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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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localized and subjective in accepting only a ‘part’ of information; blissfully or unconsciously neglecting the larger and holistic information in its entirety. First requirement is to have a mind consciousness to accept the hypothesis that any decision about the choices of life-living must be made only on the basis of holism and entirety of information. Therefore, if I have a question, ‘Does she love me or not?’, I must first ensure that I have all possible information on my side to judge the situation optimally. Naturally, I shall have to be aware of what truly, really and holistically is the idea and reality of love. If I do not understand what love is and what it entails in its entirety and holism, how can I be a good judge of my own love and its probable response in others? Then, I also have to be in complete and perfect possession of all those information, which makes me accept that my love for the woman I am seeking to reciprocate my feelings are true and real.

Moreover, this shall only be very partial perspective of the situation. For holism, I shall have to be in complete and perfect knowledge of all possible information on the side of the woman I am seeking reciprocation from. I must be very aware of her life-living situations, her innate nature, her current state of mind, her ambient milieus, her overall behavior and actions not only vis-à-vis me but with all, etc. Moreover, I must have the courage to wear my simplicity and innocence and ask the woman in perfect sincerity. Ultimately, I must have this readiness to accept with grace and poise, whatever way the information about the probability of reciprocation comes from the side of the woman I am investing my love on.

If we try to understand this situation, from the perspective of pure Information; we have to accept that the very question, ‘Does she love me or not’, emanates and somehow seems to seek answer only because I haven’t journeyed optimally the Information Landscape of the woman, I seek reciprocation of my love from. Not only I haven’t journeyed the entirety of her information landscape but have also probably not witnessed, observed, absorbed, examined and imbibed optimally, the details of all constituting elements and dimensions of her Information landscape. Had I done it optimally, I would never have to ask. I would rather know, feel and realize. Very simply; I have not yet been ONE and SAME with her Information and that is why my question is happening and seeking answer. Love surely cannot happen; this way!

There is this clichéd about love – Love is not done; it happens! What does it mean? For populist consumption; it means love is something mystical and magical, which cannot be planned and formalized. Love heralds itself and people only realize it later. This however is what we have described earlier as culturally populist answer. The metaphor of love is not done and it happens, may very well indicate at its existence as Information. Often, people stand at the portals of the landscape of Love and declare that it is there for them. It however doesn’t happen. Only questions happen; the doubtfulness happen. Love actually happens as we journey the holism of Information of love as well as the information landscape of the person, we intend to love.

Had I journeyed my woman optimally; I would never ask. I would rather know and know it right – both yes or no. If I am asking question about the probability of happening of love and seeking confirmation; I am actually showcasing; that too very brilliantly; my own stupidities, depravity and unworthiness. As is the famous saying, ‘People say I love you and think; it has happened!’ I am only standing at the portals of this brilliantly marvelous landscape of love; not yet enterprising to journey it and still feeling to be in love and stupidly asking, ‘Does this beautiful landscape love me too?’ More hypocritically; my self-validation and egoistic consciousness already accepts the answer and gears up for the ‘enterprise’ of garnering ‘suitable’ information to ‘conspire’ favorability to my answer. More stupidly; I even expect the ‘Cosmos to align favorably with my unworthiness’.

Secondly and probably also more importantly, we have to be very aware about how we examine and assess the holism of available information to arrive at a conclusion about the veracity of a reality. I may have all the information available to me to decide whether this woman I am in love with and wish to know about the reality of her reciprocation probability but the biggest trouble is to examine them objectively and logically. We have already deliberated; it is so difficult because one’s innate egoism, instinct of self-validation, subjective preferences of weighing some information more than others, entrenched propensity of denying any information, which may go against my own benefit-suitability, etc are always working subconsciously to vitiate the probability of objective-logical assessment. So, how we can examine a set of true, right and diverse information is bigger challenge.

When we talk about the idea of information landscape, we essentially delve into the hypothesis that reality has nothing to do with our consciousness and cognition. Reality is just information and it is just there, not for me, you or anyone else. It is either for all or for none. It means, reality is neither my friend nor my enemy. If some reality seems inimical to me and some as affable, it is my cognitive situation vis-à-vis a reality. The woman either saying yes to my love proposition or no is simply value-neutral Information from her side. She has all the rights in the world to align with whatever information she thinks best suits her – yes or no. Her information is aligned to Her value-summation of good and right and I must respect it. The information itself being ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ is my cognitive acceptance. A big river with deep water flow is just Information – a beautiful and lovable one! It is a reality not because of I, you or others. If I am drowned in the river, it surely is no choice of the river. If I sail a boat in the river, catch good amount of fish and earn good money; this too is no inclination of the river. The river is plain and simple information. It is my consciousness and cognition, which aligns either on the right or wrong side of the information of river to get good or bad outcomes. If I fail in love; love and the woman cannot be bad and if I am successful in love; they cannot be great. If my awareness about the information of river and love is optimal and my own preparedness to make optimal use of the information for my own benefit and betterment is right, the information landscape is a happy journeying proposition for me.

From our own experiences, we can say that this hypothesis seems precise description of the reality and our own troubles. We are too egoistically inclined and obsessed to accept that we never care to have good awareness about the information of reality. We are usually so overburdened by our own propensities for self-validation that we never care about how we align ourselves with information of reality. Therefore, it is only very natural that for most people, the very assessment and acceptance of good and bad, right and wrong, utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, etc. is flawed and scammed.

This flaw and scammed judgment of information of reality is purely subjective. The flaw and inappropriateness is on the side of our consciousness and cognition. The information is neutral – neither good nor bad. It is equal and common for all. It is primarily about how our individual and subjective consciousness and cognition align with the information. It is all about ‘which side of information we are’. So, when we think of information landscape, the reality; the very next thing, which must come to our mind, is Awareness. This awareness has two aspects – first is the awareness of all possible dimensions of information landscape and second is the awareness of optimal alignment with every possible dimension of the information. This shall optimize our potential with a reality. The reality is purely information. It is only natural that information does not have any rigidity and bias towards anyone and anything. It is equally facilitative towards failure as it is towards success. How our individual consciousness and cognition aligns itself with this neutral facilitative energy flow of the information is our personal artistry and mastery.

Therefore, we can say, any reality, which we confront in our life-living is a neutral energy; an objective information. It is all about how good and bad, right and wrong we are. The utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, etc depends on us. The information landscape is only a facilitation of all probabilities. This itself suggests that our consciousness and cognition need to be optimally aware and knowledgeable. It is only very natural that philosophies and spiritualism has been saying the same thing since over 3000 years and now modern contemporary science also has the same prescription. But then, humanity has always loved to declare knowledge of reality as its last priority. Most simply love the bliss of ignorance and majority of people feel, awareness and knowledge is the cause of all troubles!

There was another issue, which we had deliberated upon at the start of this talk. We had this question, ‘Why do we all love stories?’ Before we answer the question; it is important that we understand that a story is essentially journeying an information landscape. If it is an accepted fact that since childhood, most kids love to listen to stories, then it suggests, we have this innate and entrenched inclination and propensity to journey information landscape. Modern science suggests that it is only very natural. Information is the most critical consumption item for humans and for that matter core need for any species to survive. Journeying information is essentially a survival routine and therefore, it is only natural that evolution has embedded it and wired it deep into our subconscious minds. Earlier, we have talked whether benchmarks of goodness and righteousness are now well wired deep inside our consciousness or not.

Stories have loads of simulated and Mimicked Information. Stories are also somehow like vaccines; they trick the human body-brain to accept the mimicked information as true and real. From the very start of civilization, stories as information landscape were part of early education of children as stories prepared them for larger and more complex and diversified journeys into macrocosmic information landscapes, as they grew up. Interestingly, most stories of children also have strong insinuations towards this artistry of how to align with which side of the information for optimal success and happiness. This we know as ‘moral’ of the story.

There is another dimension to the reality of stories and their utility in our life-living. Modern science tells us that good stories light up large parts of our brain and it also activates the hormone of wellness – Oxytocin . Science also tells us that the same portions of brains of all listeners of the story are lighted up and even the story teller’s brain has the same response. This suggests that a good information creates empathy and emotional connect with people. This means, the story teller and listeners are all ONE and SAME with singular Information. This can be interpreted as a probability that information sharing is innately and subconsciously linked to personal as well as collective wellness. Naturally, a good societal and cultural system must be one, where information is shared truly and abundantly. Also, the information shared must have right ingredients of a good story. The vaccine must be very high in its curative and therapeutic efficacy!

In contemporary world, we can see how people so passionately and diligently share their ‘stories’ and information on various social media

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