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also a pain in the ass and Storm’s best friend. It’s always been a good thing those two were in separate states because of the shit they’d pull when together. Shit, they’d put superglue in a bottle of K-Y jelly, and two of the Colorado prospects ended up in trouble with one of the clubwhores.

“She’ll be fine,” I grumble, moving my hand from the bridge of my nose to the bottle sitting on my desk.

“Yeah, I’m sure she will be. But wait until Sniper finds out what I overheard her and Chelsea talkin’ about this mornin’. I’d hate to be the fucker who knocked his daughter up and then tell her that she was nothing more than a notch on his belt.” My hand freezes midair at his words.

“What the fuck did you just say?” I demand, clenching my teeth.

“You heard me, brother. She hasn’t told Chelsea who the bastard is and don’t think she hasn’t demanded to know. But I have my own conclusions as to who it is, and I’m tellin’ you now, brother, make it right ‘cause whatever you did fuckin’ broke her,” Grinder grinds out.


Storm’s pregnant.

Hanging up with Grinder, I set both phone and bottle down on the desk.

Letting out a deep breath, I let Grinder’s words set in ‘cause whatever you did fuckin’ broke her.’

I never meant to break her but now knowing she’s pregnant with my kid means I’ve got to make it right. But will she let me? One way or another, time’s of the essence, and I need to find a way to win her over once again.

Breaking Storm means I need to now mend her back together and not just for our kid’s sake but for my own.

Dear Readers,

I hope you all enjoyed Breaking Storm. This is just the start for the Devil’s Riot MC, Tennessee charter, and I look forward to bringing these men out of the woodwork. So be on the lookout for Blow’s Smoke coming this fall because Blow and Storm’s story isn’t over with just yet!



Be sure to follow or stalk me!





Author Page


Rae B. Lake


To My late-night hero, I never have to worry about the monsters in the dark because I have you. You keep me sane in a crazy world and I appreciate all that you do.

To my little side kicks, where would mommy be with you? Every story I write. Every late night or early morning I have. It’s for you. I love you both with all my heart and soul.

To my friends, family and readers, Do you remember the boys of djinn from Ryder’s book in the Wings of Diablo series? You didn’t think I would leave them out of my world did you? I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do!



“Oh fuck!” I push through the trees and slide on my ass down the side of the steep terrain. One misstep and my ass is going off the side of the fucking mountain. I have no choice, I have to get out. They’re never going to let me go.

My breath is coming in fast and I have to stop myself from hyperventilating. I lean against one of the trees, feeling the rough bark cutting into my naked skin. Thank god they thought it was time for me to wash or I would have never had the opportunity to get out. I feel bad for hitting Mother Benegal but she was the only thing standing between me and freedom. Well, her and the rest of the muses at the camp.

Five other girls went out to the river to wash. I tried to get them to come with me after I hit Mother Benegal with the stick but they just stood there looking at me like I was crazy. They would never leave Emerson. They love him. How can they? How do they not see he is a psychotic man who is forcing them to believe in this higher calling?

It’s a fucking cult. Not a family.

“Shit!” I push off the tree and continue to make my way down the hill. I have no idea which way is out but I’m praying that if I stay on this path then I will find the main road at some point. I mean I have to find it sooner or later, right?

“Oh god, what’s that? No way.” I jump slightly at the sight. Excitement and hope blossoms inside of me.

I see a small cabin not faraway. I have to get there. There will be someone there who will help me.

“Oh, please.” I blink away the tears in my eyes and keep the small dot of a cabin in my line of sight. I pick up the pace, barely dodging the low hanging branches and the brush that is all around me. I don’t care that my arms are being sliced and gouged at almost every second. I had to get there.

It’s never the end, even when you see the light.

My ankle rolls slightly to the left but it’s more of a mistake that I couldn’t afford to make. I fall to my knees and try to put my hands out to break my fall. It did nothing but flip me head over heels down the hill. “Ahh!” I scream out as the spin of the world becomes faster and faster. I use all of my body parts to stop my fall but all that ends up happening is my skin being scraped away from my body. My head hits trees and rocks and I have to fight to keep conscious. I don’t want to die like this. Tumbling off the side of a mountain trying to run away from a cultist community.


My side hits a tree and I feel something jagged pierce my side.

“Fuck!” I try to hunch over but can’t.

I shoot out my arm and use my nails to grab hold of the dirt as I slide down it.

I lie there for a second

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