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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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and let the world stop moving. My insides feel like they have been in a blender. Maybe I will die here. I’d take this over bearing children for Emerson. I’d do anything besides that.

“Come on.” The tears stream down my eyes unchecked as I stay on my belly and try to crawl the rest of the way to the cabin. The pain is excruciating.

My arm feels as if it might just come loose from my body. There is a small branch sticking out of the side of my stomach, the branch going straight through my love handle.

I pull harder, not wanting to give up quite yet when the most ominous sound I think I will ever hear in my life starts behind me.

A high intoned whistle of “Patience” by Guns N’ Roses echoes in the wind.

He’s here. He’s close.

I pull harder. “Come on!” I grit through my teeth, not even caring anymore that it feels like my body is coming apart underneath me. I hear footsteps crunching the uneven ground behind me. One of his goons must be right behind me. I chance a glance and he along with four of his acolytes clad in the dark green robes are rushing down the side of the cliff to get me.

I push myself up, using all the strength I have left in my arms and try to run. I fall back down the instant I try. I must have broken my ankle, it won’t hold my weight.

I drop back down to the floor and start to crawl as fast as I can on all fours.

‘Help! Please you have to help me! Help!” I scream at the top of my lungs, my window is closing. The only shot I probably would ever get to make it out. “Please!” My voice is shrill and my face is covered in snot and dirt. “Please, help me!”

A hand reaches out and grabs my foot.

“No!” I kick out and try to get a grip on something to attack whoever is holding me. “Let me go! Help!” I scream again. Someone has to be around here.

Please, god, don’t let him take me again. I won’t make it.

The man lays on top of me trying to subdue me.

“Get off of her! Are you crazy? She’s hurt. Be gentle!” Emerson yells out from above and hurries down to where I am.

He gets off of me and Emerson smacks him hard across the face.

“Don’t you ever hurt her again.” He pushes his way through his guards and bends down to where I am.

“Oh, my sweet girl.” He rubs his hands down the side of my face and I do my best to not cringe away.

“Please, let me go I promise that I won’t say anything to anyone, just let me go, please,” I beg, trying to keep my voice even.

“Delaney, baby, don’t talk nonsense. You know that I can’t do that. I love you too much. I love all of you too much. If I let you go how will I survive? Is that what you want for me? You want me to die of heartbreak? You’re everything to me.” He leans down and kisses my forehead. This time I can’t even fake it. I snatch my head away.

“Don’t be fucking disrespectful, I could have left you out here to freeze to death. You owe me everything. You owe me your fucking life and I intend to keep it.” He stands up and signals to his guards to come pick me up. They fight with me but they make sure that they don’t harm me again. The last thing they would ever do is make their fearless leader mad.

Emerson may seem the picture of pure and innocent but he is a monster on the inside. Now I have to go back to whatever crazy punishments that he can think up.

I settle myself as they drag me behind them. I have to steel myself, there is no way that I’m going to let this be my last time out of that crazy place. I will get out again.

1 Wyatt

“Wyatt, honey, don’t you want to have a little fun tonight?”

I look at Suzy trying my best to keep the absolutely disgusted look off my face. The girl is barely old enough to drink but every time I pass by the bar, she is there rip-roaring drunk. So drunk that I have no choice but to make sure that she finds her way home.

“No, sweetheart. You’re not yourself right now. I’m sure by the time you wake up in the morning you’ll be happy that we decided to wait on it.” I shoot her a wink and move further over into my side of the car. If I could stick my head out the window to get her fucking stench out of my nostrils I would. She’s sloppy drunk, and not at all what I would ever look for in a woman.

“You always say no to me. You’re starting to hurt my feelings.”

I laugh it off but I don’t respond. There is nothing that I can say that will change her mind right now. Especially since I wouldn’t be saying yes. Ever.

I drop her off at her house and wait until she makes her way in. Once the door closes behind her, I speed off.

My phone rings and I look down to see it’s Cody.

I press the hands-free icon on my dash. “Yeah.”

“Where the fuck are you? We got all this tail here and you’re driving around playing cabbie.” His words slur slightly and I know that he’s already sloshed.

“Cody, you being careful?”

“You want to hop off my dick.” He mocks me. I press the off button and let out a sigh. I swear on my life if Cody wasn’t my brother, I would punch him in the face. He’s always been a disrespectful little prick. My phone rings again and I press the hands-free again. This time it’s Steven. My other little brother. Number four out of six. Apparently, Daddy

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