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reasons why he must be Jewish, 199–200, 201

sweet talk, in AJ’s antisugar drive, 232

sweet tooth, evolutionary origins of, 15

S-word, 125

T, see testosterone

Tabata, Izumi, 253

Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet, 13

Taft, William Howard, inadequate bathtub of, 10

Talmud, 313

Taoists, eleventh-century view of sex by, 103


mood and behavior affected by, 294

testing of, 296–97

taste buds, 15, 59

Taubes, Gary, 91

carb-restricting view of, 93, 94–95, 363

on risks of thinking about sugar, 229

taxi accidents, chance of being bombed vs. risks of, 342

teeth, 193–99, 194

bacteria found in cracks of, 195, 197

television viewing, eating while, 21

telomerase, chromosomes capped with, 31–32

telomeres, 112, 155

Tensui Water Filtration System, 274–75

testicles, old-man, 281

testosterone (T), 279–87

aggression linked to, 286

annual loss of, 3, 283

aphrodisiac foods for, 106

factors playing into loss of, 282–83

illnesses linked to low levels of, 282

Italian prime-ministerial level of, 287

low-hanging fruit a sign of shortage in, 281

sex drive aroused by, 107

testosterone supplements, 284

why they may not be in step with the times, 287

see also Clomid


of brain, 166, 171–73

EHE total report card, 10–11

eye, 327–28

genetic, 300–302

MRI, 218–19

semen analysis, 281–84

smell, 295–96

taste, 296–97

Thaler, Richard, 341

Thanksgiving, fasting on, 20

Thernstrom, Melanie, 115–16, 117, 122–23

Think Smart (Restak), 305

Thoreau, Henry David, 276

Tierno, Philip (Dr. Germ), 76–82, 249

Germ Battle Plan of, 81–82

germproof sheets taken with, 82

hand-washing passion of, 78

Time magazine, 142, 369

misplacing of, 59

on year we achieve immortality, 155

time management, 155–61

time spent:

in AJ’s nightly self-study, 83–84

on a blueberry, 26

in chewing, 23–24

in exercise, 33

on germ warfare, 82

on health project vs. family, 278

in keeping up with health, 155–57, 306

on life’s activities (if efficiently batched), 64

in looking for Lucas’s stuffed elephant, 99–100

in making lunch salad, 59

in raw food preparation, 226–27

in ridding apartment of toxins, 188–89

in sleeping, 265–66

TMZ.com, AJ’s ten-minute reward with, 245

Today show, 76

toilet topics, 23, 131–37, 132

fiber quantity, 135

medical views on S-curve, 135

movement specifics, 135

reading, 134–35

soft-focus approach to, 133

squatting vs. sitting, 136

when to flush, 137

Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The, 21, 307

tooth brushing, 194, 197

modified Bass Method of, 198, 299

toothpaste, 369

Top Gun video game, 330

touching, stress lowered by, 151, 153

toxins, 182, 183–91

body’s removal and excretion of, 272

choosing one’s battle against, 190

five now avoided by AJ, 367–69

juice fast intended for removal of, 268, 269–72

Marti’s household sweep of, 183–86

religious zeal in obsession with, 188

toys, electronic, reducing noise of, 57

Train Your Brain (Kawashima), 169

tranquilizers, best color of, except for one group, 123

treadmill desk, 62, 67–69

AJ’s love of walking on (or with), 222

five tips on, 357–58

jury-rigged, 62, 68

noxious fumes emitted by, 138, 221

pedometer used with, 100

sedentary lifestyle curbed with, 139

stomach-breathing at, 218

thought and movement combined with, 176


history and Sisyphean resistance of, 35

lascivious bar-humping steps urged for, 207

purchase ($300), use (5 mph), and sensible abandonment of (neighbors), 60

trepanning, survival of, 8

tretinoin, 237–38

triathlon, 250–52, 309, 314, 319–24

AJ’s choice of, 251–52

bicycling in, 277, 322

indoor vs. outdoor, 251

origins of, 251

panic and hyperventilation predicted at, 321

running in, 277, 322

smaller one advised for AJ, 251

swimming in, 277, 321

training for, 252–53

wardrobe changes involved in, 322

triclosan, 79, 184, 369

tripping hazards, 338


antisnore tennis ball taped to, 260

catchy text on, 249

Tudor, Frederic, as “Ice King,” 275–76

Tufts University, 22, 84, 97

turmeric, reasons for eating or avoiding of, 7

23andme, 301–2

2045, year we achieve immortality (Time magazine), 155

typing, thinking about the finger bones while, 27

umami, elusive taste of, 296, 297

underwear, separate washing of, 81

unitasking, art of, 218

United States:

bacterial food poisoning in, 77

destroyer of knees in, 158

European food expenditures vs. food budgets in, 96

45 percent can’t smell androstenone in, 297

hemorrhoid incidence in, 134–35

meritocracy of, 167

observations on walking or standing in, 315

penis fracture rate in, 104

sex frequency in, 105

skin cancer incidence in, 236

smoking deaths in, 187

sunscreen underapplied in, 240

Upper West Side in, 273

workforce tipped to women in, 287


best color for, 272

diabetic scent of, 294

USDA diet, 13

USDA’s 2011 dietary guidelines, 94

UV light, in tooth-whitening treatment, 196–97

UV rays, clouds penetrated by, 240

Valerie (Kheel’s secretary), 289

vanity, addictiveness of, 238–39

varicocele, 283

vegans, veganism, 13, 17, 90, 92

Paleo dating with, 41

vegetable juice, AJ’s pharyngeal reaction to, 270

vegetable purees, 127

vegetarianism, 184

Vibram FiveFingers shoes, 203, 204, 205, 206

Vice Diet, 13–16, 17

vitamin B12, 227

vitamin C, 60, 72

vitamin D, 347

vitamins, 89

VitaminWater, 95

Vizual Edge, 330

Voronoff, Serge, 283

Vosshall, Leslie, 107

Walden (Thoreau), 276

walking, 33, 353

AJ and Julie spend a few days doing the FitzGordon, 317

calories spent in running vs., 65–66

“falling forward” advised in, 315–16

New York well-suited for, 221, 353

steatopygically, 316

Talmud on, 313

Walking Instructors, 315

wallet, germs in, 75

Wall Street Journal, 278


for breakfast, 17, 363

as sex-drive booster, 106

Wang, Sam, 331

Wansink, Brian, 21, 276, 363

water, 17, 272–76

bottled, imperfect regulation of, 273

iced, pros and cons of, 275–76

mineral-enhanced, 274

recommended daily intake of, 272, 276

tap, prayer for consumers of, 273

for weight loss, 356

what was found living in, 272–73

water filters, 274–75

wealth, health and, 91

weighing yourself, pounds shed in mere act of, 99

weight loss:

cold therapy and shivering advised for, 210–11

contagion of, 162

low-carb diet for, 228

raw food considered for, 227

in smoking, 215

water before meals for, 356

weights, weight training, 2, 33, 127, 180–81

in slow fitness movement, 157–61, 253

Welcome to Your Child’s Brain (Aamodt and Wang), 331

What a Man of Forty-Five Ought to Know (Stall), 103

What to Eat (Nestle), 95, 362

whole foods, 92

Whole Foods (store), 95–98, 188

guided tour of, 95–98

real and faux health food at, 95

Why Dirt Is Good (Ruebush), 80

Why We Get Fat (Taubes), 92

Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love (Fisher), 107

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (Sapolsky), 142, 200

Wicked, sitting ovation preferred for, 63

Wii, risks of recreational exertions on, 113–15

Wikipedia, 298, 309

Wilde, Oscar, on moderation, 347

Willett, Walter, 361–62

Willging, Tony, 61, 192, 310

with AJ in triathlon, 319–23

on AJ’s acupuncture treatment, 120

description and fitness philosophy of, 34–35

on the fate of the next triathlon, 324

Williams, Ted, optical coup ascribed to, 330


low-sugar, 229

red, 14–15, 191, 223

in Vice Diet, 13–15


advised to “strut your stuff,” 316

cigarettes marketed to, for weight loss, 215

commandment on childbirth pain for, 116

community preferred by, 248

daily alcohol allowance for, 14

effect of holding husband’s hand by, 308

effect of men’s B.O. on, 295

fertility-boosting Clomid used by, 284

Okinawan, long lives of, 2

Paleo movement lacking in, 41

in sex-for-calories study, 105

U.S. workforce tipped toward, 287

working out, 29–52, 30, 246, 246–55

damage done by marathon sitting not overcome by, 66

delayed soreness after, 36

Dr. Oz’s guidelines for, 33

fervent sectarianism in, 247

gender stereotypes in, 248

germy gyms as argument against, 32

for hands, 305–7, 309

hyperefficient, 157–61

Jim Fixx argument against, 29–31, 293

LaLanne quoted on, 312

medical advance argument against, 31–32

with odors, 297–98

reviewing the benefits of, 32–33


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