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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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shook his head. “What the hell, bro? Are you her man or something?”

“What no, you know that.” I take a step back.

“Then why the hell does she have you waiting on her hand and foot. That’s the most pussy shit I have ever seen in my life. She’s never going to stop her shit if she knows that every fucking time she gets like that you are just going to swoop in and save the fucking day.”

I looked at him like he was absolutely crazy, the town of Patis is minuscule, it’s right near Kennebunk and we have even less of a population. I will do anything to make sure my townsfolk were safe and if that meant I was going to have to pick her the hell up every night and make sure that she walked in her house that is what I would do. He knew that. The fact that he is trying to get me to see some wrong in what I’m doing is ridiculous.

“What would you have me do, Spark, let her drive home drunk so she can crash into someone’s living room? Maybe I should let her walk so she can make her way to the beach and fall the fuck in?” I snarl at him.

“Oh fuck, do you have to be so fucking melodramatic all the time? That shit isn’t going to happen and if it does happen that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be your fault that it does. I mean why do you have to swoop in and save everyone? What do you get out of that?” Spark shrugs.

“I can tell you what I get out of that. Satisfaction. How the fuck do you think I would feel if that shit did happen and I knew that I could have gone over there, taken ten minutes out of my day and made sure that she was alright. I’m not about to let some shit go down because it’s too much of an inconvenience for me. If I can’t help it’s one thing but to just ignore the problem isn’t part of who I am. You know that shit, Spark.”

He sighs and looks back over to the food. “Unfortunately, I do.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I turn him back around so that he is facing me. If he has something to say then by all fucking means he should fucking say it.

“It means that you can’t keep your fucking nose in your own damn business. Let fucking Suzy get her damn DUI and go to rehab. What the fuck is going to happen when you aren’t there to show up and save her? What is going to happen when she becomes so fucking dependent on you that she can’t fend for herself?” His chest heaves up and down but he doesn’t turn back in my direction. He is just staring at the fucking fire in the grill. His safe place.

“I hope we never find out.” I clap him on his shoulder and feel him relax a bit at my touch. We may argue from time to time but Spark knows I love him as I love all my brothers.

“Who’s ready to eat?”

“Fuck yes!” Cody jumps out of the pool leaving Becca in there with a forlorn look on her face.

We all sit at the wooden table and hand out the meal that Winnie worked so hard to put together. We wait for a second, silently letting those who did pray to do that. I wasn’t one of them. I had very little faith nowadays.

“You look tense,” Charmaline leans over and whispers in my ear.

“I’m fine,” I reply, taking a bite of my food.

“I don’t think so. I think we should go upstairs and you let me take care of you,” she purrs in my ear.

“I said I was fine. Let me eat.” I roll my eyes at her and she backs up slightly. She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts slightly, she’s not used to anyone telling her no. What she wants she usually gets the second that she wants it.

I put my burger down and lean over to her ear. “Let me mingle for a few, I promise I won’t forget about you.” Even if I couldn’t stand her approach there was no reason for me to be a dick about it.

That little promise was enough for her to smile bright and curl further into my side.

“You heard from Preston?” Cody asks as he shoves a spoonful of potatoes in his mouth.

My chest gets tight at the mention of my brother’s name. Preston was also still on a mission. He was part of a deep cover op down in Oklahoma. He was gathering intel on the women that were being stolen and placed there to be escorts and basically sex slaves. We don’t get to hear from him often, yet since I’m in the FBI myself every so often I can get a message from him. I hadn’t heard from him in weeks and the Wings of Diablo gave us some devastating news about the farmers’ market that some of their allies had taken out. I have no idea if my brother was there as the information was classified but I wish someone would tell me something. It’s the nature of the job though. I know that.

“Nah, I haven’t heard anything. Soon I hope.”

“Don’t stress, you know he will reach out as soon as he can. Maybe them getting rid of that location will force the brass to move faster?” Spark says.

“I hope so,” I say again. That is all I can do with the bureau. Pray and hope that everyone knows what the fuck they are doing and no one gets my little brother killed.

The conversation moves on to a trip that Cody wants to take over state lines to do some ice fishing. I would usually be down for it but I don’t have it in me.

“So what do you think?” Winnie says.

I blink

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