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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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eyes wide with surprise.

Nyla sneered at her with atriumphant look and hurled another powerful blast of negative energy.It hit Toemeka full force, breaking through her shield. Toemekastumbled backward, then turned and fled from the balcony, anxious tobe out of Nyla’s reach. The woman had more power than she’dexpected. How had Nyla broken through her shield of Light? Was she asorceress?

The music made her head throbagain and the room whirled as she pushed through the dancers. Michiocalled out from behind her, but she didn’t stop. She was desperateto get outside into fresh air. She ran across the hall and burstthrough the door into the gardens and stopped, trying to catch herbreath. Still feeling the effect of the blast of negative energy andsensitive to psychic forces, Toemeka felt overwhelmed. A vision ofCadmus flashed before her and another wave of dizziness made her legsgo weak.

She was vaguely aware of Michiotaking her in his arms. “Honey, it’s not what you think.” Sheleaned against him, feeling sick. Her head screamed in pain and theworld tilted.

Michio lifted her up and carriedher to a bench. Her dress billowed as he sat down with her on hislap. “Are you sick? What is it?” he asked, with alarm.

Slowly things righted themselves.“Hold me, Michio, I’m frightened.”

She wanted Michio to understandthe threat Nyla posed, but hadn’t the energy. She felt her lifeforce draining from her. Michio was an advanced student of MasterBakka and a trained sorcerer fighter. Surely he could handle theprincess. She closed her eyes, unable to fight the weariness closingover her.

“There’s no reason to beafraid,” Michio said. “I’ll send someone to get the baby fromthe nursery and take you home.”

She put her arms around his neck.“I love you,” she whispered as she slipped into unconsciousness.



Toemeka was vaguely aware of thedrive home. Once they arrived, Michio held the baby in one arm as hehelped her upstairs to the bedroom. After putting the sleeping babyin the crib, he helped her change into a nightgown. Unable to fightthe heaviness that had overtaken her, she lay on the bed.

The baby started crying andMichio left the room. Toemeka waited for him to return so she couldwarn him about Nyla. She felt thickheaded as if she’d been drugged.Her stomach twisted. Had she been drugged? It was after Nyla borrowedher drink that she’d had a headache and felt sick. She heard Michiosinging to Baymond in the nursery. As the baby quieted, the sound ofthe creaking rocking chair floated into the room.

“Michio,” she called, hervoice barely a whisper. Her eyelids were too heavy to keep open andshe was unable to fight the need for sleep. She started slipping intothe dream worlds when an image of Cadmus appeared. His energy felt sostrong that she was sure he was on Borko! She must warn Michio. Theyneeded to return to the palace for protection at once. She tried tofight the overwhelming fatigue descending over her, but sunk intounconsciousness.


In the guard quarters of thepalace, Captain Zachary lay in bed, thinking about Toemeka’swarning that Princess Nyla was dangerous. She didn’t seem dangerousto him. How could such an exquisite creature be treacherous? He’dnever seen such a divine creature. Then he caught himself. Exceptonce—Seetva. Seetva had the same magnetic power over him. Thethought made him sick. Suppose Toemeka was right and Nyla had blastedher with negative energy. He thought at the time Toemeka was justsick and confused.

The door opened and Zachary satup, wondering if it was one of his guards coming to report anemergency that needed his attention. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Captain Zachary —Princess Nyla. I had to see you.”

He started to get out of bed, butremembered he was only wearing pajama bottoms. He stayed put andturned on the bedside lamp.

She came over to him, wearing theblack gown she’d worn to the ball. The dress left her shouldersbare and the tops of her breasts exposed. One leg showed through theslit that went all the way to her upper thigh. “I don’t want tobe alone tonight. Can I sleep with you?” She started sliding downthe side zipper of her dress.

Zac jumped out of bed. “Don’tdo that! You can’t stay!” She looked up at him with large eyes,looking very appealing.

“Why? I want you; don’t youwant me?”

“I hardly know you.”

“I knew as soon as I met youthat we are meant to be together.”

“I… Onolyn and I… I mean—”

“Don’t you find meattractive?” She dropped her gown to the ground, leaving herwearing nothing but bikini panties.

Zac gulped. “You’re beautifulbut—”

Her mouth covered his and herarms wrapped around him, her ample breasts pressing against hischest. A surge of desire shot through him and he wanted her in apurely physical way. He knew he was coming under her power. When hadhe felt this woman’s energy before?

Again he thought of Seetva. Couldthis be Seetva or a witch with similar powers? Regardless, he mustfight her power. Inwardly he pleaded, “Master Bakka, please helpme! I haven’t the power to defeat her alone.”

The woman’s lips burned againsthis, and a sweet, terrible fire swept through him.

Behind him, he heard Onolyn sayhis name. He released Princess Nyla and spun around to see Onolynstanding behind them, her cheeks flaming. She still wore her greenball gown. “Onolyn, what are you doing here?”

“Leave us,” Nyla said in aharsh voice Zac hadn’t heard her use before.

“You’re the one who mustleave,” Onolyn said.

Princess Nyla slapped Onolyn inthe face with so much force that she stumbled backward. “Don’tinterfere!” Onolyn clutched her injured cheek, eyes wide withfright.

Nyla’s hold over Zac snappedand he grabbed her arm. “Get out and don’t ever come back.”

Nyla pulled her dress on andhissed, “You’ll regret this — both of you!” She stormed fromthe room.

“Are you all right, Onolyn?”Zac drew her into his arms, feeling shaken.

“Zac, I’m… I’m sorry forcoming in like this.” Onolyn flushed deeply, not meeting his eyes.“It was something Toemeka said. When I saw Nyla come in, I knewwhat she was after. I should’ve been there when Seetva entrappedyou on Haklute. This time I wasn’t going to let jealousy stand inthe way.”

“I’m grateful you interfered.I was terrified of coming under her spell. Onolyn,

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