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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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a ship.”

“That’s the intelligence Iwas given, but things have changed.”

Her heart sank. “You mean wecame all this way for nothing?”

“At the time, it was our bestoption.”

“I’ll go with Michio.” Shefelt her husband stiffen beside her.

“Good, that’s settled,”Jake said.

Horan came down the ladder,carried a large bowl. Jake rolled up the map as Erling sat at thetable and started eating from the bowl with his fingers.

“Sit down, Toemeka,” Erlingsaid. “Eat. You haven’t eaten in days.”

“It looks like there’s enoughfor us all,” Toemeka said, sitting down. “Does anyone else wantany?”

“We’ve already eaten,”Michio said.

Toemeka’s stomach growled andshe decided she was hungry enough to try Urled food. Erling appearedto be enjoying it. She fished in the bowl for a piece of meat andgingerly took a bite. The meat was tough and chewy, but passable.

While they ate, Horan took a headshot of Michio with his communicator. “You’ll need photo ID cardsto get into the building,” Horan explained. “Toemeka, you’renext.”

Toemeka got her photo taken thensat back down and ate rest of her meal.

“I’ll make up your cardstonight,” Horan said. “See you in the morning.” He headed upthe ladder.

“Pick a bunk,” Jake said,putting to two sets of bunkbeds. “We could all use a good night’ssleep.”

Erling and Jake took one set ofbunk beds and Toemeka took the lower bunk of the other set. Sheexpected Michio to take the top bunk, but instead he lay down besideher on the narrow mattress and put out the lights. As they werethrown in total darkness, Toemeka snuggled into Michio’s arms, gladto have him beside her. She always felt safest when he was close.


In the morning, Horan woke themwhen he turned on the lights and started down the ladder. Toemekaopened her eyes to see Michio gazing down at her. She smiled andsaid, “Good morning.”

“Sleep well?”

“Like the dead. I wasexhausted.. And you?”

He tucked a strand of hair behindher ear. “With you in my arms, I finally slept.”

Horan set a bowl down on thetable. “More stew.”

Toemeka got out of bed and cameover. On the tabletop was her ID card. “It looked official,” shesaid. “Thank you.”

Horan grunted. “I don’t havemilitary weapons for you, but these capsules contain knock-out gas.”He held two capsules in his scaly claw. “Just snap it open in frontof someone’s face and it will cause them to lose consciousness.Just don’t do it in a small, enclosed space or you’ll loseconsciousness, too. Good luck.”

“Thank you for helping us,”Toemeka said, taking a capsule from Horan.

“It’s an honor to help Jake’sfriends. As head of the Resistance, he’s our only hope of remainingfree.”

The men had gathered around thetable and were already eating. Toemeka decided she’d better jointhem before it was all gone.

When they finished, Horan pulledout two Samrat military uniforms and two sets of civilian clothesfrom his backpack. “Suit up. The air pods will be here soon.”

Jake and Erling changed into thecivilian clothes while Michio put on a uniform.

Toemeka turned away from the menand,changed into the gray uniform and boots

Horan opened a door that led to atunnel and said, “Say your good-byes. I hear the pod cars comingdown the track. Michio and Toemeka will take the first pod. Erlingand Jake the second one.”

“Are you staying on Alandra,Jake?” Toemeka asked, realizing she might never see him again.

“Yeah, I’m staying with theResistance.”

“Thank you for all you’vedone, Jake,” Michio said.

“It’s been interestingtraveling with you. You have some unusual powers.”

“You have your own strengths.I’m glad I got to know you.”

Toemeka hugged Jake and tearssprang to her eyes. “Good-bye, Jake. Take care of yourself.Alandra’s a dangerous planet to be stationed on.”

“Good-bye, Tiger. I’mcounting on you to complete the mission. Prove to Michio whatCoalition operatives are made of.”

She stepped back. “I will.”Erling embraced her next. By the tension in his body, she knew he wasworried. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“We’ll wait for you andMichio at the rendezvous point until midnight. If you’re not backby then, we’ll know something went wrong. I’ll take my familyback into the wilderness until we form a new plan.”

Toemeka’s stomach twisted. Hedidn’t say anything about rescuing her or Michio if they werecaptured. She knew then they were on their own, at-risk of beingtortured and executed. The ground vibrated, interrupting herthoughts, and the sound of pod cars arriving filled the tunnel.

“Go quickly,” Horan said.

Toemeka went through the portalto the track and boarded the small, egg-shaped pod car. Michioclimbed in beside her and the door slid shut. He typed theirdestination on the control panel and the air pod shot down thetunnel.

“Our first moment completelyalone,” Michio said, leaning over and giving her a kiss. “How areyou doing?”

“I’m grateful we’re bothalive and together again.”

“Me too, but I don’t like therisk this mission exposes you to.”

“Jake assigned two peoplebecause it’s such a dangerous mission. I want to be sure my babygrows up with a father.”

“I’d better fill you in onthe details.”


Erling got out of the air pod andfollowed Jake to the top of a ladder. Jake lifted and removed amanhole cover. Then he and Erling climbed out into a wooded areacalled Highland Park.

Jake replaced the manhole cover,hiding it with brush. “Come on — we’re only a few miles fromthe house where your family is staying. We’ll walk the rest of theway. Things have become perilous in Kossel.”

“I didn’t think it would bethis hard to get my family off Alandra,” Erling said.

“Then you weren’t beingrealistic. You’ve been in the Coalition long enough to know there’salways unexpected complications.” He walked down a hill and througha garden to a path.

When they reached the house, ashort, old woman opened the door and let them inside. “They’rehere!” she called out as she escorted them upstairs.

Breezy raced into the hallway,her face lit with joy. “You made it!” She flew into Jake’s armsand they kissed passionately, oblivious to Erling’s presence.Erling watched with dismay as the kiss deepened and lengthened. Hedidn’t realize they were seriously involved. Jake was a notoriousheartbreaker. While Breezy was young and inexperienced. Well, maybeshe’d get over him once she moved to Jaipar — then again, maybenot. He hadn’t gotten over Kori when they were apart.

Erling followed the old womaninto the bedroom. His mother rushed over and embraced

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