Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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Read books online » Psychology » Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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and personal media platforms. Modern times are probably the best times for humanity as there is overflow of infinite information landscapes. However, how many of these social media and personal media ‘stories’ and information qualify to have true, real and optimal ingredients of a good story and right information is hugely debatable. More importantly, it is another aspect of reality as how much empathy or antipathy these social media and personal media ‘stories’ generate. The issue of connect is also there to be examined well. Most important aspect however is how people align with these stories and information abounding and flooding the societal and cultural landscape.

If reality is information and consciousness is also a bundle of information; we all know it very well how calamitous vitiation and conflation of information can be. Information is God. Its vitiation turns it into devil. Information is neutral. Our consciousness and cognition decides what we accept as information and how we align with it. We create our own God and devil.

At the start, we had also posted this question, ‘What would you do, if you are left all alone on earth?’ The question also pertains to the idea of Information Landscape, our consciousness-cognition and its alignment with the dimensions of the information. At the very root of the question is the unease and insecurity about the unfamiliarity of the proposed information landscape, as diametrically opposed to what we are very familiar with and very used to. Aloneness and loneliness is in principle about our subconscious mind unwilling to journey an unknown information landscape, which has almost negligible familiarity with it. Loneliness is not about there being emptiness and deficit of ‘Elements’ or ‘Entities’, which your consciousness feels good to be associated with. It is probably about you not being well aligned and in harmony with those elements and entities, you had long familiarity with and unwilling to grow familiarity with huge load of novel and alternative elements-entities abounding in ambient information landscape or a bit far off.

We all know, there are so many people, who live a life of complete or partial seclusion by choice and never feel bad about it. It is all about conscious and happy decision of journeying into unknown, familiarizing with the new landscape and even enjoying the new reality. The unease with the very idea of aloneness or loneliness is primarily about consciousness and cognition not being prepared for the novelty. We have already discussed, the information is neutral. It is neither against anyone or favorable to anyone. How we align with it and which side of the information we place ourselves is the key factor.

We all know, there are around 200 million tribal or what we know as indigenous people, who live a life of isolation away from the mainstream population. In many Afro-Asian villages, which have turned into ghost villages, as the rural populations have migrated to cities, only two-three people live in vast landscape with very little connection with rest of the world. Their information landscape is not anyway unfavorable to them.

You probably remember when you visit a tourist place to enjoy your vacations, you know there is very little ‘familiarity’ element in the new milieu you are visiting. You may be cautious but this does not anyway prevent you from enjoying your vacations in a new unfamiliar landscape. Why? It is because you have consciously and happily chosen this novelty for blissful purposes. Had it been forced upon you; you would have felt unease and loneliness and aloneness probably would have hit you. The place is the same and you are also the same. However, what makes the difference between bliss and unease of loneliness is your cognitive positioning – that is; how you aligned yourself with this information landscape of novelty.

The fact remains that human brain does not relate to information in a way our consciousness does. It is this typical hardware-software divide. Human brain does not differentiate whether a person has 20 ‘human’ friends or ‘animal-bird’ friends. It shall respond to the information of emotions of friendliness, amiability and empathy equally to both humans and animals. It is our consciousness and cultural cognition, which differentiates and may only count humans as true and real friends. It is all about consciousness and cognition aligning with information. The information is affection, fraternity and compassion. The brain accepts pure information and acts equitably. Human consciousness acts inequitably. It may choose to respond with more affection and compassion to a human, compared to an animal or bird. Many people however love their pets and other animals equally. Many even love them more than humans. It is all about consciousness and cognition aligning with different dimensions of information, which is neutral.

Therefore, what we would do if we are left all alone in the world is do the same what we do in the world full of humans and humanly created entities. We do nothing different. The only difference is the information landscape. This proposed new information landscape has only the humans and humanly created elements missing. But, the landscape has other novelties and we can feel equally happy and satisfied if we consciously and happily align with the available information and create novel realities for us. So, we have rivers, mountains, trees, birds, animals and insects. We have freedom and choices. We have leisure and peace, etc. We can align with new information and find equal or even better wellness, when we are all alone in this world. It is about the artistry of consciousness and cognition aligning with dimensions of information in a novel and alternative ways.

As we are dealing with the idea of information landscape as reality, we need to understand and accept that reality can be approached from different dimensions. Reality as information landscape, which we have accepted as metaphor for understanding reality is just one dimension. We can approach reality from different perspectives and using different metaphors. Reality as information landscape, we are currently deliberating is for convenience of understanding reality. That is why we are not going into details of the idea of information and the core science of information as reality. The author has discussed the idea of information in detail in his previous eBook, titled, ‘Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity’, available for unrestricted download, like all other 45 eBooks of the author.

We are using the idea of information here as a metaphor for arriving at the core and centrality of the idea of Reality itself. The metaphor has been used to elaborate how reality is not definitive and singular for every observer and absorber. Reality stands as contextual to subjective and individual consciousness and cognition. This is what we wished to arrive at and we used the metaphor of information landscape just for clarity of understanding and acceptance. Our actual journey is not about journeying into information landscape. In this eBook, we are dealing primarily with the derivative idea of what we have deliberated so far. This is – how information as reality is neutral and what matters is how we align our consciousness and cognition with different probable dimensions of the information landscape as reality for larger wellness.

Therefore, we shall now begin our journey into the domain of how optimally, alternatively and uniquely we can deal with our consciousness and cognition to enterprise a novel and optimal connect and causality with the reality. This we can do to create a better and far more satisfying life-living than we currently have. This is the primary energy behind this eBook. We begin this journey in next chapter.



The Ultimate Treasure Within

There is this important aspect of objective and logical examination and assessment of our contemporary information landscape, which we all are faced with and live in. This is the information landscape of external milieus; the societies, cultures, politics, economy and lifestyles, etc. This shall facilitate the subsequent corollary of ascertainment of how well we can align with this ‘external’ information landscape and what shall ideally be our association with different dimensions of the information. This is a tough thing to do as we all know reality is very subjective and it is hugely difficult to arrive at an objective and singularly logical conclusion about reality. Still, we shall do it but later. Objectivity is desirable but we can also work on subjective preferences and still be logical about it! We shall do it but later. What we intend to do now is deliberate about information landscape of reality within us; our consciousness and cognition.

We have hypothesized that everything is Information. All realities are information. We as living entities are also bundle of information. Our consciousness and cognition are also emergent entities of complex information processing by massive brain plexus. It is therefore hugely important to first unravel and understand the Self or ‘I’. The primary and ultimate journeying is of this Internal Information Landscape, within us. And, as we have deliberated above, the journeying of a landscape requires us to accept the information in its holism. All troubles emanate out of our partial and restricted journeying into reality.

As we have initiated this journey with questions to unravel the landscape, we need to ask again, ‘What defines this internal information landscape?’ or, we can put the question in another perspective by asking, ‘What we should look at while journeying this internal information landscape?’

We need to understand that there is a bit of uniqueness in internal information landscape, as compared to the external one. Both landscapes have commonalities but our internal information landscape has something unusual, which makes it exceptional and exemplary. The external information landscape has loads of informations and as all informations are linked and associational, there is a constant and ever-evolving interaction between different informations as well as different dimensions of informations. So, the external one has information and causal interactions.

The internal information landscape also has information and causal interactions between informations and their dimensions. What is unique and exclusive about the internal information landscape is that this landscape is also a media of information. This means, we as humans are not only package or bundle of information but also the receiver and dispenser of information. This we usually do with the help of languages we speak and write. The external milieu also has media but these media are either humans themselves or humanly created ones. Only humans are the active and direct media of information processing. This happens as we have complex and very potent brain states, incomparable to any other species on earth.

Therefore, when we talk about journeying the internal information landscape, we need to factor in this exclusiveness of this landscape. There is this unique but hugely confusing dualism about internal information landscape of consciousness. The human brain is a receiver of information and it then engenders the emergent information plexus of consciousness, which acts as the media between external and internal information landscapes. Consciousness acts as the two-way bridge between the two landscapes. Consciousness as a bridge is information itself, which creates its landscape in terms of cognition. Consciousness as a media, journeys into the external information landscape, receives informations from external milieus, examines them, shades them and transforms them into its own cognitive landscape. This consciousness as a media also uploads and dispenses information into the external information landscapes of society, cultures, politics, economy, faith-believe systems, lifestyles etc. This dualism is beautifully explained in the saying, ‘You are in your perspectives and your perspectives are in you’. This dualism is a major wellness tool for humanity but at the same time, it is also a massive agent of calamitous probabilities. This media of consciousness is a warrior but with precarious attitudes!

Everything finally boils down to how this media of consciousness journeys the two landscapes and how it aligns with these informations and their dimensions. As we have talked earlier, we shall deliberate on external information landscape later as it is of larger and deeper relevance to first unravel and understand the internal information landscape. We shall now journey into this

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