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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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Thee Center


It was recently stated to a narcissist, it’s not all about you, but mostly.


Misfortune Perhaps


I opened a fortune cookie and it did not have a fortune in it.  Should I be concerned about this?


Get A Clue   


You’re talking out of your ass from a position of ignorance, need I say more, apparently yes.  If you’re going to argue with someone on a topic they are very well acquainted with, do your homework, if not, you’re just kidding yourself you’ll win with an emotionally flawed and ignorant stance.




Someone once said to me “well I feel like” when I was explaining something.  I wasn’t asking for their feelings; I was explaining the facts.


Dull The Pain


Drinking/drugs may help you forget and dull the pain of regrets, but when you sober up, your regrets will still be there and it will still hurt.  Maybe you need another approach, like dealing with them?




I went to a round table meeting at work, but the table was a rectangle.  I’m so confused, the invitation said round table meeting.


It’s Not Fear


I don’t fear the wrath of God, I fear the religious zealot with an assault rifle that has bad intentions on their mind and blood lust in their eyes.




I’m the leading authority when it comes to not giving a shit.  Feel free to consult with me at any time, I won’t charge you a fee, for I won’t answer, after all I don’t give a shit.


Please Listen


Be happy with what you have in life.  Desiring more and never getting it will destroy your ability to be happy.  It took me a long time to figure this out, save yourself the pain of disappointment of unfulfilled desires and accept my advice.




An aging banana is like a metaphor for life.  As it gets older it starts to deteriorate, getting unexplained discoloration on its skin, goes soft, produces funny smells and easily breaks.  Just like us.


Expect Not


Few people expect to die, even fewer want to, so why do they?




They want us to make a decision based on no information.  I advised that isn’t possible, we need information first, absence of info is not sufficient.




Earlier I was reading about “The Rapture”, where God is supposed to take back to heaven all those who are ready.  Ready?  How can one be ready?  I believe the more “ready” you are, the less “ready” you really are, for you’re trying too hard. Plus, you tend to make misinformed judgments about other people who you don’t think are “ready”, like you, thusly disqualifying you from being ready.


Why Not


I think everyone should have the opportunity to get depressed, just so they can see how much d*m fun it really is!!


Think It Over


The little people, don’t they get it, in the end, it doesn’t matter, their still the little people with no influence on the outcome.  They may think they have free will, but they don’t, it’s all an illusion, wake up!!  I had to.




When a yes and/or no answer doesn’t apply to a question, stop trying to get one.  Sometimes life is not as simple as yes and/or no, sometimes you have to think about it, and work at it before the answer becomes clear.


As Long As


*As long as there are politicians, there will be corruption.

*As long as there are business people, there will be corruption.

*As long as there is money to be made, greed will take control, there will be corruption.

*As long as we believe the rules don’t apply to us, there will be corruption.

*As long as we teach our children to get ahead at all cost, there will be corruption.

*As long as man has ruled, there has been corruption.

*As long as…….




The cracks on the foundation are beginning to show up, can they be repaired before it’s too late, or will the entire structure fall down upon itself?


Exception Please


People often don’t like their reality and are always looking for ways around it, however no one can make an exception to the reality of your situation, you’ll actually have to deal with it.




Don’t tell me your fantasy; tell me [the truth] your reality, if you’re capable.


A Wall


When you go down the road of life, you should expect a few bumps along the way.  It’s when you run into a wall, that’s when life really begins to sucks!


Expensive Debt


You’ll see a person with an expensive car and think to yourself they have money.  Very often they have that car because they have lots of debt along with personal image issues.


Flat Line


I’m Mr. Current Events; I got my finger on the pulse of nothing.




If people only knew, then they wouldn’t be so unhappy, they’d realize just how good they have it compared to many others in the world.


It’s About The Base


When you go out to buy a car, you can choose a car with all the bells and whistles or a base model that will do the job.  I’ve been thinking of this in relation to my life.  I prefer the base model; I don’t need all the bells and whistles to be happy.


Not Likely


Ever have someone say to you; I’m going to sue you for everything you own.  Your response should be, ok, but please don’t be disappointed when you don’t get it.




Some people want you to do the impossible, all I got to say is I can’t help the hope less.


Shattered Reality


If you found out that everything that you’d ever thought was true in your life, in fact turned out to be false, how would you react?  Could you cope with the destruction of your reality and would you be able to recover from it?




We’re having a communication problem, I’m explaining it and you’re not listening, but you’re rather being delusional.




A good motto to live by: “I have to care, but not that much.”




Ignoring a problem is like a pimple, when ignored, it just grows bigger until it explodes, then you’ll have a real mess.


An’t Possible


I’m sorry, but I don’t have the empathy reserves to feel sorry for everyone with a sad situation that comes across my desk.  That’s why I appear to disconnect.


In A Way


You are special, just not in the way you envision yourself to be.


Let’s Not


There’s no point in doubting the obvious, we know you.


Hope Unfulfilled


Badgering someone with the same question over and over again is not going to generate a different answer.  It is what it is, not what you’re hoping it might be.


If So, Then What


If the movie Toy Story is true, then are sex toys also alive?  What exactly do they do once discarded by their owners?


Don’t Do It!


Placing your unrealistic expectations on your child will lead to an unhappy child, let them be who they are, not who you wanted to be.


Over It


Someone complained once that I was talking over them, I advised I wasn’t talking over them, I just wasn’t allowing them to speak.




Why are you contradicting me when you don’t even know what you’re talking about?  Listen and you might actually learn something today.  But then you’re not in the habit of listening, but rather talking, so you probably won’t.




I’m just showing my concern.  Just because it’s not reflected in the tone of my voice doesn’t mean it’s not there.




If you were supposed to do a Follow Up on something; then you don’t; you then have no one to blame because you Fucked Up.




I won’t be pulling the wool over your eyes by pretending I give a shit.




My I call you son since you clearly need some mature adult influence in your life.  Because the decisions you have made so far prove you have yet to grow up.


Think About It


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.




Sometimes the best decision is no decision at all.


If You


If you don’t know the answer to the question and think an arrogant remark is called for to hide your ignorance, think again.


Keep It Up


You make it too easy, so just keep talking.  The hole you’re digging is getting deeper by the minute.


Action Over Words


My opinion is going to vote; your opinion is doing nothing but sitting on the couch and criticizing my opinion.  Which one do you think counts for something?


Cold Seat


It’s easy to second guess the decision makers in the hot seat since you don’t have any responsibilities yourself.


Oh, Why


I understood a good bye was coming, I just didn’t understand as to why it was necessary.



Unfortunately True


Hell has no fury like the crusader fueled by ignorance.


God Help Us


I’m quite concerned with the ambivalence that currently exists in today’s society.  But it’s probably always been there, it’s just more apparent.




Were all actors playing our part in a play called Life.  It’s just some of us are better actors than others.


It’s Simple


I asked you a simple yes or no question, however as to what you are actually saying at this moment I have no clue?


Never There


Arrived at the midway point on my trip today, it’s between here and nowhere in particular.




Someone once said to me, I don’t like you.  My response: I don’t like me either; their reaction was well worth it.


I Don’t


*I look…

*But I don’t see…

*I see…

*But I don’t look…

*I hear…

*But I don’t listen…

*I listen…

*But I don’t hear…

*So the real question here is…

*If I’m aware of all this…

*Then why don’t I care?


Not True


I know you think you’re right and wouldn’t it be nice if that was always the case, but it is not your reality this time.


Reality Looses


To be told you lose when in reality you really didn’t just sucks.  Reality should always win out, but that wouldn’t jive with the reality of reality.


Can’t Do It


I can’t fake empathy, either I have it or I don’t.  I only have so much available to me, if I gave to everyone, I’d have no soul left.


Define Yourself   


If you need things to define who you are, I’m sorry.  You should define yourself; and not let things define you.


Did I?


*Once I forgot what I said…

*But I forgot…

*To forget what…

*I forgot to say…

*So I didn’t say it…

*Or did I forget to say it?


Not Today


They cut me off with their superior knowledge

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