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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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me to enter. My vocabulary does not permit me to aptly describe the interior of this regal dwelling place. The walls were constructed of multicolored precious gems that glistened and glowed in a magical way.

I opened my mouth in surprise and couldn't close it for a while because I never expected to see such beauty. For a moment I thought it was a dream, but this was a real castle; there was no doubt about that.

The Lord rested on a chair as I went up the winding staircase that was more massive and grand than the one shown in Gone With the Wind's Tara plantation. I was filled with a sense of wonder as I imagined the magnificence of the rooms upstairs. 

At the top of the staircase, I noticed that the carpeting was a plush white. I entered a huge powder room that had very large, sparkling mirrors everywhere. They reflected the brightness of the room and the multitude of colors that arrayed themselves spectacularly on every wall. It was a more wonderful place than any fantasy castle
could ever be. 

The breathtaking joy and fascination I was experiencing was soon shattered by an exceedingly painful memory. The view of my mother flashed in front of me, and I was downcast once more. I fell to the carpet and began to sob. 

I heard the Lord calling me from downstairs, so I got up, brushed myself off and went back downstairs. The Lord stood up and I walked toward Him. He extended His hands toward me and asked,
"How do you like this house?"

"It is beautiful, Lord, but I am not truly happy. Whenever I've visited Heaven before I've been filled with joy and I usually sing spiritual songs, but this time it cannot be so."

The Lord nodded as if He understood, then He took my hand and led me out of the house. We walked across a golden bridge toward the white building where we usually change our garments.


Valley of the Shadow of Death

Jesus sensed the sadness that I carried in my heart over the full recognition of my parents and loved ones being in Hell.

"My daughter," He said, "I know how you feel about your loved ones that you saw in the pit. How I wish I did not have to show you these things, but I do not want any of My children to go to the place where your loved ones are. I am showing these things to you so that whoever heeds my warnings will be saved!"

The Lord then took my hand, and we returned to the place where Abraham was. We changed our clothing again, and He took me to another high mountain from which I could look down into another endless valley where a multitude of people dressed in gray-colored robes were wandering about in an apparent mood of dejection. Their robes reminded me of the gowns worn by hospital patients.

The people looked weak and lost, and their gray faces matched the color of the robes they were wearing. They stared at the ground in front of their feet as they walked around in circles, aimlessly and hopelessly. This place was mostly men with just a few women.

"Who are these people, Lord?"

"They are the sinful 'Christians.'"

"What is going to happen to them?" I wondered aloud.

"Most of them will go to the lake of fire after the judgment."

I wondered why these people were here, and then I remembered that their valley leads to the burning pit. These so-called "Christians" who don't really know the Lord and who continually and willfully sin and don't repent before they die or before the Rapture happens will be eternally lost.

Romans 1:29-32, Galatians 5:19-21, and Revelations 21:8 all are examples of how some Christians live. Someone once asked me how sinful Christians could enter Heaven. We all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ to receive what is due to us for the things done while on earth, whether good or bad. see 2 Corinthians 5:10 .

"My daughter, this is why I keep telling you about the importance of obedience and purity," Jesus said.

Then it occurred to me-each time we went to the beautiful places of the Heavenly kingdom we crossed the golden bridge, from the white building where we usually change. When the Lord took me to see the dreadful places, however, we would go on different roads that were outside the gate of the Heavenly kingdom.


Sadness and Joy

This realization helped me understand some of the preparations we would go through before I would be shown a different part of the kingdom. Therefore, it was not necessary for us to change our robes when the Lord took me to the earthly beach. On this occasion, we sat on the sand, and I reflected on all that I had experienced. I began to cry as I remembered all I had seen in the pit and the valley. The Lord took my hand and said, "Do not cry, My daughter."

This was the hardest of all commands to obey, but I steeled myself against the horrible memories, choked back the tears and began to ask all the questions that were flooding my mind.

"Lord, I do not know anything, and I am a nobody. How can you use me?"

"People may think you are a nobody, but I want you to understand that you are My special daughter. I treat you as My friend, and I trust you implicitly. Don't worry about anything. I will take care of everything for you."

"When are you coming to take us home?"

"You saw the kingdom. Everything is ready, and that is why I am in a hurry for everyone to be ready for Me. This is why I want you to do this work for My children. You have been given a special anointing to do this work, so do not say that you are a nobody. I will bless you more than you ever thought."

"Lord, you know that I love you, but I cannot get rid of my mother's face as I saw it contorted by the fires of Hell. I do not want to remember what I saw."

Just then the Lord touched my eyes, and from that moment on I could not recall my mother's face. Even as I write these words, I cannot see her face. All I can remember is that I once saw her face in the pit, and it was a terrifying experience. 

Jesus then said "I know you are tired. We will talk again."

We both stood, and He embraced me, then departed. As the Lord hugged me, my body shook so hard that I felt I would fall to pieces. Every time He touches my transformed body, my physical body experiences the overpowering force of His touch, and every nerve and sinew in my body quakes and quivers. Then, the minute He leaves, my body stops shaking.

That same morning, I went to church, and I experienced the presence of the Lord shaking my body throughout the service. I could see Him standing by the pastor. During the worship time, the Lord was walking in the front of the church. It was wonderful to see His glowing presence in the church.

Throughout the service I cried tears of love and joy. My heart thudded within my breast as I contemplated the majesty of the Heavenly kingdom I had visited. The anointing was so heavy upon me that I could not stand. I could not even hear the pastor's sermon as my body responded to the Lord's presence with intense heat and

The people in my church understand what is happening to me, and they've been very supportive. In times past I would have been embarrassed and ashamed by such a physical manifestation in public, but I was happy because I knew it all was a gift of God and He was preparing me to serve Him in ways I had never thought possible. I never want this manifestation of His powerful presence in my life to go away.


The Tribulation

On March 4 the Lord visited me from 2:30 am to 5:05 am My body shook for twenty minutes, then the Lord took me to the beach, and we walked up the mountainside to the big rock where we had sat the last time.

Everything seemed normal for the first few moments, but suddenly I noticed that the mountains where the fires had burned the day before were now only scorched, charred mounds of ash and rubble. The whole area was simply a huge, black hole of destruction. I noticed that the beach, where the people had run and fallen the day before, was pockmarked with black spots, and I assumed that each of these spots represented the charred remains of human beings who had died in the fires of the last days.

The ocean, once filled with blazing blood, was now a large, empty sinkhole-scorched beyond recognition. After a few moments of beholding this scene of ultimate desolation, darkness and destruction, the ocean and the surrounding area returned to normal. 

I had studied the Word of God to see what it said about these phenomena. In Revelations 8:8, I read these words "And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood." Revelations 16 3 refers to the sea becoming like blood "Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died." God had shown me the very things He had already described in His Word.

"When is all this going to take place?" I asked the Lord with great curiosity.

"At the tribulation."

"Lord, when will the tribulation occur?"

"After I bring My children to My kingdom. Whoever has read My book and believes My prophets should know about these things concerning the end of time. All the things I showed you on this beach will happen very soon." 

I feel the Lord is coming for us very soon, and that is why so many unusual things are happening in the world. One glance at the daily headlines concurs with this observation. Earthquakes, other natural disasters including hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, fires, floods and blizzards , violence, lawlessness, plagues, terrorism and many other phenomena are occurring with greater intensity and frequency than ever before, just as the Bible predicted.

Jesus told His disciples,

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to
the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:6-14.

These were the events that Jesus had already shown me. How I wish I could impress their vividness and reality upon everyone in the same way that those scenes have been so indelibly imprinted on my mind. Jesus' words are real, and His prophecies soon will come to pass!


The Mansion

I wondered where He was leading me as He took my hand and began walking. He led me to the castle we had visited on the previous day. My heart sang with wonder. How could anything be this beautiful?

The golden streets amazed me, and I felt so happy as we walked along this place the Lord has prepared for His own. The street looked slippery because it was so shiny, but felt normal underfoot. Because of its brightness, it resembled an indoor ice-skating rink. Sunlight, it seemed, was shooting through the whole place.

Whenever I walk with the Lord, I feel so intensely happy that there truly are no words to describe it. It is a feeling of comfort and joy mingled with unwavering security.

We walked past many mansions and castles, each more exquisite than the last. In front of one of these dwellings, the Lord stopped emphatically. I knew He was going to take me inside, and I was excited beyond all measure. My heart kept skipping beats as we walked up the front steps.

My eyes were drawn to the doorknob, which was made of gold. Then I saw a gold plate on the front door. It had a name inscribed on it, and I realized quickly that it was my name. I almost fainted with surprise. Written in fancy lettering was

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