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someone say, “I lost a pound”; I think I found it.


Slip Away


You should achieve your goal and then take it before anyone notices.


Move It


You know your house is a mess when you find stuff that was lost long ago by simply cleaning.




It’s a once in a lifetime offer that means maximum aggravation and minimum reward in return.


It’s Real


I’m sick of trying to help people who refuse to see it as help since they think they deserve something else.




Everyone is telling you their version of what they want you to hear.  It however doesn’t coincide with the reality you understand.


Not Up To You


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you get to do something about it.




I write what nobody reads and I read what nobody writes.


Can’t Help You


I’m sorry, but you’re choosing to take an ignorant and stupid stanch to a provable reality isn’t changing anything.




If it’s all built upon lies, how long do you really think it’s going to last?




You’re a great communicator, how do I know this, because you’re talking all the time!


You Know It


Inside yourself, you know what the truth is, even if you don’t want to admit it.


Has To Come To Me


I had organized religion shoved down my throat as a kid.  I must have gaged since I want nothing to do with it now.


Why Not


I have nowhere to go and no place to be so I guess I’ll go pee.


Real Issues


What does my happiness really matter in the greater scheme of things?  After all, I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach while there are people out there who are really suffering.




To exclude an ethnic group or gender from full participation in society takes away the uniqueness from that group and any talents they can bring to the table.




What’s mine is mine, what’s yours is negotiable!




It doesn’t matter how high and noble you think you are, for in the end you’ll be just as died as the rest of us.


Not Possible


I don’t know what you want from me and if I did I fear I can’t give it to you anyway.




I have the pearls that show a lack of wisdom.




Not everyone gets what they want but rather they should feel lucky for what they have.


So Kind


So you say I discriminate against my “own kind”.  That’s the problem in a nutshell, who gets to define what my kind is?  My kind is someone who isn’t an egotistic, arrogant, ignorant idiot, the rest I can work with.


Fifth Is Good


I don’t need to be the first one to arrive or the last to leave, since I understand what’s it’s all about.  I’ll leave it to others.




We each contribute in our own way, some more than others.


Transparent Not


If you’ve got nothing to hide, then why are you hiding?


Lazy River


I never expected to rise to the top, but rather float around aimlessly in the mist of it.




Just because you believe it to be so, doesn’t mean it is.


Slow Burn


They know something that no one else does and it’s killing them inside.




Less push this issue off until another day, a life philosophy?


It Helps


They’re awash in insecurities; they need a break wall to help them control it.


Still Not


I’m in a line of one and still it doesn’t move.


Sucker Every Minute


They said what you wanted to hear because they understood you weren’t really listening or thinking about their words in the first place.  If it sounds too good, then truth has taken a vacation.




You really shouldn’t be discussing something like “an expect” when in fact you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Front & Center


If you want to put yourself at center stage of stupid, that is your right.  But don’t be surprised when you’re not taken seriously.




We’re all nobody inside, some of us are more afraid of that than others.




I’m going to make a general sweeping statement that is not based on any facts and it will be believed.




Those are all pretty words/slogans you are spouting, but they mean nothing since you don’t buy into anything you are saying.  After all, to you, excellence is just a noun, not a reality.


Playing Us


Dad, Mom says we can’t, what’s your take on that?


What So


There’s always going to be the big people and the small people of the world.  What you have to decide is how much you’re going to pay attention to any of it.


Move It Along


I have lots of nothing to do today, so let’s hurry up with it!


So So


It’s hard to push a belief system when you don’t buy into it.


Nothing New


I was old news when I first got here.




I’ve done nothing to earn it, so why shouldn’t I have it?


Is So


There are consequences to action as well as inaction.




I don’t care to do it or not, I just don’t care.




Love them for who they are, for they’ll never be who you want.


If So


They struggle all their life to create something and then they die.  Will their creation endure or just fade away?




The real inferior race is the group of people that believes themselves to be superior to others.




It’s not that their stupid, they just can’t be bothered.




I’ve noticed people don’t like to have their mistakes pointed out, especially by the new guy.




It’s easy to reach for a pill when you feel uncomfortable.  It’s much harder to deal with it free style.


Truth Is


You had your 15 minutes, so stop living your life like it’s actually coming back.


Go Away


Don’t ever reward stupid, no need to encourage it.  Once encouraged, it multiples like rabbits.




I march by the beat of my own drummer and yet I have no rhythm.


What If


When it rains it pours, but when it doesn’t, it all dries up.




Give a shit, then maybe you can care.


Move On


Life’s too short to feel bad about others mistakes, you have enough of your own.




The only time I get tired of sitting is when there’s an opportunity to lie down.


Truth Is


I’ve stopped growing, but I continued to expand.


The Touch


When people use finger print scanners, they always seem to use their thumb.  Why not the middle finger?  Express yourself to the world of security.


Push Along


Let’s put off until tomorrow what I could be doing next week.


Flash Stop


They’re a bundle of energy and always on the go.  I’m like a rock and not.




Most people will rise to the level you place before them.  But if it’s not presented they will slowly sink.


Middle Ground


The hardest way is not always the easiest, while the easiest is not always the hardest.  What you need to do is find the balance between the two.




There are those of us who drive in the right lane of life, plodding along and getting there when we do.  Then there’s the other who go for the left lane, in a hurry to get somewhere, often without much more success than the right lanners.  I prefer the right lane, tried the left, but no matter what I tried I still ended up in the same place.  I’m still searching for the lane that leads to my Cabin In The Woods, hoping not to hit a tree along the way.


I Thunk I Could


Once I thought I could; now I don’t care to try.




I’m a more stationary object than a rolling stone; I enjoy the feeling of moss on my butt.




You play the game by their rules so they don’t notice what you’re really doing.




I don’t have a secret life; I just have an aspect that you’re not aware of.  As I’m sure you also do.


There’s More Than Appearance


Someone made an assumption about why the other person was there, which lead them to a conclusion that they were better than them.  This ass(u)mption is why they’re not.


Dreamt It?


You know that you’ve done something wrong when the next day you wake up, remember it and hope it was a dream, but isn’t, that feeling really sucks!




I’m only impressed when someone curses at me if I learn something new from the experience.  If it’s the same old lame insult, yawn.




I can’t make you see what you won’t.  It’s up to you to open up to the reality.




It’s hard to care when the person on the other side doesn’t give a fuck.




You know that if you stare long enough out a window, it’ll stare back.


Turn Around


You’ll sit in the back corner of the café with your back turned to the world, hoping not to be noticed, but desperately wanting to be.


Blown By


They’re a force of nature in their actions.  I’m a force of slumber in mine.


Top Off


Just because you don’t know it off the top of your head, doesn’t make your opinion so.  Do a little research.


Be You


Why would you want to live what you aren’t, rather live what you are.




If I can’t bring any value to the table, then why bother to come?




I was hungry for food, but I came here to eat what you’re serving anyway.




You can’t hold me to your standard of stupidity if I’m already being held to a different standard in another jurisdiction.




I can’t believe in something that no one is willing to explain.




When the shit hits the fan, you can’t think about it, you have to act decisively and not just react.




It’s just sad when a life’s work is reduced to a sound byte that no one has heard.


Both Wrong


There are two sides to every story and nothing says either has to be right.


Truth Time


You know just enough to make you look stupid when the real questions are asked.



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