Psychology books read online

Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
In the case of a real individual understanding of the thoughts of the authors, the horizons of being are truly boundless for the reader. Such a person will receive not only the most powerful theoretical basis in understanding the world, but also practical guidance for action and behavior in almost every sphere of life. Psychology as one of the basic sciences has absorbed many segments and currents, the representatives of each of which were and are the best minds of mankind. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced reader not only to understand, but even to master the world philosophical thought. The number of people interested in psychology grows hundreds of times every day. And this is accessibly : everyone wants to understand the laws according to which events develop in his family, at school, in the yard, at work, on the street. Mankind has accumulated a huge knowledge base in the field of psychology over the years of its existence, and this base is replenished almost daily by many authors.

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Read books online » Psychology » Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Do You Ask It Right by Santosh Jha (fastest ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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internal information landscape and examine it in its holism; taking stock of every little detail and assessing probabilities of different associational connect with diverse dimensions of internal information.

As we said earlier, reality can be approached from different dimensions, perspectives and approaches. The information approach is probably the most powerful as well as the simplest one for better understanding. However, philosophy and spiritualism have been doing this enterprise, which we are calling ‘Journeying into internal information landscape’, since thousands of years. Information perspective is just a metaphor for unraveling reality. The ancient and modern philosophies as well as spiritualism have been doing it since over 3000 years, using different metaphors. Modern science has only facilitated the unraveling and understanding of reality with the help of objective, logical and measurable information. Science also does it with the help of metaphors, which may be different from philosophies and spiritualism but they all lead us to unravel and understand the reality, especially the reality of consciousness and cognition.

Contemporary humanity is very blessed that the common and cumulative knowledge of philosophy, spiritualism and science has placed us in a very facilitative situation to unravel the mysticism of self, ‘I’, consciousness and cognition. We also have sound knowledge of the emergent interactional causalities between the two information landscapes. Our contemporary scientific knowledge of consciousness, cognition and causalities stand us to journey into all information landscapes in their holism and entirety. We are also well off to understand our own subjectivity and also objectively examine our probable optimal alignment with information and their dimensions. This is the domain we are journeying here.

The contemporary knowledge of 3Cs – Consciousness, Cognition and Causality leads us to understand and accept us and our life-living realities better than ever before. We need to align ourselves with this scientific, objective and logical package of information to unravel all realities and align with them beneficially. This is what we intent to do here.

From our discussions so far, we have hypothesized that I and you are information as well as a media and what we are faced with all throughout our life-living is information. Our body-mind mechanism-process is also a bundle of information and as brain processing the information engenders the consciousness, it works as media journeying into the landscapes of information landscapes within and outside. This consciousness as a media is for most practical purposes the witness, observer, absorber, examiner, creator and collaborator of all realities. Reality is just neutral information in its macrocosm and holism but what essentially presents to you as life-living reality is because of your media of consciousness aligning or siding with information and its dimensions in certain and definitive ways. Therefore, what reality you face and what destinies these realities line up for you is largely the function of your consciousness.

This consciousness is a trouble tool because of its dualistic nature, even when as a powerful media, the consciousness is a potential of infinite possibilities. This consciousness is in you and you are in your consciousness. That is why this dualism creates most troubles for us. There is always this confusion about the agency of action and behavior. If you act and behave in a certain way, you are always confused who decided this? Was it your consciousness or was it you yourself? But as you are in your consciousness and your consciousness is in you; you are always conflicted. Probably, there cannot be a segregation of you and your consciousness as both are just different dimensions of you. Both are information bundles – you are a package of information and your consciousness is an emergent bundle of processed information. It is for this reason that it has always been advised by philosophy, spiritualism as well as modern science that you must always focus inside you. You must need to extensively journey inside the internal information landscape. You must be the genius of the internal information. It is probably the only wisdom you think of as whatever presents itself as realities to you is ultimately also information, with which you and your consciousness aligns in a certain ways. That is why first and ultimate attainment and success for you is to journey, unravel and understand the entities, elements, dimensions and constituents of internal information landscape.

This metaphor of journeying internal information landscape is termed in linguistic terminology as Looking Within and finding the true and real treasures of joy, satisfaction, utility and worth, inside your own body and mind domains. Nothing outside have any meaning, utility and worth. All worth and utility are within you and your own information bundle. What you accept as success and attainments have seeds, soils and nurturing elements all within your consciousness. Everything is within this cyclicality of you being in your consciousness and your consciousness being in you. Very naturally, you get to journey yourself first. If you don’t, you are never ever aware of the true and real treasures of utility and worthiness.

Looking within and familiarizing yourself with your own information landscape is primary wisdom. As you journey deep, wide and long inside your internal information landscape, you familiarize yourself with different dimensions of information within you and this shall in turn help you fruitfully and beneficially align with external information landscape and its dimensions for optimal life-living wellness.

As we have talked earlier, it is your consciousness, which assigns values of good-bad, right-wrong, utility-futility, success-failures, etc as information in its entirety, holism and macrocosm is value-neutral. It is this ‘assignment’, which we are referring to, when we use the metaphor of ‘aligning with information and its dimensions’. It is therefore very natural that you unravel and understand the ‘causalities’, which assigns and aligns. You need to accept that it is essentially your personal, subjective, egoistic and self-validating perspective and cognition, which generally ‘causes’ you and your consciousness to align with only the ‘part’ information – both within your internal landscape as well as the external information landscape. When you unlearn this egoism, subjectivity, self-validation propensity and reactionary interaction with information; you and your consciousness shall become eligible for aligning itself with holism and entirety of information. This shall make you truly and really a free person to unravel and understand the value-neutrality of all realisms. This is the portal, which opens up the probabilities of journeying into information landscape as an unattached, unbiased and non-dualistic observer, witness, absorber and judge. You shall then align with information and its dimensions with this singular and objective associational string of value-neutrality. This in turn shall unleash the very powerful, hugely satisfying, unfettered and infinite interactions with information; both within and outside.

If this whole idea is to be presented and understood with the help of a facilitative metaphor, you can accept that it is very much like just being an outside witness of all goods and all bads, all rights and all wrongs all utilities and all futilities but still not being part of anything. You just witness, observe, imbibe and interact but never become one. You are neither aligned with good, nor bad, neither right nor wrong, neither success nor failure. You just witness them and relate with information and never ever become anything. Your own information landscape is then unattached and free from the insinuations of egoistic and self-validating value-judgment. Your consciousness and you are not burdened by the load of unsettling and vitiating ‘causalities’, which the external information constantly dumps on you. You are neither happy nor sad, you are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; you are neither successful nor failed. You are just you – a witness of everything but part of nothing. You are everywhere but not in anything. This situation shall free you and your consciousness from this dualism of ‘you being in your consciousness-cognition and your consciousness-cognition being in you’. You are free from this burden of cyclicality of causalities. You are still the information and media but on every side of information and its dimensions and still not embedded and entrenched to them. You are free, independent, objective, unbiased, unfettered and holistic information unto yourself. You are ONE and SAME with holism of Information. You have broken free of all external causalities and therefore, your consciousness and cognition interacts only with those causalities, which you as independent information, design and devise, with optimal awareness and best of objectivity.

This is the situation, which we can metaphorically call as discovering the true, real and ultimate treasures within and then lead a rich and contented life. This is the idealism, which science of information seeks to install in you. The philosophies and spiritualism have been advocating the same since over 3000 years. As and when you discover and stand in perfect possession and use of the treasure inside, you can easily see and accept, how there is no utility and worth in external entities, which we culturally accept as precious and seek to attain. You can see, how those external realities have no value of its own. You had lent this value-judgment to them. As you are now independent and unaligned information, you can accept, all utilities and worth are inside you and you and your consciousness is the only dispenser of all values, utilities and worth to anything. As you already have all value and worth inside you, you sure do not need the ‘pebbles’ of the external realities. Your own inside information is the perfect world for you and its own journey is filled with infinite potentials and probabilities of worthiness.

This state of you and your consciousness is the seed situation for blossoming of novel and alternative choices for life-living. But the fact remains that it is one part to understand and imbibe the art of writing good poetry. The other adjunct of this enterprise is actually writing a good poetry. It is because; understanding is only part of the enterprise of witnessing and observing. The important part is to be witness to the other dimension of recreating and engineering the imbibed information. It is about journeying different dimensions of information. There are dimensions to information, which you align with for a particular causality. You must also be aware of them.

For example, you have journeyed the information landscape of books available on the subject of molecular biology and have zeroed down on a book, which you need to read. This is one part of the information you have successfully observed and witnessed. You go to a library and ask the librarian that you need a book with blue cover and molecular biology written on the cover. The librarian looks at his or her catalogue and finds three books with blue cover and on molecular biology. The librarian takes out any of the three and assigns it to you. You take the book home only to find that it sure is about the same subject but deals with cellular mechanism of protein synthesis, whereas what you had sought pertained to pathological response mechanism at cellular and molecular levels. You therefore get the inappropriate information and if you do not know what specific need you had, you would happily imbibe the inappropriate information as the right and true one.

The librarian is not at fault in a major way, though he or she should have helped you out in being more specific. But then, it is your need and you should have asked him or her for the specific book with precise book title, author name and publisher detail. As your information was partial, the recall of information for the librarian was unspecific and you finally landed with inappropriate information.

This happens. Your brain states are a huge plexus of information, stored in different brain layers and it is very much like a huge library with thousands of books. The librarian does not recall them all. The librarian has its catalogue available to her at his or her desk and from there, he or she can trace, in which corner, which shelf and which column-row a specific book might be resting in the library. The cataloguing has to be perfect and the librarian also

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