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our species. I do know the exact answer to that question; it harks even further back into Proto-man.


We no longer know who we are

In the hope of achieving a more balanced understanding of ourselves as Homo sapiens, we must travel even further back through the mists of time to our very beginnings – long before collective malevolence ever gained sway.


Then, who were we?

It is now known that our genetic roots are planted firmly within the African Khoisan Bushman. The evidence supporting our connection back to the San, is through the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA and the ‘Y’ chromosome inheritance that runs through the paternal side of our species. They link Homo sapiens right back to the pristine San people, as do linguistics. 

As we go along, we will see how distant and different we have become from our pristine San ancestors, who were once equal and at one with the natural world and all its creatures. 

In consideration of our pristine origins, our minds are again, left to ponder the genesis of the negative influences that found their way into our ‘out of Africa’ ancestral souls, some will be revealed as we go along.


What is known of the Khoisan

The pristine San were a light yellowish brown in colour and lived in balanced partnership with Nature. They were passionate lovers of freedom with no concept of land or animal ownership; they had no clearly defined God but, an unshakeable knowing that there was a Supra Ordinate. Furthermore, through their condition of cerebral augmentation (now all but atrophied in our species), they remained linked into divine guidance. They were also animists, which attributes living souls to all creatures whereby, all matter and life were accorded due respect. The San lived in small, separate, non-hierarchical family groups and were not dominant to one another because violence was not in their nature. Collective assimilation with other family groups was avoided, apart from the occasional short-term ceremonial gathering but perhaps above all else, the San were renowned for their generosity of spirit. 

The light skin pigmentation of the Khoisan is related to their Simian origins. The reasoning behind this is that apes have light coloured skin beneath their fur, whereby, as Proto mankind began losing their body fur, then melanin response began lightly shading the skin from harmful UV radiation. Subsequent degrees of skin colourings to later Homo sapiens were then determined by how close, or distant to the equatorial belt (zero latitude) their long time settlements had remained.


Out of Africa

Once more the question arises: How could malignance have emerged from out of pristine San origins? The answer returns us once more to the dynamics of opposites – where there is order – disorder will also be found. By this rule, even the most flawless of San families would father the occasional misfit, who would in time, seek or be encouraged towards pastures new. It then follows that because ‘like is attracted to like’, disparate formations of similar nature would have begun to coalesce and over time, gradually drifting north, towards Africa’s equatorial zones where, as Intermediate Man, they were to acquire much darker skin colour, due to UV intensity and melanin response. It was in these regions that the control systems devised by baleful elements were to evolve into such a powerful mental and physical processing machine, that its malignant precepts would remain extant for all future times. 

Repositories of Heart and Mind

Like attracts to like,

each to their own kind,

fraternal inward looking worlds,

self attending and aligned.

Thus, congeries of minute worlds

on the macrocosmic face,

repositories of heart and mind

in a manufactured place.


A mockery of skin colour pejoratives

One of the earliest migrant diasporas out of Africa about seventy thousand years ago, brought them eventually to Australia via south Asia – island hopping and crossing the New Guinea land bridge, whilst the ice age sea levels were considerably lower. 

Another great surge of our ancestral migrants came out of Africa and into Europe about forty thousand years ago and is perhaps, a good time to remind ourselves that they all had dark coloured skin. Those who would eventually settle in other places for great periods where the UV factor was very low, gradually found their skin colour, bleaching towards lighter, whiter shades. This must surely put a different slant on those modern skin colour pejoratives.


But, what of us now?

In matters of unpleasant revelations, I am not alone. The American philosopher Ayn Rand produced an informative historical exposition, linking the thuggish and cunning artifice of tribal leadership beginnings as being the most significant probability factors inborn within the psychology of the leadership personality throughout all time. Leadership is of course, the architect of all specious beliefs but it is the sensitivity attachments that adherents place upon them, that then render those beliefs unassailable. 

Those architects of spurious beliefs are like the Sirens of Greek mythology emulated in real life, sacrificing the lives of others upon the rocks of their own selfish desires. A more modern Siren – the revolutionary Lenin – inadvertently spoke for all the Sirens of history when he referred to all his supporting foot soldiery in the creation of his ideological desires, as his ‘useful idiots’. 

Social leadership is also most attentive to the differing aspirations that are held within the wider populace and which can then be played off against one another to the exclusive advantage of leadership. These social manipulations then amplify the occurrence of human withdrawals behind the barricades of their fraternal comfort zones. These problems pervade countries and communities worldwide, as Ireland’s north/south divide so clearly exemplifies. The universality of this activity is clearly displayed through the social segmentation that democratic party-politics also engenders and, exploits for its own ends. 

Making Faustian Bargains

History frowns on psychological hegemony,

the compact majority’s cerebral endogamy.

For latter-day composite kind

is thence to surrogated mind.


Into the labyrinth beguiled,

orchestrated like a child,

a tangled web of tainted choice

to emasculate the inner voice.


A corporate dependant way,

a caricatured overlay

and, its higher politics when properly read

must bring to mind what Hegel said.


“That which seeks a third reaction,

must induce a second faction.”

It is the mutual friction coup d’etat

and all politics profit from this formula.


For every herd goes where it’s sent

and thinks it knows the real intent.

Thus Bovines in the milking-shed,

are those that follow where they’re led.


Hegelian Triad

‘Thesis versus antithesis=synthesis’


Alice in Wonderland 

Had the author Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson) been with us today, he would have felt that Alice’s fictional experiences down the rabbit hole had been amazingly prophetic of Britain’s future. Nothing could be more in keeping with this ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme than the disquiet concerning the bizarre social experiments that are corrupting young people – a reality yet to filter up to the rarefied air of academia; the topic is the deserved smack for which the words ‘corporal punishment’ deputises. Social meddlers seem quite unaware that there are certain inescapable realities that apply to our species, as indeed they do with all other zoological varieties with which we share this planet. What is now referred to as, ‘corporal punishment,’ is one of Nature’s important sanctions for keeping chaos at bay. To support the message, I wonder how many of us took note of an unexpected and worrying trend occurring in parts of Africa, where orphaned juvenile elephants were being collectively destructive, to the extent that they were attacking and killing Rhinoceroses on a regular basis. The reason for this entirely new phenomenon was the consequence of adult elephants, killed for their tusks. This had left the immature elephants isolated from parental guidance, part of which would have been the occasional painful reminder that they had transgressed. It is from such sanctions that the knowledge of what is right or wrong can be achieved, otherwise the ‘brat’ is born. Does this not touch a familiar chord – the feral child within our midst? 

Evidence makes it quite clear that our social psychologists are woefully unacquainted with the psychology of their species and as they have also proved to be – to its metaphysical aspects. Therefore, it is better most times for people to make up their own minds over that of science predications. 

Furthermore, there is a well-published neurological condition (which has implications relating to our case) that is referred to, as the ‘Anarchic Hand’ and about which there are conflicting medical positions for its causes. 

Primarily though, it has raised some serious philosophical questions about our species. The reason it does so, is that the condition acts as a presence of two separate seats of willpower and therefore, two seats of consciousness. A typical effect of this medical condition on a person is that whilst one of their hands responds in the normal way, their other hand can follow the dictates of an entirely separate conscious will – one that is in conflict and at times, destructive towards the person. Moreover, these advents touch upon an unfavourable aspect innate within our species that I refer to as, enfant malveillant. Little wonder that obscurant history disposed of this unfavourable aspect – out there somewhere in the wild blue yonder and re-titled it, ‘the Fallen Angel’ (Devil). This duality of our nature should come as no surprise; the nature of all things is, paired opposites that generate the dynamics of life. More to the point, in the identification of this duality within the adult, we also do so with the child because, wider expression of opposing mental dispositions are normal manifestations of the child. 

As we know, there are wide variants in the expression of limbic urges from one child to another and that these variants find their way into the ease or difficulty by which the child gives way to the disciplines of acceptable behaviour. This brings us full circle back to the feral child, because the reason for the accelerated propagation of the child’s destructive aspect (throughout our society) is the meddling of naive social psychology. Moreover, the unbalanced child carries it through into adulthood.


The Cassandra Syndrome

What I am constantly trying to show, is that mankind’s ancient distorts are still active in the mismanagement of our human possibilities, though sadly, they are the Cassandra truths that are never believed.


Affinity for curious premises

Evidence of strange human actions and beliefs abound throughout written history as I constantly reiterate. In the third century BCE, Plato made a statement about our species through his ‘Plato’s Cave’ depiction. He indicated that mankind is primarily a comfort zone creature with a history pursuing fantasies to which it awards factuality, whilst habitually dismissive to uncomfortable facts as though they did not exist.

Was Plato right? Of course he was! There just isn’t enough space here to display the mountain of evidence that supports his observations or, sufficient people willing to risk their comfort zones revealing it. 

The Multitude of Sects

Obscurant history invents its numen,

then claims a priori.

It might have been more Godly,

to have stayed in Darwin’s tree.

And Dante’s purgatorius,

is just the journey of a man

playing midwife to his being from the psycho –

pathologic of the clan


The Hydra Syndrome

The world’s systems of logic and guidance are so contaminated with misleading political, cultural and theological bias that it infects critical moral decision-making, universally. 

For instance, it is because of strange moral inconsistencies that year on year, we see the startling surge in production and consumption of illegal drugs, whilst the poaching of endangered wildlife has also risen to a similar degree. In both cases, the message is very clear; that despite all containment efforts, the struggle has been hopelessly lost to the benefit of the burgeoning criminal cartels.


Complicit by default

To understand why these activities have continued to grow, we must look towards the moral fallibility of our ‘good and honest guiding’ people, from whose moral misjudgements, the evils in question

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