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a manifest phenomenon. Imagine, an entire universe popping into existence where the instant before there had been nothing! It was a moment of singular significance, indeed. That moment was the first present and, from your point of view, it was an impossibility, a paradox.
The period of creation is always a special time because there are no external criteria to satisfy. Within my limitless territory I set aside a space in which to gestate a divine experiment. All things are possible with me and so this space also supports all things. In a type of suspended animation I place the elements of my desire one atop the other, like a child stacking building blocks. My building blocks, of course, do not follow any law other than my own will, whereas a child’s blocks must adhere to the established belief of all awareness within the shared system. In either case, we create something that didn’t exist before, from your point of view.
That is how I created your universe: by stacking blocks, read as adding limits and constraints, a.k.a. - phenomena, one atop the next. The first few blocks created the context of the universal container, or manifold, and the last few created the concepts, the contents of the universe.
Where the first block exhibits vestiges of absolute truth, signposts of my reality, the second block imposes a limit on truth, which becomes your relative reality. That is why the first postulate points to unity, the world of absolutes, and the second postulate points to plurality, the world of relativity. One is the mirror of the other, but where I see union you see separation. That is why I have made it known that you are created in my image; you and your world are my reflection.
In your world a reflection is only a virtual representation of a ‘real’ object. But even that reflection moves and responds in perfect synchrony with the reflected – it seems real enough. Just so your world. You are my reflections but I am not a mere object. You may be virtual if you extrapolate from my viewpoint but even a mere reflection of the Eternal One is at least a diamond in the rough. You are all made to shine, to leave your imprint on the whole. Consider that your every action, or inaction, influences, however marginally, the entire universe so that you become not only the reflection but that which is reflected.
This and more are promised by the secondary postulate. It may be the second from my perspective but from yours it is the prime postulate. You live every moment of your life in the present, that is itself a paradox. For the present is an unchanging condition that is perceived to continually undergo change. Even so, the present is understood intimately in comparison to the paradox. The paradox is simply ignored or given tidy little labels like ‘speed of light’, ‘absolute zero’ or ‘Hubble’s constant’, not that any of these concepts come close to a true description of it.
The paradox is the impossible made possible. Where the present can be seen as the reflection of my static, unchanging presence the paradox is a reflection of my totality, the all-encompassing nature of my being. All things are possible with me.
The above statement is seen by you as paradox, a thing to turn away from and ignore by refocusing your attention on the present instead. That is how the illusion comes to be. It is a product of your constant refusal to accept the paradox as truth. Your linear understanding is a direct consequence of your belief in the immutability of the present and that understanding cannot comprehend the paradox.
The refusal to accept the paradox is a choice and all choice is raw creation. You subconsciously create the box that shackles you to the world of the mundane. With every action that reinforces the solidity of the universe you reinforce the walls of your box. For many their box is virtually impenetrable.
Heed this warning: the box is about to be shattered forever. The portents are in the air; the prophecies cannot be circumvented. Be prepared for the impossible. Ask yourself how you would respond to the impossible when it is thrust directly into your awareness, not to be denied. For the unprepared it will be a devastating experience. Do not let yourself be counted among their number. Remember that in this realm you stand at cause, you create your reality. The only question is whether, when the time comes, you will you be able to create outside of your box. That is the road to salvation – to everlasting life. And remember, too, that all roads eventually lead home, to the pure essence of reality which is me, so learn to worry less and trust in yourself more.
If the paradox is mankind’s bane then the present is its undoing.
You gauge your intellectual capacity by comparing it to the conditions of the present context. But the present context is a figment of your own imagination and continually changes right before your eyes. To distract yourselves from this dilemma you devised a system by which the chaos could be tamed. Slowly, over time, you perfected that system until your will seemed to become the dominant force. From there it was a simple matter to retrain your perceptions to fall in line with the obvious truth of science and its bounty of technologies. But the symbols of your languages, the ideas that hold only vague outlines of their intended subjects, do not form the basis of your comprehension. Comprehension is spontaneous; it is knowledge that requires explanations. That is also the difference between the present and the paradox. The present requires understanding while the paradox needs only comprehension; the present requires work while the paradox is pure spontaneity, an ingredient of play.
The moment of separation when I became monopole/nopole, in the author’s words, required a prime postulate, a basic understanding to anchor any future comprehension of the truth. That fundamental knowing is that All just is. It states that God is one entity of unimaginable powers and eternal scope. The idea that God is one, constant and all encompassing throws wide the doors of possibility. All things are possible in God’s world.
Your world was also bestowed with a prime postulate, made in the likeness of my own. Yet where I am real, your world is essentially ethereal. That is the best explanation for the reason the basic truth of your universe is the plurality of separate phenomena, as you might put it.
My world, my reality, supercedes yours whether you accept that All just is or not because the concept of one precedes the concept of two. Since you find it hard to perceive our shared unity, you create the illusion of the world of plurality.
Ask yourself how such a thing is possible.
Before anything can exist there must be a relevant context. It is the manifestation of the paradox and the present, which I authored, that creates the environment, the context, for the illusion to flourish.
I’ll leave you with this clue of monumental importance. It is the solution to the entire puzzle and it is hidden in plain sight in the following sentences.
I am behind the scenes. It is my game we are playing.
… Try again …?

The Big Bang
The moment of creation is crucial because it sets the stage for things to come. It is this moment that lays the groundwork for, and imposes certain fundamental conditions on, additional manifestations yet to be created.
The first moment of creation is a template, itself a replica of the Divine Template from the previous instant, before the universe began. This template serves as the blueprint for the remainder of the creation sequence; it functions like a mold for the other concepts to fit into. From the point of view of a casual observer inside the universe it is this moment that marks the prime archetype, since it is the first moment of creation. But we know that it is God’s intention playing itself out on the universal stage that truly marks the beginning, and that moment lies before the actual creation of the universe. Still, the first moment does influence the formation of the universe more so than any of the other concepts to follow.
In chapter one we dealt with the idea of the prime, or Divine archetype. It is this concept that spawns the moment of creation and so it stands to reason that whatever was created must retain a vestige of its influence. We can be certain that it will be a dual concept with a third concept forging a logical bridge between them.
It is imperative, then, to establish exactly what became manifest the moment of creation. To this end we will now consider a few lines of inquiry that approach this topic from various angles.
According to the most current scientific model the universe began with a giant explosion. A miniscule point of immense pressure and temperature suddenly came into being and immediately began expanding outward into a medium that offered virtually no resistance to its progress. That single point contained everything the universe would one day become as it flew apart in a gigantic spherical diaspora of matter and energy. This is the Big Bang theory.
The Big Bang theory has captured the imagination of many people. The tantalizing image of unity that it describes as the initial moment of creation lures our minds back to a time of wholeness. That wholeness is the prime archetype laid bare. ‘All are ultimately one,’ it proclaims. It is the realm of our creator made visible, if only for the briefest interval. It may not be openly obvious, not even to those drawn to these ideas, but it is at the heart of the concept.
Before the universe existed there was that which created the universe. That which created the universe then created the universe. Consequently, the universe was created whole.
Mechanics vs. Divine Intent
As we now reflect back upon the inception of the universe we realize that there are clues which indicate a violent beginning. But that the universe was once a point defies mathematical expression and so thwarts the efforts of science to describe it. The more elaborate the mathematical model the closer science comes to the very moment of creation yet for every step of progress a more elaborate mathematical model is required. Science seems bogged down in a quagmire of string, super-string and super-duper string theories. For the moment they are stuck.
The problem is one of relativity; it is science’s inability to reconcile an infinite concept within a finite context. A single point of infinite temperature and pressure does not satisfy the requirements of science with sufficient accuracy and so the problem remains unresolved.
It seems that whether we are talking about science expanding its knowledge or contracting it and focusing in on one particular area the result is the same. Science runs up against an insurmountable wall, a fundamental limit to its understanding.
This bottleneck is brought about by the very fact that science desires to know it all. Yet to know it all requires All to know it so what science is really trying to do is become God. Although that is a laudable goal, its attainment will almost surely require a different tack than the one science is currently heading on. How can science become that which it vehemently denies exists?
We may not have all the answers but thankfully the question is only whether we know enough to propose a solution to science’s dilemma.
It is science’s contention that the universe began with a Big Bang and has been expanding outward ever since. Science states that we ride from moment to moment like travelers through space and time. In contemporary scientific terms
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