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Reading books Psychology A very interesting statement of one of our contemporaries is that any person, to one degree or another, is both a psychologist and a philosopher - they say, life forces him to. On the one hand, the main driving force of every person is the craving for knowledge, the desire to reach certain social heights, the desire to be wise in any everyday situations - and this is the philosophy of life.
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Psychology is an effective and efficient tool in mastering the laws of the inner world, human activity and behavior.
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plexus and its very personal-subjective experiences and their feelings. It is only natural that this imagery of a reality; this map of a reality or a situation, shall be different to different people. Different individuals are born with dissimilar brain types and also evolve in their own personalized ways in different localized milieus, within a society; making their Agency very dissimilar to others. This Opens Up The First Gateway Of Entropy. The primary element of subconscious or non-conscientious Faking or Dishonesty comes in the form of the probability that a person may never actually 100 percent map or image a reality or a situation in his or her brain states.

Secondly, the bigger challenge is to have a 100 percent analogous language structure to express the reality, the imagery or map of which the brain states have created. Here again, it has to be mentioned that there is wider consensus among scientists that in construction of language too, almost entire brain plexus has to work as cooperative to meaningfully and accurately communicate the reality or situation, the imagery or map of which the brain states have created. This naturally requires not only reasonably good preparation of a person in linguistic artistry – the dictionary as well as the grammar but also sound practice of synchrony and symmetry of his or her brain states. It is never easy. We all know very well as how an average person stands rather under-prepared for good language quality. It is only natural that an average person has trouble expressing the reality or a situation, through languages in 100 percent veracity and exactness. Another Entropic Gate Is Created and another element of subconscious or non-conscientious Faking or Dishonesty comes in.

Thirdly, we all know it very well that the words in the dictionary or syntactic symmetry of grammar are only the bare basics of language. Language is perfected and acquires its true utility when it is juxtaposed with tone, tenure, rhythm, emphasis and many other small details in the expressional finality. A small sign or symbol like a coma can very well alter the ‘intent’ of the expression or the embedded message. The rules of grammar and word meanings as singular and objective system of expression constitute only ‘half part’ of language structure. The other half is ‘artistry’ and it involves the brilliance of the higher cognitive brain states. Someone said it very rightly that saying ‘Dime A Dozen’ and ‘Dime A Twelve’ may be synonymous meaning-wise but both have different perceptional imagery and feel for cognition of mind.

This high level of probable dysfunction and debilitation of expression and communication through language is evident everywhere and we all have personally experienced it time and again in our life-living. We are aware how some of our closed ones may speak so nastily and be not even aware that what he or she is saying is painful for others. There has to be an evolved and well synced Agency of self or ‘I’ to witness and realize the true ‘expression-communication’ meaning of what someone is saying. Many people simply do not own them. The Person is saying something, which expresses a painful meaning to the listener even while the Agency of Consciousness is happily oblivious of what actual sense his or her communication is creating for others. The consciousness is not aware enough to Own what the language is delivering and expressing. There is a perfect mismatch of intent and content. The metaphor of reality, which the consciousness is accepting, stands completely or partially unmatched to the metaphor, which the language is creating for others. This happens most of the times in our lives and most relationship troubles emanate out of the entropic propensity of communication through languages. There is a beautiful saying about this kind of a situation which goes like – ‘Most people say I love you and think, it has happened’…! This hypocrisy is wired in the media of Agency and the media of language. The more popular one however is the saying, ‘I Love chicken’, even when there is no love element in whatsoever intent or content!

The core essence of communication through language is the domain of consciousness. We all know how communication is directly related with richness and strength of consciousness. A person with wider and deep knowledge and prolonged practice alone can have the music and specificity of meaningfulness in his or her linguistic expressions. He or she alone can own what he or she intends. Their Agency and Language is in linearity. Otherwise, the expression shall remain generic and susceptible to confusion and conflict. It is very evident and for you to see how there is no comparison between Shakespeare, who is known to have used over 6000 words and a stupid like me, who fumbles with those to be counted on fingers!

When language requires such big time artistry and preparedness, it is only very natural that most people actually unconsciously fake a reality and stand guilty of un-conscientious dishonesty, as they fail to perceive and then present a reality or situation even close to 70 percent, instead of 100 percent. A glass full with 90 percent liquor and 10 percent water, and the vice-versa, both will be called liquor. Irrespective of which of the two different glasses one has, he or she will say, ‘I had liquor’. The dishonesty of Reality is non-conscientious yet, it leads to different Causalities…

If we could ever calculate the entire quantum of willful and non-conscientious dishonesty and faking, we could probably have a feel of how language in human world unleashes unthinkable Entropic Propensities in human cultures and societies. Somehow, it is not something we do not or cannot expect. We understand and sort of also subconsciously accept the general levels and quantum of ‘un-skillful-ness’ in average humans. Probably, most of us know and accept how majority of people on the roads are poor drivers and many of them potentially dangerous ones. It is different matter that most of us ‘think’ of ourselves as ‘good’ drivers. Actually, most people do not even ‘think’ of it; as necessary ‘thinking’ element of life-living!

We know that every year, globally, more than 1.25 million people are killed in road accident and 30-40 million people are injured and disabled. We also know that majority of accidents happens because unconsciously or consciously, majority of people never ever follow traffic and highway driving rules. Unskilled driving and carelessness kills millions.

This is not however the worst tragedy of humanity. We never ever have the required research and data on that but we all know, how most of the relationship troubles happen because of this reality, which we are referring to as non-conscientious faking and dishonesty. People are poor ‘drivers’ of their precious vehicles of ‘languages’ and they are also very careless ones. When they journey their ‘vehicles’ on the roads of relationships, they unconsciously commit accidents and the result is the death or disability of intimacy, amicability, brotherhood and compassion. Language is the expression and communication of our deep intents and emotions. Our precarious and unpredictable consciousness primarily depends on the vehicle of language to represent its true and sincere intents. The consciousness also has the facility of natural languages. But we all know; how unprepared and how careless most of us are in understanding and accepting the critical importance of the dexterous artistry of languages. We seldom sincerely invest in this artistry. The natural languages we seldom practice well and rarely use for expressing our intents. It is a human tragedy that when we need the linguistic skills of high quality and artistry; in times and situation when we face trouble in relationships or otherwise; we almost always present the worst of the linguistic misery and deprivation. Human languages are the worst culprits of orchestrating the ‘wrong notes’ of catastrophic symphonies at the theatre of relationships. Most of us have enough experiences of this reality. We need not overemphasize it. Thankfully, in some developed societies, there is a growing awareness about speech proficiency and linguistic artistry. There is growing availability of specialized speech therapy facilities in hospitals as well as in schools.

We have just outlined the idea to have it in the back of our minds, when we are into an enterprise, which essentially uses this probably ‘precarious’ vehicle of language. We shall also very humbly accept that we shall not consider ourselves as ‘dexterously smart’ drivers of the vehicle! It shall spare us of the universal culpability of one of the worst hypocrisies of humanity – unleashing non-conscientious accidents and then being oblivious about them.

Essentially, the primary hypothesis, the parent of all hypotheses is probably this assertion that human conscious awareness, its domain of perception and possibility of knowledge, are very restricted. We do not know the massive amount and varieties of processes, which keep happening within our body-mind plexus as well as in the vast and infinite milieu. We know the fact that everything affects us but we surely do not know and many things we probably cannot know in precise details as how and why these processes affect us. Naturally, when we cannot know a vast majority of Reality, in its entirety and holism; we are only the ‘Geniuses of Parts’; not the masters of the holism. Our Agency is great but may be, only as a joker in the circus of life!

There is one very powerful example to bring home the hypothesis, we have been talking above. This pertains to the realm of genotypes and phenotypes. As we all know, genotype is the genetic Information as it contains the attributes, the organism shall have, whereas phenotype is the physical manifestation of the attribute-information, contained in the genetic make-up of a person. In the domain of science, it is very interesting to know how the genotype; as expression of an innate and embedded Information; actually gets translated into actuality of reality of physicality. It is a scientific conundrum as how genetic signaling may or may not singularly lead to a specific attribute, manifested in physicality of an individual. There are factors in internal milieus of body-mind as well as in external milieus, which factor in and probably alter the actual meaning a genetic attribute may represent in the overall scheme of chemical language. It is almost the same trouble, which we have discussed above.

For example; as it has been mentioned by experts of the domain; courts have now begun to admit genetic evidences for judgment over a specific culpability. Like, lawyers would convince the court that their client had a violent gene in his genome and that’s why he should not be considered culpable for a crime, which he or she committed in a rage of violence. This is classical genotype-phenotype quandary. The genotype of a person being made culpable and phenotype is acquitted of the crime. It is the same situation, which we mentioned at the start of the book, when we quoted a poetry of Mirza Ghalib – Naqs Faryadi Hai Kiski Shokhi-e-Tehreer ka…

Scientists warn of such over-simplification of a complex mechanism and processes of human body-mind-milieu system. Having the so-called ‘violent gene’ in the genotype of a person is one factor only. It is just a metaphor of a probable reality; though a powerful one. But then, as we have been discussing the importance of the element of Emergence in the Media of consciousness; we already know how so many physical and emotional factors in the personality, external milieu or his or her upbringing may shade the meaning and expression of the meaning of ‘Violence’ the person finally commits. As the experts say, despite two persons having the same violent gene in their genotype, the two shall act differently in a situation, which calls for violent expression in a specific situation as their phenotype may have different shades. How? The experts say, the two persons may have different upbringing – one in a well off and highly educated family and another in deprivation and uneducated one. Moreover, two persons may live in two different places where the

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