Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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must be smart enough to trace the specific book through the system of cataloguing. This metaphor is being used for you to understand that information has many dimensions and as you are a bundle of information and your brain processes, stores and catalogues billions of such information, there must be brilliant recall mechanism for the information to be used well. This is one dimension of information.

Probably, the most critical dimension of information is its objectivity and non-egoistic dissemination by your media of consciousness. You have accessed and internalized the holism of information and its probable dimensions but then; the information is processed and disseminated by your media of consciousness, when you and your consciousness interact with the external information landscape. It is here, in the external information landscape, your consciousness seeks a whole range of association and alignment with differentiated shades of informational realities. This is the test of the nobility, novelty, objectivity, amicability, assimilation, cooperation, synergy, et al of your consciousness and you as the agency or media of information. Let us understand this aspect of information and media with the help of another metaphor. This should help you decipher this critical dimension of information.

You and your consciousness have unraveled, deciphered and internalized this information of love and its different dimensions within your own internal information landscape. You have understood and accepted that love is a complex bundle and package of information; very much like you and your consciousness and it is also an emergent, transient and ever-evolving informational reality. You have understood and accepted that very much like your own consciousness; love is also like a ‘suitcase’ entity. This means, as there are different things packed inside a suitcase, which are related but also unique in utility and usages; still from outside, the bundle or package is referred to as a suitcase. Similarly; love is also like a suitcase. This metaphor of love as suitcase means, love is a bundle of different shades and nature of related but also unique informations but as they are seen, observed and experienced from outside, they look one singular entity like a suitcase. The suitcase is an objective and non-egoistic information. What is loaded and stuffed inside the suitcase is no business of suitcase. Still, different suitcases shall be different, even when looking the same as within them, the packed items shall be different.

So, you know it very well that love is a complex bundle of information and therefore, it has so many different ‘parts’ and dimensions of information. It is the holism of information, which is what we have accepted love as. Therefore, you are very much aware of both the ‘parts’ of the information landscape of love as well as its holism. However, this information of love, which your media of consciousness and you have understood and are in good possession, has to interact with elements in the external information landscape and your consciousness and you have to be very dexterous when this internal information of love lands in interaction with external information. You and your consciousness have to ensure that you disseminate love in the same exalted and munificent standards, which you have accepted love with, within your own internal landscape.

So, how you go about love? You accept that love is primarily for you, for your own wellness and for the completeness and perfectness of your consciousness. Love is the tallest, widest, the best and most magnificent building in your internal information landscape. You accept that love is like a fragrance, which must pervade throughout your internal information landscape. Every speck and detail of your own information and media of consciousness must have the feel and aroma of love. Love in its holism of information must define and deliberate on every element of information and all its dimensions. Love is not something you do, express and display. It is your consciousness. This in turn ensures that every shades and shape of your cognition is moderated and conditioned by the highest and noblest benchmarks of love. Love reflects its essence and imagery in your thoughtfulness, behavior, actions and interactions. Love is the most precious of information and it paints all other information and realities in different hues and colors so that they all essentially conform to and fit into the holism of idea and idealism of love.

Love is a suitcase reality. Love bundles up and packages all things good, right, appropriate, assimilative, symbiotic, synergetic, empathetic, complementing et al. As you and your consciousness are ‘witness’, journeying the external information landscape; observing, absorbing, judging and assigning values; love may also be accepted as the ‘witness’, which journeys the external information landscape; observes, absorbs, judges and assigns values to your consciousness and cognition. If anything, which does not belong to the suitcase identity of love; it is redundant and even unworthy of any association for your consciousness and you. Love is your God. It is the reality, which you have to be in light with.

Then, how does this information of love interacts and aligns with external information landscape and its dimensions? You and your consciousness love everything that you journey and associate with. You don’t only love a woman or a man. You don’t only love your family and friends. You don’t only love what you think is good and right. You just don’t have to be into the ‘doing’ of love. You just present the highest and noblest information of love, as internalized within your internal landscape, to all things in the external information landscape. Those, who have the same aware, noble and benchmarked information of love as you have; they shall respond and align in the associational and symbiotic ways. Those who don’t have them, they automatically shall dissociate and fall apart. You do nothing for the sake of love and do not even show it to someone. You just be what you are – a noble, aware and benchmarked Information of Love.

Only a powerful transistor catches the radio waves present in the open air and starts to relay the beautiful song, the waves have. The wave seeks no transistor and it seeks nobody to listen to the song contained in the waves. The waves are there, they present themselves. A worthy and good transistor happens; the music happens; happiness happens; meaningfulness and righteousness happens. When this happens, love changes dimensions, as the song engenders another dimension of the wave. When love gets reciprocation, it changes its dimension and the novel dimension fills in more beautiful and worthy entities in the suitcase entity of love. Love is strengthened, it is diversified and augmented. This new information of augmented and symbiotic love may itself seek to have a new entity and nomenclature of specific nature and dimension. It may seek the nomenclature of ‘romantic’ love. Even if it does; you just have to be the aware witness. You and your consciousness must never be part of the new nomenclature and get yourself invested in it. You remain the same aware witness and objective judge of this new information and its specific dimension. You are the information. Your consciousness is information. Information must always maintain the highest, noblest and most objective standards of pure, true and real information.

This is true with all realities of life-living; not only love. You and your consciousness never have to worry about and think in terms of attainments and successes of life-living. You just have to remain hundred percent invested in your own internal information landscape. You invest in awareness, journeying, witnessing and objectively judging your own internal information and its dimensions. You create worthiness with your own information and these worthy informations must form the suitcase, bundle and package of your consciousness. Your consciousness and cognition must be defined and deliberated upon by love, compassion, accommodation and cooperation. Your consciousness must always disseminate the waves of musicality and fragrance. Worthy waves shall get only worthy transistors. You do not have to seek anything in your life-living. The ultimate treasure is within your own internal landscape. You and your consciousness are themselves huge potentials of all probabilities of attainments. What is there to be attained is the holism and objectivity of information. What is there to be sought after is how optimally and honestly you and your consciousness align with all other information landscapes in non-egoistic, non-self-validating and compassionate connects. You and your consciousness enterprise not for material attainments of life-living but for ensuring a witness-mode association with all informational realities and judge them objectively. Is this simple and easy? What is simple and easy in life-living than stupidities, hypocrisies and shamelessness!

To sum up the deliberations above, we may be better off if we do it with questions itself. This may very well be the summary of what we have talked so far. The questions are –

What you usually do with information?

How do you pack your suitcase?

The answers are not complicated; they are very simple and easy. You get some information and you immediately like to know more about it. Information has its own causalities. Information is linked and related to many other information and it is only a very natural corollary and progression that you seek more details and other aspects or dimensions of the information. For example, someone tells you that your old friend is visiting you in the evening. Immediately you seek more information – is he or she coming with their spouse? Are the children also coming? Will they stay for dinner? Is he or she going to stay overnight with you? What might have prompted him or her to visit you after so many years? Etc. The same must be the progression of you and your consciousness as bundle and package of information. You and your consciousness must always be willing and ready to journey more information and make efforts for having the information in its holism and entirety. More information you have with you, better shall be your preparedness for any eventuality in life-living. As you and your consciousness are information; your personal growth, wellness, empowerment and success depends on how well informed you are and how best you have journeyed with optimal awareness as witness and observer, the information landscapes within you and outside. This is the best and most precious possession you have for optimal readiness of life-living challenges.

Secondly, when you pack your suitcase, you usually ensure that it has the best of things available at your disposal. You don’t pack your suitcase with ordinary and mundane. You know a suitcase is what you shall have when you are out of your home and that is why it must be packed with all possible things, which you may need when away from home. That is why you pack your suitcase with best of and most needed stuffs. Moreover, you also pack them with great care and dexterity, so that not only it could accommodate more things but the things should also remain as it is and don’t get messed up. You also put the things in such a way that when needed, you could access them, without having to toss up everything out on the floor. Essentially, you invest your best attention and care when packing the suitcase. As your own consciousness is a suitcase of multi-dimensional information, you pack your consciousness with the best of information, with utmost care and dexterity. You invest best of your energy and thoughtfulness to ensure that when in need, you have easy and prompt access to certain information. You pack your suitcase of consciousness with best of information. You cannot be careless about it. Are you?

Your preparedness with information and carefulness with information is key to your wellness and success. As you understand and truly own your questions, it simply means, you are with the holism of information. The answer is also information. It is another dimension of information. Questions arise out of the partial awareness and possession of information. Questions mean, you have not packed your suitcase well and you have not done justice to the holism of information. As you

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