Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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journey the holism of information landscapes, you definitely discover those dimensions of information, which stand as answers. This is reality in its holism for you. You are information; your consciousness is media of information. You and your consciousness must be in optimal possession of holism and entirety of information. And, all your information must be very skillfully packaged and packed with optimal awareness and recall.

This is simple and straightforward metaphor of wellness and success in all life-living situations and stages. This metaphor of the idea may sound simple but its execution and practical use in daily life-living may not be. It requires non-egoistic and non-self-validating consciousness. The rewards however are mesmerizingly brilliant and very satisfying. Nothing precious can compete in worth in front of an empowered and highly aware media of consciousness.



Growing With Information Evolution

Somehow, there is no question and no answer. Everything is a probability of information at one context or dimension of interaction with information. Information is primarily emergent and transient in nature, because of its constant interaction with media and milieus. Therefore, a question or answer is also transient and ephemeral. Naturally, you and your consciousness must also constantly evolve and move up with questions and answers. You are information and your consciousness is emergent media of information. Therefore, you too have to keep pace with evolving and emergent information all around you and even far off. Your questions and answers are indicators of your growth and evolution as a media and information.

This colossal and hugely complex world of reality in its entirety and expansiveness is almost infinite. You and your consciousness is a very diminutive and restrictive media of information processing. How much information a ‘grain’ of sand can possess and process lying on the sandy beach of many miles along a sea is very well understandable. But; the magic with your consciousness is that it may be miniscule and irrelevantly small, compared to the physical size and form of the colossal and complex world; its capacity to witness, observe, absorb and internalize information is practically unlimited. You already know, it is this grain-size brain, which has unraveled and deciphered the infinite cosmos and its massive information for you. This mesmerizing and mystically marvelous media of consciousness is so powerful and dexterous that it can journey billions of light years and infinity of dimensions of this humungous information of universe. This media of consciousness has journeyed inside a very tiny information landscape of cell, molecules, atoms and particles, which it cannot even see and realize through bare eyes. This media of consciousness has the ingenious audacity and artistry to journey even inside the landscape of consciousness and brain plexuses.

You as information and your consciousness as media of information processing is the ultimate wonder of the world. Your media of consciousness has in fact coined the reality of Reality. You happened that is why information happened. It is this media of consciousness, which structured the information landscape for we all to journey. Consciousness structured and delineated the nomenclature and dimensions of information, which we now know as history, geography, physics, biology, geology, cosmology etc. Your consciousness is the finality of everythingness of all realities.

It is only up to you how best you use your media of consciousness and for what purposes. Your consciousness creates the causalities, which in turn align you as information with the infinite cosmos of information. This alignment and association decides your destiny. Your destiny is practically in your own hands. Metaphorically, your own information decides what practically your destination is. The questions you have is half your destiny; the answers you accept as true, real and right information is rest of your destiny. That is why it is singularly critical as what questions you ask, how truly and rightly you ask and what you accept as answers. Let us understand this with life-living examples to ease up the understanding and conscious internalization.

A child born somewhere used to ask his parents, ‘What is this?’ The parents would answer, ‘This is a cat.’ The child would ask, ‘What is this burning in the sky? The parents would answer, ‘This is Sun’. Many years later, the same grown up child asks, ‘What is the surface temperature of the Sun and how the temperature varies as one journeys inside the Sun?’ The parents, the world around him had no answers. However, it is pure, true and real information, already there. There is a Sun and it has specific temperature zones. The question persists and finally, some day, someone grappling with the question gets to discover the real and true answer. The answer was already there. The surface of Sun has the temperature of around 5600 degree Celsius and at the core of Sun; it is around 15,000,000 degree Celsius. The consciousness as a media of information asked it right and the answer, already being there as pure and true information became amenable and real.

The information was already there before humans happened and consciousness happened. Reality as information and its dimensions predated you and your consciousness. You begin with a big zero and end up wherever is no business of reality as information. Information is value-neutral and it has nothing to do with you and your consciousness as it happened billions of years before you happened. Therefore, what you do with this informational reality is purely your business and what ‘business’ you do with this colossal information, decides and shapes up your destiny. Whether you ‘trade’ in information of cats or in temperature of Sun; the universe has no concern and inclination. However, what information you and your consciousness trade in shall create interactional causalities, which in turn shall delineate the boundaries of your internal information landscape. Whether you journey within the walls of your bedroom or the entire cosmos is no business of universe. The information is there inside your bedroom too and the information extends to the margins of the universe. Your consciousness and you decide the length, breadth, depth and height of the information landscape. If the size is your bedroom, the causalities too shall present itself within the four walls of your bedroom. Very naturally, your consciousness shall process only the bedroom information and causalities. The questions shall emerge from within the bedroom and the answers shall come from the same length, breadth, depth and height of your bedroom. Your attainments, successes and failures too shall reflect the ‘dimensions’ of your bedroom probabilities. However, if you choose the infinite landscape of cosmos; you extend the probabilities of attainments, successes and failures to the infinity of the universe itself. It is entirely your choice. What business you opt for and what you trade in is no business of information and cosmos. It was there, billions of years before you happened and shall remain there, evolving and altering, billions of years after you are dead.

The information is what is there and it is there at every speck of reality, which your consciousness lives in and can journey. The information stretches from a cat to the cosmos. You and your consciousness decide the boundaries of the information landscapes you are willing to journey and actually journey. Whatever information landscape ‘forms’ you journey shall shape up the causalities, which emerge because of the interaction of your media of information with the elements and dimensions of information landscape you journey. These causalities shall decide and shape up your questions and answers. The questions you own and ask truly and rightly is only half of your destiny. The other half is the answers, which is also information and its dimensions, you and your consciousness accept as real, true and right. You may ask the right question about the temperature of the Sun but your consciousness has the option of accepting variety of different dimensions and shades of information as answer. You can accept that Sun is very hot and it must be at least ten times hotter than your room heater! This is causality of your destiny!

There are well decided, popularly and perpetually asked questions in the ambient information landscape of family, society, culture, economy, politics and religion. Generations after generations, since thousands of years, billions of new born human child and grownups have been handed over these questions. There are decided and popularly benchmarked answers too. For every bundle and package of information of billions of men and women, there stands in ageless perpetuity well-packaged ‘suitcases’ of questions and answers. Mass majority of incoming generations of men and women happily and routinely accept them and live out their life-living, trading in the fixed and patterned causalities they create. Most destinies are alike. Only a few details are different.

There is a simple and straightforward mathematics of scales, magnitude and dimensionality. The mathematics itself is an information pattern and causality-orchestration of metaphoric magnitude. The mathematics of business and economies of scales are universal causalities. Good businesses must have big, varied and facilitated inventory. The inventory must be deftly readied to meet all probabilities of demand and supply. The upkeep and cataloguing of inventory must be of high standards so that it could withstand the pulls and pushes of tumultuous market moods and modalities.

Modern corporations like Amazon handles millions of information every day and that too at global levels of operations. The information is multidimensional and varied in scales and magnitudes. The mega corporations have a well-galvanized information processing mechanism-processes in place and they keep updating them. The operations, size and magnitudes of their inventory is huge and spread all over the globe, with its reach up to grassroots levels. The agency of execution of interactional plexuses of information for action is dexterously supported by huge numbers of manpower and they are all well-informed of the operational processes. How massive information and its brilliant processing create mega structures of profitability and utility-worth in modern human world is worth replicable in all media processing information at every levels of reality.

You are also massive bundle of information and your consciousness is a very powerful and mega media of millions of information processing. Do you ever ask, ‘How is your information processing mechanism and processes, compared to the brilliance of contemporary mega corporations?’ Do you ever ask, ‘Global aviation systems carry over 4 billion passengers and millions of tonnes of freight every year and very rarely, there is even a suitcase getting misplaced; do my consciousness system has the same level of efficacy and dexterity’?

There is absolutely no problem if you choose to have a small shop of information and deal only in a few items of potatoes, tomatoes and green chilies. There is no trouble whatsoever if you are happy running a bullock cart with usual daily freight of few kilograms of cabbages to the local market. The information has no problems with anything. The troubles start when you do not have efficacy and systematic operations even with a shop and cart. Problems start when you enterprise for nothing beyond your shop and cart and still ask the question, ‘When can I buy my Lamborghini or Bugatti with the proceeds of the trade?’

The macrocosm and holism of information and the reality, which this mega information and its multi-dimensionalities engender, cannot even look at you. You are too insignificant, too miniscule and too non-interactional with the mega macrocosmic information. Your immediate and ambient information landscape is not even visible from the cosmic observational portal. However, as deliberated earlier, your own media of consciousness is a magic and marvel of cosmic construct. It has the potential and potency to scale even beyond the infinity of cosmic threshold. As you know, it is the human consciousness, which discovered this infinity of scales and magnitudes of cosmos. It is this human consciousness, which maneuvers and manages the mega corporations of massive information processing. It is the human consciousness, which creates the hugely powerful artificial intelligence, which is set to surpass even human brain’s computational limits. It is the human consciousness, which defines the landscape of metaphors of probability,

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