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fully connected to the Whole. You are the Whole, given and received.
This message is the carrier-wave of all things, it is the very foundation of reality itself. All things are conscious. All things know their connection to the Whole. All things know and accept their simultaneous nature as valid, both subjective and objective in equal balance.
And this is the secret that most of humanity keeps from itself. This is the denial of the Whole in favor of its parts. This is further proof of separation, of disconnection, of uncertainty. This is the basis for fear and fear-based beliefs. Separation from the truth is painful and since the source is veiled in the secrecy of denial, the individual experiences a continuous series of uncomfortable, nagging doubts that must be constantly ignored. The stress of this condition can never be fully controlled or suppressed and feelings of dis-ease or numbness, or both, result. Disease and death inevitably follow. They must, for only by dying to the false can the individual be born to the true. At this time, the only avenue open to the human race to learn of the truth, in terms of existing contemporary beliefs, is first to die a physical death.
Yet that which cannot die, will not. And that which can, never was. In simple terms, the secret that is defended to the death is that death does not exist. You are immortal. You can only fantasize that death is real. It is not. If death were real there would be nothing. Nothing at all: no thoughts, words, or deeds -nothing. All There Is and All There Is Not is just a convenience, a vehicle for comprehension. In fact, All Just Is. You cannot, from any purely logical stance, name that which is not for its naming implies that it is. A purple elephant could be part of All There Is Not but All There Is Not must include everything that doesn’t exist - it must name them, each and every one of them. And that is logically impossible. Conversely, All There Is cannot be named. No list could be made that includes everything in existence. All There Is and All There Is Not is used to call across the void of insanity to those lost in lies and fantasy. It is an illumination of the deep dark secret that you are small, helpless and at the mercy of impartial, uncaring forces. And in the light of truth, the secret melts away and you are shown and know your magnificence!
Consciousness is universal!
The Physical Interface
From the individual's point of view, as understood in contemporary terms, it is impossible that consciousness is universal. If it were true then a rock must be conscious: as must a cloud, an atom or a star. But even more absurdly, so must a thought, All there Is Not, space/time, road kill and music be conscious. At first glance this seems rightly insane, but the logic should at least be investigated to see if it might somehow make sense without violating the laws of the universe as they truly are.
If there is no Creator then, since there is at least the obvious existence of the individual and since existence is assumed to be universal, all things are self-created. But the premise was there is no creator, so then everything must always have existed. If they always existed, read that as an eternity of past moments had already transpired, then there would be nothing left to be experienced and all events would seem to be repeating themselves - there would be no change. This does not seem to be what is experienced by the individual.
If there is a Creator then, since there is at least the obvious consciousness of the individual and since consciousness is assumed to be universal, all consciousness creates. There is no violation of logic in the previous sentence, as there was in the other paragraph. Since consciousness creates consciousness expands, forever changing and forever changed. Change is something the individual has experienced.
The trouble here is that if consciousness expands and changes, the individual using fear-based logic interprets this as a loss of the sense of self. If the consciousness expands the individual will be lost. Here is the illogic of the deluded self-evident.
Each individual has continually been changing since conception, both in physical and psychological terms. The cells of the body are constantly replenished, some faster than others while a few not at all, with the end result being an almost completely new physical body every seven years or so. Psychologically, the child slowly learns what its parents, friends, instructors and society at large teach and becomes more adept at reacting to and functioning in reality as time passes. No loss of identity ever occurs. In fact, ideally, the results are a continually deeper and more flexible understanding of selfhood.
It is said that the desire of the spirit is the physical. In this reality that is rightly so. And there seems to be a mighty big gap between the experience and orientation of the two. Yet spirit and body must communicate despite the fact that each has a unique focus, language, and range of experience . There must be a body/spirit connection that operates as an interpreter and facilitator. This is the job of the ego.
Ideally, the ego acts as the body/spirit interface. It is often mistaken as the identity of the individual. The ego is partly housed in the mechanism of the brain and part is housed in the mind, the projection of spirit into this reality. The identity of the individual is inviolate, with no exceptions. Yet it must be stressed that the identity of the individual is not the ego. The ego is the interface between body and spirit and the facilitator of action. It is not the self, however. The identity of selfhood is located in the mind, which then projects an image of itself onto the brain. As stated above, the individual can mistake this projection, the ego, as its identity.
Where ego you go
The problem with that is that it feeds on itself and quickly turns into a circular feedback system. If the individual identifies with the ego then the body becomes its home and all that it sees will be interpreted with that perspective in mind. Soon, all other evidence will be ignored and the focus will turn more rigorously toward physical experience. Finally, virtually all contrary evidence will not even be seen. As the individual identifies exclusively with it, the ego is given more power and inevitably gains autonomy.
When ego and identity fuse reality is turned on its ear. Nothing is at it seems yet it all makes sense somehow. Confirmation keeps arriving from the senses, re-enforcing the ego identification. Gaining autonomy, the ego sets out to create circumstances conducive to the individual's false beliefs. It actively filters incoming sense data and even simulates the activity of the mind to further confuse its host. Psuedo-logic is employed, with reasonable explanations offered for every life event, no matter how painful. Given free reign, the ego can and does throw a veil over reality that effectively blocks all perception of the real world. The ego will present a string of judgments and a constant barrage of unnecessary commentary in order to distract the individual from honest contemplation and from hearing the inner voice. Life circumstances are manipulated and used to persuade the individual of various dysfunctional beliefs. In this way the ego continues to enjoy autonomy because the individual is severed from the source of all identity - the spirit.
The mind of most individuals has been corrupted. Ego identification is rampant in contemporary society. There is no way to bridge the logic of the ego to the truth of reality, while the goal of the ego remains to misinform and to keep in darkness. The mind must be suspect while illusions flourish.
The ego mind is a misuse and abuse of the self. It is a mistake. It is not the natural, intended function of the ego. The ego is an interface between body and spirit, nothing more - or less. It has no need of mind or logic or truth. Having no will of its own the ego’s sole function is to act as the will of the individual dictates. Used in this capacity the ego is a versatile and very proficient servant of the self. Given the present state of affairs however, the ego is an unnatural and dysfunctional tool that must be corrected and integrated into an image of the individual that is congruent with reality.
The bottom line is that you don’t know. You do not know!
You do not know because your consciousness is locked in fear mode by the projections of the ego mind. You do not know because reality is blocked from your experience by false beliefs. You do not know because you lay no credence to your feelings and the eternal truth of your heart. The logic of the ego mind precludes any rational explanation for emotions. So you don’t know...
Only the heart can lead you out of this quagmire of confusion and show you the truth. Feelings are not another way of understanding, they are a way to comprehend and to know with certainty. Currently, it is believed that thoughts must be formed before comprehension can arise. But feelings actually precede thoughts. This ensures comprehension is total and immediate. Concepts require understanding and are intrinsically incomplete and partial while there is only one context and it is the truth, whole and complete.
Spirit is your true reality. It is the reality of everything, inside and outside the self.
No time
Physicality requires the awareness, to some degree, of the law of causality. That law, in turn, relies on the concepts of past, future and the linearity of events. Time must flow from past to future in a linear chain, with a coherent bond or link of causality between the past and consequent future events. In humankind this focus has been sharpened to a single, virtually unwavering point. This is the law that binds man to matter and blinds man of but glimpses of the true reality behind events. Cause and effect are valid concepts but the law they uphold is superceded by other, more immediate, concepts. It is in the light or context of a larger truth that past and future lose some of their coherence.
The body is held to time restraints in order to remain within the contextual limits of its design. The body imposes the belief in cause and effect because it is a necessary skill to master in the three dimensional world of the five traditional senses. This is the proper arena of ego function. It is the ego’s world.
The mind, however, has no design limits of any kind. The self, the sense of identity, is an inherent part of selfhood. According to the will of the individual, mind will create and experience, decide and choose, expand and grow, think and feel, be and do, All. The self never dies, it changes. In this context, time has no meaning. The ego need not know that probabilities from the future are constantly incorporated into decisions the self must make. Nor that the past is effectively altered with each such choice. That is the realm of the mind, a place of zero dimension and infinite potential.
An interesting aside here is the question: How does that explain the infinite variety of forms? There are so many bodies of varying types (forms) that how can each claim to have infinite potential? The answer is: There are no forms, only reflections of Self. It is as if God whispered into the void, “You are
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