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that they don’t possess, so now I have to do the correct thing in spite of their decisions.


Who Else?


Some people have no concept that other people have a life.  Their self- centeredness is all that matters to them.  Of course they don’t see it, how could they.


Don’t Think So


They say they have a plan; I highly doubt that.  I don’t think they even have a clue.


Dual Myths


They have developed their own concepts of the world: reason, common sense and a sense of responsibility don’t seem to have been included.




You can only lead the ignorant so far, eventually if they won’t listen they’ll walk into that wall of reality they’re in denial of.


Think Not


Being a dick is not going to get you what you want from me.  I’m not going to reward you for your bad behavior, so move on.




This person is a little weird for me.  Then I’m a little weird for me to.  So shouldn’t I be picky.


Look This Way


I don’t want to look back, but then I also don’t want to look forward.  I just want to look sideways and live in denial.  Who wants blinders?


Say What?


*Can anyone hear me? 

*Does anyone care? 

*Is anyone out there? 

*If no one hears me?

*How can they respond?




Whenever I think I’m better than another person I realize that is a silly notion.  For as soon as you believe in your superiority, is when you’re not.


Think About It


You have been too busy in life accumulating stuff, thinking it will make you happy and still you’re not. However, you’ve missed what’s really important to your soul and you won’t find it at the bottom of a bottle. Your mind needs to be clear to find it.




I go under the premise that everyone lies, that’s until the truth suits their needs.




You can count on me 23 hours of the day, 6 days of the week, I’m always there.




I guess this is no place for an independent soul.  So why conform, I’ll just move on to a more accepting place, you guessed it, to my Cabin In The Woods.


Could Be?


How big a dick are they?  That’s a matter of perspective.  Since one person’s perceived dick is another’s perceived savior.




*I wish I was…

*But I’m not…

*So why wish?


They Do


If people are worshiping you instead of doing it for themselves, then you deserve each other.


Not Far Enough


People don’t understand why anyone would want to live in a remote northern location.  I do, it is to get away from these same people.




I’m fully satisfied with my behavior, since I have no real expectations of myself anyway.




When one has no routine, every day is an adventure with wide open possibilities.


It’s All Yours


You are looking for someone to take responsibility for your incompetence, sorry, keep looking.


And So


*My world…

*Your world…

*Not the same place…

*Nor the same reality…


Give It A Shot


I don’t know you well enough to express an opinion about you.  However, if you want me to go by my gut feeling…



One’s With Self


The love of one’s self is tough to pull off without becoming a jerk.  It’s hard to be comfortable in one’s own skin.  It’s just easier to offend.


Wonder Days


I wonder if I ever had my glory days?  Or did they just past me by?  Or perhaps there yet to come?




It’s clear you worship your own brand of stupidity.  How about worshipping a reality in which you actually know what you’re talking about?


Oil It


You obviously believe the misinformation you have stuck in your head.  So what would be the point of trying to have an intelligent conversation if you won’t listen and consider what’s being said?


Perhaps Relevant?


You write about current events so your stuff gets out dated.  I write about topics which stay relevant longer.  Put it all together and who really cares?


Be Above It


Just because someone does some stupid act in front of you, it doesn’t follow that you get to do stupid act in response to them.




Life is full of blind corners; you’ll just have to hope what’s around them is good.


Be Your Own Man


Stop being a company man, since you’re only a means to an end and when it ends, so will your usefulness.  Expect to be disappointed.


Really It Doesn’t Matter


I know you have the facts and are right, but let me explain to you why you’re wrong.  Today’s attitude unfortunately.




We do the best we can with our off spring and what they do with what they were provided is up to them.




Simple tasks are made complicated by people who don’t think it thru.


Most Of All


Humanity has had many a tragic characters though out its history, none more so tragic than humanity itself.


Try it


When one is starving for human interaction, lifestyle preferences can get in the way of getting it.  Loosen up and try life for a while, maybe it’ll help?




When will you learn the concept of inner peace or will you always be an asshole?


Slight Vomit


Do you kiss your mother with that mouth; doesn’t the taste of your stupid make her gag?


Next Step


I’m in possession of key ideas and yet again in no position to do anything with them.




They wanted to know if I was having bad thoughts, hell no, I’ve rationalized them away long ago.


Radom Thought


I’m not as stupid as you smell, so put on some deodorant and smarten up!


Next Step


I’m great at lying in bed and dreaming about doing it, but the problem lies in actually doing it.


Think It Thru


If you mate a rabbit with a teddy bear you’ll get a Harry Truman.




It should be taken from within, but what if you’re without?


Really Not


Why would anyone ever think that berating a love one is going to improve their relationship any?  Compassion is better than control.


Take It All In


Life is a 360-degree view, if you only pay attention to what’s in front of you, you’ll miss out on the rest of it.


Keep It Up


I find perfection silly, boring and unimaginative.  I prefer screw ups instead, keeps things interesting.


A String Of Words


What it was is what it no longer is, so let’s believe in what?  For no buddy cares, because there’s no buddy’s there and I did it and I’ll do it again!




You really need to expand your outlook on life and not be so narrow in your thinking.  You’re really missing out.




You placed yourself at the center of the storm, what did you think would happen?




We’re at the point in society where the rich and powerful can say anything and yet the minions will still have their back.  Maybe the minions should stop doing so and really try to do something on their own.


My Problem


I remember when I was a child being concerned over who was going to take care of me.  As an adult, I now understand only I can do it.




Though out history supposed men of the cloth have taken their views to the extreme and great harm has occurred as a result.


Underneath It


Big or small, everyone has an agenda.  I don’t understand why that reality surprises so many people.  We all want something, sometimes good, often bad, but it’s all the same.  I was donating cloths and someone told me I should claim them on my taxes.  Their agenda was the tax credit; mine was just to donate to someone who could use them, neither bad, but clearly an agenda.


Care Free


I’m lying in my dark Cabin In the Woods because no one cares, or because no one can.




Religious beliefs that exclude all others are a bad idea, to live with your fellow man; you need an open heart and mind.




You push the envelope of reasonability just so you can maintain the illusion that you have power.


Perfect Candidate


They never sought this out, that’s what makes him perfect for it.


Go Ahead Anyhow


I don’t have enough information on the situation to make an informed opinion.  But then when has that ever stopped others from doing so?




Was it a life well lead probably not, so let’s keep it simple, since I’m that stupid?


Look Around You


Don’t get so caught up in your rhetoric that you don’t see the beauty all around you.


Changing Your Thinking


You ever utter the phrase; I can’t think straight!  How about just thinking crocked instead?


Won’t Happen


Someone once asked me when I was going to grow up.  I tried that once, it was no fun so I stopped doing it.


Lack Of


I don’t want to greet the day, be the day or seize the day; I just want to sleep the day away.




I’ve been having this dull headache lately and if you think about it, it’s reminiscent of my life in many respects.


So It Is


I’ve never emerged from oblivion so it’s kinda hard to fade into it.


At Least They Tried


There are a lot of people out there that are serious and dedicated to their craft; that never succeed in it, despite their best efforts.  Does that mean they’re a failure?  No, because they tried and took the risk.  Many people are too afraid to even try.


It Just Is


They couldn’t conceive that it would end.  But that’s the nature of life, there’s a beginning and the eventual end of all things.  Big or small, it’s the nature of it all to complete the cycle.


I Got It Off The Internet


Accurate information is key to making a good decision.  Unfortunately, too many people relay on hearsay evidence instead.  Makes life a bit too interesting for most.




We’ve been dancing around stupid for a while now; sooner or later reality will intervene.


It’s Your Right


I disagree with your point of view.  But I respect your right to be ignorant and stupid about it.




Once saw an ad that claimed to be performed by real actors and not people.


Slightly The Same


Doing it either your way or my way is ok, since neither of us is wrong, just different.




A little of everything; is not enough of anything.


Found It?


I heard

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