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Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit by Sixto Ofnine (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Sixto Ofnine

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I fall.  Others reach out to offer a helping hand.  Should I just shrug them off?  So I can continue to go it alone.  Or should I accept their help and not read anything into it?


Bi Days


There are days I want to continue forever and then there are times I want to stop it all now.


What Ya Say?


I have a long attention span, but not when it comes to bullshit, then it becomes very short!


Straight Line


There’s a method to their madness, since their madness is a direct result of the method.


Truth Is


They may not want to accept the outcome, but they’ll have to live with it.


Problem Is


They’re a seeker of knowledge, just not a doer of anything.




I use to be a hard worker, now I’m just a disinterested one where adequate is fine.




I’m an emperfect person trying to create perfection.  What are the odds of that actually happening?


Slow Down


Do you ever get the feeling that you’re rushing into your demise?  Stop it and take a breath before you encounter that cliff.




Negative opinions of strangers don’t matter to me, why should they?  I have nothing invested in knowing them, so their opinions just don’t count in my perceptions of reality.




We all have our cross to bear; it’s just that some of us have heavier ones than others.




They say infants lack object permanence, but as a child you then think everything is permanent.  It then comes as a big shock then when you realize that an’t so.




It’s fun to watch someone whose actions are counter-productive to their ultimate goal.  The best part is they don’t know it and then watching their growing frustrations.  It’s like someone swerving in and out of traffic during rush hour.  Their making more progress going sideways than forward.


All Aboard


All you know of them is what you’ve heard them say over the phone.  Based on that you immediately jumped aboard the assumption train without any further consideration of the person.




Who coach’s a life coach?  Why does their opinion even matter, who decides they have a clue?  You know coaches can make bad decisions to.




Does it relieve your frustration to keep saying the same thing over and over again when the person on the other end of the line was not involved in the original situation?  Rather they are actually trying to correct it and are rapidly developing the opinion that you’re an idiot, even if you’re not.  Whining isn’t going to fix anything.




I’ve been searching for that magic bullet that would solve all my issues, still looking.  After all it falls under that “if only” theory.  If only “this happens” or “that”, only then will things get better.  Perhaps move on from the “if only” and to the “just get to it”.




I try not to be prejudice against minorities (not always successful).  But the one group I’m differently prejudice against is; idiots.  It doesn’t matter your ethnic/social/economic background.  They all produce idiots, it’s them I avoid.




The only mistake I made was trying to help an unreasonable person reasonably.


Give It Time


I’m not saying that I don’t have a clue, but rather that I’m learning.




There’s this idea of going to bat for your cause with conviction and then there’s those just being an idiot about it.


No Amount


Ever get the feeling that the more stuff you have, the less whole you feel?  It’s like you need something more that things just don’t help with.  Problem is figuring out what it is you really need.




They can make it look pretty; I’ll just make it functional.




I just say silly stupid things; I don’t actually do them, that’s an important distinction.





“Were all adults here” is an interesting phrase.  For some of us adults take responsibility for their actions, while the rest of the adults don’t.  If you did it, own it, don’t try and put blame elsewhere.


Sleep Number


I’m all about conservation of energy, therefore, sleeping fits right into the scheme.


Essence Of Pew


Their smell cleared the room out like a skunk letting it loose in an outhouse.


Two “i’s


It obvious you’re an idiot; however, that doesn’t mean I’m entitled to express an opinion about it.  You’d ignore it anyhow, that’s how it works.




I would say that I need glasses, but I’m already wearing them, so now what’s my excuse?


Years Of


With life we all developed different levels of experience.  That being said, don’t assume I don’t know something when in fact I know it better than you.  Something to consider in your dealings with people, I try to figure out a person before I make a determination of their abilities.


A Thought


If stupid is better, then yes this is better.  A political opinion perhaps.


No Redo


Your story wasn’t that interesting the first time around.  So no, I don’t want to hear it again from a different perspective.


Too Much Smoke


Too many chiefs gives this indian a headache, so that’s why I’m ignoring you.




I spend too much money on replacing mirrors, for every time I look into one…


Rising Blood Pressure


Golf is a game of strokes, too many of those and you’ll have one.




You’re all theoretical, while they just get to it.




I know what I’m trying to say, but my mouth is not cooperating with the brain.


If It Does


You should do whatever works for you to cope as long as long as it isn’t destructive to you or your love ones.




You’re not superior to me and I’m not superior to you.  Yet we are all superior in our beliefs of superiority over others.


Still Crap


Sometimes not being able to come up with a good idea, is the bad idea.


Really, Again?


There are real problems in the world and you’re getting yourself into a tizzy over something that isn’t.  I think you need to work on your perspective of what is an actual problem and what’s just an annoyance to your overblown ego and sense of self impotence.




Sometimes I’m waiting for a responsible adult to come along and take care of things.  Then I realize, I’m that adult, that’s annoying.


It’s Just Me


We have laws and rules in society to keep it functioning.  Being that this is the case then why do we always have people who think it doesn’t apply to them?  They go around thinking their free will also applies to them doing whatever they can come up with and to d*m with everyone else in the world.


Explains It


Heard someone recently state “I have 10 things on my mind”, that explains a lot.  Perhaps you need to learn how to prioritize?




I’m sorry you can’t handle anything outside your realm of routine.  I can, so please let me and you go hide some where.


It’s All


With me you get the whole package.  It’s just what is in that package might be a cause for concern.


Spiced Up


There are two sides to every story and I rather think you’re over dramatizing yours to win my favor thou.


The Problem Is


Whinny, self-entitled idiots who think the world revolves around them and that it owes them everything are ruining it for the rest of us.


Should Be


Let’s try not to convenience you, let’s try a little inconvenience instead.  Consider it a growth experience for you.


It’s Moving


I was told to sit down and catch my breath.  How am I supposed to do that if I’m sitting?


Me First


People are always complaining that they don’t get enough sleep.  Well I’ve decided to be the one person in the world who does!  I now have a goal to achieve!  Bring it on!


Learn Too Share


You can’t claim I’m in your space, when it wasn’t yours to begin with.  Please look up the word communal.




It was yours to loose, congrats on your success?


Different Direction


You thought you had the winning strategy, because you thought you knew how to play the game.  However, someone else thought differently about the same game and decided to change the rules by catering to the lowest common denominator and out right lying, while you only wanted to stretch the truth.




I have great situational awareness, there are many situations in my life that I’m not aware of.


Think About It


If everyone is piling out of the in, perhaps going in is a bad idea at this time?


Mommy Said


Did someone once tell you that you were special and would be King of the World?  But in reality you’re just King of the Turds instead.  My how your reality sucks.


It’s Yours


I won’t make a mockery of your beliefs and rituals by participating in them like they matter to me.




I bought some food that had uncured pepperoni on it.  Why?  I want my food cured before I eat it.




You’re so busy trying to assign blame for a problem, perhaps maybe that energy would be better spent on just fixing it.




If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m never going to do things your perceived correct way.  I’ll get there by my own route just the same thank you.


Tune In


While they suffer from self-doubt, ineptness and stressing out from the small things in life, they make up for it with their arrogance and constant babbling about nothing but their inane assumptions about their world.


Did So


Someone claimed they didn’t make the mistake so their co-worker shouldn’t slander them.  Turns out they did, so the slander was appropriate.




You’re talking from a void of actual experience.  How about you go get some.




You’ll see the phrase “hand crafted” on food labels.  That must drive the germaphobes crazy to know someone touched the food they desire and now can’t eat out of an irrational fear!


So Close


I’m glad you think we’re on the same page, but unfortunately were looking at different books.




Just because you make up a name for something, doesn’t make it more important than its proper name.  After all it’s still not real.


Oh Doe


What’s the cheapest part of venison?  The deer balls.  Why?  Because they’re under a buck.


Go Ahead


You always have my permission to leave.  However, if you want to come back, now that an’t up to me.


Move On


Don’t stress out over shit you can’t control.  What’s the point?  It prevents you from living your life and

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