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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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I’ll have to come up with a way that doesn’t involve her seeing me fuck another bitch. Doing that would be too much. All I want to do is make her leave and understand that she and I won’t be happening.

“Because I love you and have always wanted you.” Storms words cause my chest to tighten. She can’t love me.

I have to protect her from this life.

Shit, I sound like a redundant bitch saying the same shit over and over when it comes to Storm. However, I want nothing more than to go back to my room, take her in my arms, and show her how much I want her.

Too bad it can’t fuckin’ happen.

Taking another large gulp of Maker’s Mark, I think of what to say to her. On what words will cause her to want to hate me rather than hurt her.

Mind made up on what to say, I put the cap on the bottle of liquor and place it on the desk. I’ll need that shit when I finish with Storm.

I leave my office and make my way to my room, ignoring the stares of my brothers in the main room. They’d seen me drag Storm back into the clubhouse. I’m sure they’d seen her disheveled appearance. The woman still had grass in her hair when we’d gotten here.

Outside the door to my room, I lower my head and take a deep breath in order to steel myself for what I’m about to do. Twisting the doorknob, I open the door and step inside, making sure to close it behind me. I don’t need anyone who might walk by to hear this.

Storm looks up from where she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing her fingers through her wet hair—a look of uncertainty shimmering in her eyes.

Good, I can play off that uncertainty.

“We need to talk,” I growl harshly, causing her to flinch though she quickly covers it.

“Um, okay,” she murmurs quietly.

“What happened should never have happened,” I declare, getting straight to the point.

“I know,” she whispers, casting her gaze to the floor.

What the fuck?

“I’m talking about you letting me fuckin’ fuck you in the middle of a damn field,” I say, clarifying to make sure she gets what I’m talking about and not about Dickerson.

“I get it, Blow. You’ve made it clear with the way you dragged me in here and stalked right now. You don’t want me, I get it now,” she says meekly; however, I don’t miss the wobble in her voice.

Motherfucker. I do want her. That’s why this shit is so fuckin’ hard. But of course, I have to drive home what she’s already said.

“Good, glad you fuckin’ get it. What we did is nothing more than another notch on my belt.” Storm lifts her head and stares at me in horror and pain.

“You can’t mean that,” she utters softly.

“Yeah, sweetheart, I can mean it. I’m not looking for an ol’ lady or anything else. What we did was a fuck up, one that I’ll reduce to another notch on my belt. I don’t give a damn if you say you love me because you’re too fuckin’ young to know what the feeling is. And on top of that, you aren’t even my type. So do us both a favor and from now on, forget your delusions of being with me ‘cause it will never happen,” I grind out, making myself sick in the process.

My gut is in knots with what I’m doing to her. Seeing the tears spilling down her cheeks kills me. I want nothing more than to take my words back, but this is for her own good. This is the only way to ensure she’ll move on and find a good life.

Turning on my heel, I head for the door. I put a hand on the doorknob and bow my head. “You can stay in here until Sniper gets back,” I mutter and leave without looking back at her.

Stalking down the hall, I decide against going back to my office and my bottle of Maker’s Mark. Instead, I walk straight out of the club and head for my bike. For right now, I need to put some distance between Storm and myself. Straddling my bike, I look up to find Nines, Lucky, and Shiner all doing the same thing without saying a word to me.

This is what it means to be a part of the Devil’s Riot MC. No words are needed for us to ride through hell in order to get out the other side. Long as we do it together as brothers, that’s all that counts. Because from here on out, my life will never be the same. I’ve hurt the one person who means the world to me, and it doesn’t matter how much hell I ride through. I’ll live the rest of it, making sure my club stays strong and nothing more.

6 Storm

The moment the door slams shut behind Blow, a sob escapes. Why he felt the need to push what he’d already said with his actions when we got back to the clubhouse is beyond me.

My heart doesn’t just shatter at this moment, it’s completely destroyed. Standing from his bed on wobbling knees, I step over to his desk, grab a few pieces of paper to do this next part as my mind comes to the conclusion I can’t stay here. Not even the cabin. Being even an hour away is too close for comfort for me.

Not knowing how much time I have before Blow comes back to his room, I quickly scribble out a letter to my mom and dad, telling them to understand, I won’t get into it with them about my decision, but for them to respect me, I need space away from everyone. That when I’m ready I’ll call them. I’ll tell them what I need to. I write the other letter to Blow telling him he can have what he wants—me out of his life.

Picking up

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