But duty called, and we really did have to check on everyone else.

Chapter 23


We made our way back to the bridge. Elyek, Calegg, Hwista and Wulek were still there, preferring to dive straight into learning the operation of the ship. I wasn’t surprised.

Calegg stood separately from the three Veilitians, discussing engineering aspects with the Apochros. He was engrossed but spared a moment to wave and acknowledge us. The three Veiletians would be doing the lion's share of piloting this monster, and they were similarly engaged.

“Hey guys, we're gonna check on the others, but we’ll have a meeting in an hour or so. You’re all invited,” I said to them with a wink.

“I will make sure that we are all there, Shaun. This ship is so fascinating, there are so many new things to learn,” Elyek replied, excitement tinging their words.

I smiled, and we made to leave, before Ember realized we didn’t have a clue where everyone had gone. Wandering aimlessly wasn’t a good idea on this ship. Luckily, I recognized Aliel working at a terminal, back from escorting the others. “Hey Aliel, how do we get to the others?”

“Shaun! I will escort you at once,” he said.

“Hey dude, seriously crack on with what you’re up to. Directions are good enough. We need to familiarize ourselves with the place at some point, and it might as well be now.”

“Quite right. Simply return to the transport capsule and enter Quadrant One. You will arrive in the center of the quadrant where the communal facilities are based. Many of your people should still be waiting there as rooms are assigned.”

We thanked Aliel and left the bridge. Ember graciously let me press the buttons this time as we took off in the capsule.

Stepping out, we emerged in a cavernous space reminiscent of a futuristic, multi-level shopping mall. Escalators and elevators offered access to different levels, and in the center of the whole affair was what could only be described as a food court. Hundreds of tables and chairs were surrounded by empty food stalls. There were also several FSUs dotted around the place. Around 40 of our people sat at the tables while Acclo called out names, handing over fobs with numbers.

“Hey everyone!” I greeted them as we moved toward Acclo. “Doing an amazing job, as always, Acclo. Is everyone happy enough?”

“Happy is an understatement, Captain. After the Beler station stay, I believe everyone is incredibly moved by all of this. There is much positive emotion on display. I must admit it has been a pleasure to witness. The rooms are fantastic, and everyone has so much room to themselves. If we ever manage a prolonged period of calm, I can imagine we will see families springing up.”

“Shit, yeah. I hadn’t even thought about that, Acclo.”

“Probably because you’re too obsessed with the Fystr,” Ember said from my side.

“Yeah, I am. Bastards. But that’s probably going to take years and years. We’ve got a place here to encourage a community. I wouldn’t mind seeing a bunch of little sprogs running around. This past year or so hasn’t been good for anyone’s sanity.”

“Understatement of the year, Shaun.” Ember laughed. I could see the other crew members listening closely.

“Our goal remains the same, but it’s probably going to take a long time. We seem to have a safe place to hunker down in Apochros space, so I think we probably should make an effort to let people relax a little. Enjoy some of what life has to offer.”

Those listening now looked at me, not in shock as such, more surprise and possibly wonder.

“I think you’ve grown more than I’ve given you credit for in our time apart, Shaun. I got all shivery hearing you speak there,” Ember admitted.

“Agreed, Ember.” Acclo added, “It is good to hear a desire to build something more sustainable than just a headlong mission

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