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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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tobe quiet. Sweat gathered on Toemeka’s brow as she listened for thesoldiers. A chill of dread swept over her when she finally heard themsmashing their way through the field. She clenched her hands intofists, suppressing a desire to run.

The soldiers drew closer andToemeka eyes met Erling’s. He mouthed, “Stay put.”

The soldiers passed by withinseveral feet of Toemeka and Erling and kept going. Gradually thefield became quiet again.

Toemeka started to move andErling shook his head and mouthed, “Wait.”

Every muscle tense, Toemeka stoodstill, listening to the wind blowing through the stalks. She wonderedif Michio and Jake made it to the farmhouse.

“I think we’ve waited longenough,” Erling said. He started forward, breaking a trail for herthrough the mana field. When they reached the edge of the field, theylooked across the fifty feet that separated them from the house.

“I don’t see any soldiers,”Toemeka said.

“That doesn’t mean theyaren’t waiting for us.”

“Do you want to wait untildark?”

“No, we need to meet up with myfamily and get off this planet. I’ll go first. If they don’tfire, then you follow.”

“That doesn’t make sense.I’ll go first. They’re trying to capture me alive.” Before hecould object, she stepped out of the shelter of the mana field andran toward the farmhouse. She felt as if soldiers might jump out andgrab her at any moment.

She reached the porch and crossedto the unusually tall front door, then hit the doorbell. Erlingjoined her by the time the door opened to reveal an enormous maleUrled. He had greenish-brown scaly skin and a hairless head and body.

She kept her eyes on his face asUrleds didn’t wear any clothes—their bodies self-regulated todeal with different temperatures.

“It’ll be a full moontonight,” Erling said to the farmer, giving the password.

“Come quickly. Two soldierswere just here and searched the house.” He stepped back to let themin.

“Will they come back?”Toemeka asked, once she was inside.

“They might. We have anunderground passage. Follow me.” He led them across the centralroom, adding, “I’m Horan. You must be Toemeka and Erling. Jakeand Michio have already arrived.”

Relief filled Toemeka. Michio andJake were safe.

The central room was spaciouswith oversized furniture suited to Urled large bodies. She smelledsomething cooking. A female Urled, with even greener scales thanHoran, stepped into the room. “I’m Yawon. Are either of youhungry?”

Toemeka’s stomach flipped,remembering the disgusting food she’d once seen an Urled eat.

Erling didn’t seem to share herconcern and said, “We’re starving.”

“I have food on the stove. I’llbring you some as soon as you’re safely hidden.” She left theroom.

Horan led down them down a flightof stairs and into the basement. He stopped at a concealed door inthe floor and opened it. “Below is a cellar room where Jake andMichio are waiting for you.”

Toemeka lowered herself onto thetop rung of the ladder and started climbing down. Before long, shereached a small room with dirt walls supported by beams.

“Toemeka!” Michio said uponseeing her. He crossed over and kissed her. She kissed him back,breathing in his scent. He smelled clean as if freshly showered andhis chin and cheeks were soft for he’d shaved off his beard and cuthis hair short.

She was a little breathless whenhe released her.

Jake and Erling embraced andpounded each other on the back. “We were worried about you andToemeka,” Jake said. “We wanted to search for you, but Yawoninsisted we hide instead. And no one argues with a determined femaleUrled.”

“Cadmus’ men followed us,”Erling said. “But we lost them in the mana field.”

“We’ll sleep here tonight,”Jake said. “In the morning, we’ll split up. I’ll take Erling tohis family, so he can bring them to the rendezvous point. His familyand my men are still in the forest, but they called in and aretraveling all night to make it here tomorrow. They’ve been hidingfrom the soldiers in a sinkhole.”

“Any news about how my motheris doing?” Erling asked.

“She’s much better,” Michiosaid. “A few days of rest was just what she needed.”

“Have you secured a ship for usto fly home?” Toemeka asked.

“No, you and Michio are goingto have to steal one,” Jake said.

“Toemeka’s not coming withme,” Michio said. “It’s too dangerous.”

Exhausted, Toemeka sat on achair, waiting to hear Jake’s answer.

“You have to have a partner,”Jake replied. “Do you want to team up with Erling instead?”

“I’ll go alone.”

“Getting Erling’s family offthis planet hinges on stealing a ship. If something goes wrong, thiswhole mission fails.”

“Nothing will go wrong.”Michio’s voice was sharp.

Jake straightened and his eyesnarrowed. “It’s not your call. I’m in charge of theResistance.”

“You’re not in charge of me.”

Toemeka’s chest tightened. Shehad a strong sense that she’d be needed on the mission and was gladJake was the one arguing with Michio, not her. Michio was stubbornwhen his mind was made up.

“It’s a two-personoperation,” Jake said with authority in his voice. “If you won’tfollow orders, I’ll send Erling and Toemeka to steal a ship and youcan go meet Erling’s family.”

“Jake’s right,” Erlingsaid. “It’s best if two go. Toemeka’s a trained Coalitionoperative. She’ll be an asset.”

Michio brow furrowed. “I canget into the complex without being noticed if I’m alone.”

“The idea isn’t to get inunnoticed,” Jake said. “You’ll pose as pilots and get clearanceto fly a ship out.”

Toemeka looked the map spread outon the table. “What’s the plan, Jake?” She felt Michio’s eyeson her.

“When Erling’s family, Zac,and Onolyn make it out of the wilderness, they’ll be taken here.”He pointed to a spot on the map. “A member of the Resistance willhide them in her home. You and Michio will go to a Samrat militarybase, steal a spacecraft and meet them there.” He pointed toanother spot on the map.

He looked her directly in theeye. “Tiger, it’s a dangerous mission and Michio does haveabilities that go beyond most. He probably can handle the mission onhis own. A backup person is safest, but I’m not ordering you to go.It’s up to you to decide.”

“It’s a bold plan,” shesaid. “Why do we need to steal a spaceship from the military?Doesn’t the Resistance have any?”

Jake shook his head. “I’mafraid not. We’re in occupied territory. Condor has been thoroughin his takeover of Kossel.”

“You said Kossel wasn’tcompletely taken over!” Toemeka exclaimed. “We came all this wayso the Resistance could get us

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