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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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adoringly. “You’re such a good dancer, Prince Erling.”

“It’s easy to dance well whenyou have a talented partner, Princess,” Erling said, smiling downat her.

Toemeka saw Koriann simmering.Erling evidently realized it too, for he slid Nyla’s hand off hisarm. “Thank you for the dance, Princess. If you’ll excuse me, Ipromised my sister the next dance.”

The Princess turned to Toemeka.“I’m thirsty; could I have a drink from your goblet?”

“I guess so.”

Nyla lifted Toemeka’s glass offthe table and took a drink.

“Are you feeling as fiery asyou look, Toe?” Erling asked with a teasing tone to his voice.“That dress is something else—not at all your usual demure styleand color.”

Toemeka narrowed her eyes atErling. “Don’t start.”

Unintimidated, he said, “I’msurprised Mich let you wear it.”

“One more word and I’ll blastyou to Jaipar’s nearest moon!”

A smug grin curled up the cornersof Erling’s mouth. “I’m real worried.”

Toemeka started laughing. It wasgood to banter with Erling after all they’d been through.

“I think I’ll torment mysister,” Erling said. He reached out to Sharma. “Dance with me.”

“I don’t want to dance.”

“The ball is being given in ourparents’ and your honor. You have to dance.” She reluctantlystood and he led her onto the dance floor.

Nyla handed the glass back toToemeka. “Thank you. Can I borrow your husband next?”

“No, I’m not as generous withhim.”

The Princess turned her attentionto Zac. “I guess that leave us.”

Zac looked uncomfortably atOnolyn, as if hoping to be rescued and Toemeka realized the Princessintimidated him. Nyla slipped her arm through Zac’s and led him tothe dance floor. A pilot in military uniform asked Onolyn to dance.Toemeka finished her drink, then she and Michio accompanied them tothe dance floor.

When the dance ended, themusicians took a break. Michio and Toemeka sat next to Onolyn and thepilot. Toemeka felt dizzy and was glad to be off her feet.

Onolyn introduced the pilot toToemeka and Michio and the two men immediately started talking aboutthe latest aircraft. Toemeka was interested, but at the moment wasmore concerned about Zac. She scanned the ballroom looking for him,but couldn’t spot him anywhere.

A short time later, he emergedfrom one of the alcoves with Prince Nyla. Toemeka leaned over andwhispered to Onolyn, “You’d better rescue Zac.”

Onolyn stiffened. “CaptainZachary can fend for himself.”

Toemeka shook her head. “Idon’t agree. He’s inexperienced when it comes to women.”

“I’m sure he’s enjoyinghimself. Besides, you told Koriann Zac should keep an eye on PrincessNyla.”

“True, but we haven’t warnedZac to be on guard yet.”

“What are you two whisperingabout?” Michio asked.

“Nothing.” Toemeka saw Nylalead Zac onto the balcony.

“Will you please excuse me?”she asked. Toemeka went after Zac, catching up to him and Nyla justoutside the elegant ballroom doors.

“Zac, can I talk to you amoment?” Toemeka asked.

He turned toward her. “What isit?”

“It’s personal. Will youexcuse us, Nyla?” Toemeka locked eyes with the Princess, whose eyeswere like daggers. Toemeka felt a negative jolt of energy hit her inthe chest. She threw up a shield of Light, frightened by the strongsudden attack. Something was familiar about this woman — an imageof Cadmus’ fortress on Devil’s Eye flashed before her.

“Don’t cross me, Toemeka!”Nyla hissed. “You’re not powerful enough and there’s too muchat stake for me to allow it.” She turned and left, heading backinto the ballroom.

Toemeka felt as if she’d beendropped into a nightmare. Her head throbbed and her legs felt wobbly.

“What’s wrong, Toemeka?”Zachary asked, sounding alarmed. “You look faint.”

He helped her to a bench. “Whatwas that all about?”

“Who is she?”

“What do you mean?”

“Nyla just attacked me with ablast of negative psychic energy.”

“Are you serious? I didn’tnotice anything unusual. You don’t look well. Shall I get Michio?”

“No, I’ll be all right in asecond.” She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, waitingfor her strength to return.

“What did you want to talkabout?”

“Nyla—she’s dangerous. Haveone of your men watch her.”

“At the moment, I’m moreworried about you than what mischief Nyla is up to. I’d better takeyou to Michio. You probably need to lie down.”

Zac helped Toemeka to her feetand she swayed unsteadily, light-headed. He put his arm around herand she leaned against him, afraid she might pass out.

“Do you want to stay here whileI get Michio?”

“Just give me a moment. I don’tknow what’s come over me.” Gradually the dizziness passed andthey walked back into the ballroom and joined their friends.

Erling got up quickly when he sawToemeka. “What’s wrong, Toe? You’re white as a ghost.”

“She’s not feeling well,”Zac said.

“Where’s Michio?” Toemekaasked.

“Princess Nyla wanted to talkto him,” Erling replied. “They’re out on the balcony. Michtried to put her off, but she said she’d heard he was a spiritualadept and what she had to discuss with him was important. Somethingabout spiritual growth.”

“Spiritual growth — that’sa joke!” Toemeka exclaimed. “She just wanted to get him alone.”

“Why are you so down on her?”Erling asked. “She’s just a sweet, young woman. I think it’srather humorous the way she behaves. She’s an incredible flirt, butso charming and attractive, she gets away with it. I’ve enjoyed hercompany at the palace the last few days.”

“Don’t you sense hernegativity?” Toemeka asked, searching her former partner’s facefor some indication he’d felt what she did.

“Mich has always been theroving type,” Erling teased. “I understand why you’d be upset.He’ll probably get drunk and not come home tonight.”

“I can see it’s not doing anygood to talk seriously to you. I was hoping your ego wasn’t so bigthat you couldn’t see past the illusion she’s creating.”Toemeka left him and went to the balcony where she spotted Michio andNyla off to one side. Toemeka surrounded herself with a shield ofLight before approaching them. The princess immediately noticed herapproach, but Michio had his back to her.

“Please, come to me,” Nylasaid. “On the mountain tonight.”

Michio shook his head. “Ican’t.”

“I’m in great trouble. Pleasehelp me.” She stepped toward him, placing her hands on his chestand looking up at him. “Please, I need you,” she said in a brokenvoice, tears forming in her large, dark eyes. She glanced at Toemekathen pressed herself against Michio and kissed him on the mouth.

Michio stepped away from Nyla,but Toemeka didn’t wait to see more. “She’s not crying; she’sjust pretending to gain your sympathy.”

Michio swung around to faceToemeka, his

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