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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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then you might as well follow them blindly.


“Musing #676”


That ain’t how I spell an’t. 


“Musing #677”


Have you ever texted a land line?


“Musing #678”


They’re book smart, world illiterate.


“Musing #679”


I’m full of useless information, so let’s work with that.


“Musing #680”


I always know exactly what I’m gonna do and sometimes that’s just nothing.


“Musing #681”


Humans like to schedule things, mother nature doesn’t give a shit.


“Musing #682”


Sometimes the planning can be more fun than the actual doing.






ADDITIONAL: 2/28/20, 3/5/20, 3/12/20, 3/17/20, 4/8/20, 5/10/20, 6/14/20, 10/3/20, 1/25/21, 5/5/21, 9/9/21, 1/21/22,





Other Non-Musings (Or Are They?)

The Word is Maybe


The word “Maybe”, means Maybe, it’s not yes, it’s not no, it’s Maybe, it can’t provide you with a clear answer, it’s just plain old Maybe.  The definition of Maybe is: possibly but not certainly, not yes or no.  One of the policies I work with uses the word Maybe in regards to getting reimbursement; I had someone who wanted me to say yes or no when the policy clearly states “Maybe”, just stop arguing the point, and wasting my time, the word is Maybe!.  The word by itself is no guarantee.


State of Confusion


I live in the United States, but do I also live “In the State Of Confusion”?  Interesting question, perhaps?  Is my reality so screwed up that I just can’t tell?  Am I so out of step with the world that I can’t see it?  Are my musing on this page the work of a crazy and delusional person or just someone dealing with what they perceive to be the real world?  If someone were to actually read what I’ve written, what conclusions might they arrive at about me?  Would their opinion of me even matter?  Everyone has their own version of reality; I wonder just how crazy mine is?


I’m Right, Wrong


I had someone tell me that “just because you’re right, don’t mean I’m wrong.”  What, I’m confused; didn’t you just say I was right?  Then I realized they choose to believe in their emotional outlook on life, rather than the reality that they were wrong, thus rejecting the truth.   Going through life just blindly believing in their emotional point of view and rejecting reality, because it doesn’t fit into their world view is a tough way to live.  They’re in denial of the reality of society as a whole and will never be happy with life, since it is ever changing and will never be what they want.  Reality may suck, but it is what it is.  Emotions are a necessary part of life, but they cloud judgments and can bring you crashing into reality in a disastrous way.  You might even say the person is delusional; they desire something that just isn’t in the realm of possibilities, but they still long for it.  After all, I want to be a hermit, but this most likely won’t happen because it is not my current reality, such is life.


Who Decides, Not Me


Who gets to decide who has the moral authority to decide what is right?  Does the government have the right?  Do religions have the right?  Does the crazy person on the corner talking to their sock have the right?  I certainly don’t, I just tell my kids that I do.  If you have ever read the comments posted on a controversial story, apparently, it’s everyone with an opinion who has this right.


Just Cause


Do you have a “cause” to support?  I don’t have a “cause” I believe in perhaps because” I don’t care too.  Perhaps that’s my “cause”.  It’s a lot of work not to care.




I’m serious, but not, all at the same time.




I can seriously consider something and ignore it, all at the same time.


Which way says it better?  Or are they both moronic?




Nothing has crossed my path lately that I can write about in any length.  That’s a bummer!  I like writing on any subject that gets my attention, even if no one else cares, I enjoy it.  Just saying. 

I could just write about Nothing for three paragraphs.  That’s an option.  I also Googled essays on Nothing, there was much to do about Nothing there.  Wikipedia also has a page on Nothing.  But who cares, it has Nothing to do with anything.  Though I have discovered it’s a writing exercise to write about Nothing, that is at least interesting.


Trending Stupid


People have been trending stupid for a long time.  Now it seems that stupid wants out of the cage.”  I agree.  For when you think that stupid couldn’t get any stupider then you have underestimated how stupid, stupid can really get.  But that's humanity for you, when it’s decided to do something stupid; we go all in to complete the task.  Just ask the two Russians who took a selfie of themselves with a grenade, after they pulled the pin.  At least the phone survived to provide us with proof of their stupidity.


It’s Earned


Respect, "is not earned by the use of your fists.”  It just makes people fear you, not respect you.  My experience has also shown that screaming at people is not going to earn you respect either, it just makes you an asshole.




If you take your cue(s) from stupid people, I am truly sorry for you and if you don’t know what cue(s) means, that might explain it.  (CUE: psychology: A stimulus, either consciously or unconsciously perceived, that elicits or signals a type of behavior.)




I’m entitled to it, I have a right to it, no; you don’t!  But you are obligated and responsible for your life and actions!




When you’re young and weird that’s one thing, when you’re old and weird that’s entirely different.  Can more be said about this, probably?  Should I say it, perhaps?  Will I say it, maybe?


Blurry Vision


I have no vision, no clear view of my future, I’m just winging it.




True, but irrelevant.  Normally, the opposite of true is false, not irrelevant.  But the person who said this was being an ignorant dick so it’s ok.




I just wanted to shake the tree to see how many nuts would fall out and to my surprise, it was loaded!




I’ve never reached my peak in life, basically because I never lifted off.


I’m Not Your Mother


Why is it that the people who put toilet paper on the seat of public toilets, then leave it on the seat for the next person to clean up?  If you’re such a germophobe, use your foot to clean up after yourself, please!


Painful Assumption


I know you’re hurting, but that doesn’t give you a license to be a dick since you’re the one that made certain assumptions that turned out to be totally wrong, oops!




Whatever stupid thing you want to say next is not important since I’m no longer listening and were done (I’m now simulating me slamming done the receiver)!


Say What?


My competence can be called into question, since I’m no-where in particular and I claim nothing and sacrifice everything.  So please don’t assume, because of the way you understood it.


Take A Hint


This is the third or fourth time I’ve called on this issue and you people keep giving me the same answer.  Then stop struggling with reality, accept the answer. Then please stop with your delusion that the answer might change if you ask enough of us.


Just Love Me


Your life is just a facade, inside you’re just a scared little child who just wants everyone to love them, but you don’t understand why they don’t?




I tell myself I don’t care.  But that’s a lie, I care deeply, but I’m powerless to change anything.  So I put forth the notion that I don’t care, because it’s simply causes too much pain to do so.


My Philosophy


I’d rather have someone tell me what to think, than think for myself.  But then it occurs to me that maybe I should think for myself and don’t let other people do it for me.  My philosophy for life is just a tad mixed up.




I’m not really here today, I’m somewhere else, and I just don’t know where it is.  I feel something that I can’t explain.  It’s a strange sensation, like something might have happen, but not.  Very confusing.


Here I’ze Iz


I asked someone where they live and their answer was “I am here”, ok, so where is here?  Is it Earth, some other planet or dimension?


Say What?


They said, “I think I have the answer, but I don’t want to think”.  I don’t even know how to comprehend that statement.




You’ve taken an intelligent conversation and reduced it to a stupid one.  Once you crossed that line, I’m no longer interested in listening.  I have issues when it comes to stupidity and a low tolerance for listening to it.


It’s The Same


“I was under the impression” is just another way of saying “I assumed”.  Either way you say it, still a bad idea.




We’re a one click society, but not everything can be done with one click.  Sometimes effort is required.


Open Your Mind


You have to open your eyes to the variety of ideas and religions in the world, for if you think you have the one, you’re only fooling yourself.


Moving On To Somewhere


When you move to a higher plain of existence, will there be anyone there who will give a shit?  Is there an all-powerful entity or are we just in there random like?  There are many theories as to what happens after death.  Some prefer heaven, hell, paradise, afterworld or nowhere at all.  I prefer to think we just move on to another existence.


Didn’t Work


Your swearing at me is not proof that I should believe you actually did what you are claiming to have done.  For all I know, this is your reaction because in fact nothing has been done.  So get over it and stop trying to bully people to get what you want, especially when you’re not entitled to it.




I don’t think anyone is capable of making an intelligent decision; perhaps this is good, but differently not helpful.  So I’ve decided not to fret over any of it.  Life is too precious.

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