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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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the name "Choo Nam."

This was the place Jesus had prepared for me! I was amazed. It was too good to be true. Here I was, standing at the door of a regal palace in Heaven, and my name was inscribed in gold on its beautiful door! It was too much to take in! My head reeled in astonishment. How could these things be?

I cried tears of gratitude and joy as my heart overflowed with love and adoration for the Lord. I had never really anticipated such wonderful things from Him. I had always felt that if He simply noticed me it would be OK, but now He literally was showering His blessings on me!

I had tasted the living water, and I knew I would never thirst again. I had tasted the purple fruit of paradise, and I could never hunger for the things of the world again.

I had been with Jesus-my Lord and Master-and He had taken me to the mansion He had made for me. I wept openly as the Lord led me into the house. He said "Do not cry, My daughter. I want you to be happy."

As we stepped across the threshold of the mansion, spiritual songs welled up from my heart, and I continued to cry tears of joy and gratitude. I was awestruck by the sparkling stone walls that lined the corridor of my mansion. I loved the red-and-cream-colored carpet with its round patterns. The red velvet chairs-so classic and
sophisticated-were like the ones I had always wanted in my home. The red draperies were the finest I'd ever seen.

The Lord took His seat on one of the velvet chairs as I walked up the majestic stairway, savoring every single moment in my mansion. The bedroom was carpeted in pure white, and I noticed that the headboard of the bed was silver with blue stones embedded decoratively along its border.

The mirror on the dresser also had blue stones highlighting its brightness. The bathroom had a silver bathtub that was decorated with precious jewels of every color.

I sang as I walked around the interior of my mansion. I felt like a princess in fairyland. But I knew this was no fantasy-it was more real than I had ever imagined. I had always believed in a Heavenly paradise, but I had never been absolutely sure of its existence. Now I knew, beyond all doubt, that Heaven is real, and I wanted everyone in the world to know it, too.

After several moments of wonderful joy, I walked down the stairs to where the Lord was sitting. He stood up and asked, "Are you happy, Choo Nam?"

I knew the Lord was happy about showing me my mansion.

"Yes, I am very happy, and so very grateful for all you've done for me," I responded, "but I still feel as if I don't deserve such wonderful blessings. I haven't really done anything for You yet, Lord, but I always want to serve You and to make You happy."

"You have already made Me happy, My daughter. You are a very special daughter to Me, and I want to bless you so much."


My Children Are Not Ready for Me

As we left and walked over the golden bridge, we went back to the white building and changed into beautiful gowns and crowns and went to the pond. I felt so joyous, I was singing before we even arrived at the pond.

We sat and talked for a little while, and I realized that I was the most fortunate individual who had ever existed. The Lord broke my reverie with an urgent message.

"Choo Nam, I have prepared everything for My children. I am in a hurry for everything because My kingdom has been ready for a long time, but so many of My children are not ready for Me, because they love the world too much. 

"That is why I want you to write a book for Me. I know it's tiring for you, but this work has to be done soon.

"Lord, I am so surprised about everything you have shown me already. If I were to hear of such a book, I know I would want to read it because I love You so much."

"I know you do, My daughter," He responded, smiling. "This is why I am in such a hurry. Preaching the gospel is the most important thing in the world. I want all My children to know that I am coming soon."

My mind went back to some of the closing words of the Bible, and with all my heart I cried the same "Even so, come, Lord Jesus." The Lord truly is coming soon.


Wholeness and Healing

The groaning deep in my spirit began to emerge, and I knew a special anointing was upon me. Then something more vivid than a natural scene appeared before me.

It was a vision of a church-a white-frame church building with a very high steeple. The entry doors were beautiful double doors. The sanctuary was adorned with deep-red chairs and carpeting. I could see that many activities and functions were taking place in wings to the side.

The sanctuary was filled with people, and I noticed that some of them entered the church in wheelchairs, but they left walking. There was marvelous joy on their faces because they had been completely healed. Just seeing this vision was bringing healing to my hurts and fears as well. Like them, God wanted me to be whole, and He was equipping me for the ministry to which I had been called.

"Do you like what you are seeing?" the Lord asked.

I radiated a smile back at Him and responded, "Yes!" I was more excited than I had ever been in my life.

Then He repeated something that was vitally important to Him, "Before I come for My people, half of the unbelievers will be saved."

"When will you come for us?" I asked again, hoping for a more precise, definitive response.

"I told you it will be soon. Didn't you see that everything is already prepared for everyone here?"

That, I then knew, was precisely why the Lord had taken me to Heaven so many times-so that I would see that He had almost completed His work. The time of His return is truly at hand. This is the burning message that must be told. This is the theme of my book and my life.

Jesus wants everyone to know that the end is coming. He has already prepared an eternal home for all who believe in Him. It is no longer accurate to say that He is preparing a place for us because the place is already prepared! 

Isn't it thrilling to know that half of the unbelievers in the world will be saved before the Lord returns in the very near future? Many millions of people will be ushered into the church of Jesus Christ, and the church had better be prepared for them. 

I can't wait to start building the church of my vision. I have embraced the vision God gave me, and I am beginning to run with it. My confidence is building, and all of my inner insecurities, worries and fears are being absorbed by the love of God. I know, beyond all shadow of doubt, that God's love is everlasting, His kingdom is real and He will keep His Word.

Through the experiences I'd had in Heaven, I was learning that God enables those He calls. He fills in the empty places and provides strength in our weakness. Like the handicapped people I'd seen in the vision of the church, we're all limited or handicapped in one way or another.

But God is able to give new strength to the legs of the lame, and as He heals our handicaps, we are able to walk in newness of life-in the strength and power of His Holy Spirit. On that early March morning I learned an all-encompassing truth anew "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phillipians 4:13 .


Worry Is a Sin

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7.

After ten days of rest, with good, sound sleep every night, I knew I was ready to meet the Lord again and to go with Him to Heaven. The Ides of March-March 15, 1996-had arrived, but they were not something to beware; indeed, they provided me with the moment I had been eagerly awaiting since the Lord's departure nearly two
weeks before.

From 6:40 am to 8:40 am, I enjoyed the Lord's visit and another journey to Heaven. As usual, before His arrival my body shook, and I groaned for thirty minutes. Then the Lord appeared before me and said "My daughter, I see you are rested now. We have a lot of work to do yet."

The Lord of Heaven and earth was concerned about me, His daughter and handmaiden. He made sure I had caught up on my rest before He returned to take me with Him. He understands the limitations of my body and soul, and He truly cares about me. He knows everything that is good for His children, and He will withhold no good thing from those who love Him.

After the last two times I had gone to Heaven my body had felt as if it were out of control. I was very tired from the shaking, and I found myself feeling dizzy much of the time. I had slept only three hours a night for a period of two weeks. It was impossible for me to sleep during the day because the anointing of the Holy Spirit was so strong upon me.

Little by little, I was learning how to manage the situation by going to bed earlier in the evening to ensure I would have sufficient sleep before the Lord arrived. On this morning, the Lord took my transformed body to the beach where we walked by the seaside for a while before He took me to Heaven. My heart was filled with great joy and anticipation as we flew away.

We arrived at the usual location and entered the white building. By now, I was getting used to the setting and the procedures we normally followed. We changed into our Heavenly clothing, and then the Lord took my hand as He led me down a wide road that coursed its way up an exceedingly high mountain.

It was very much like the Cascade Mountains that I'd visited in the northwestern part of the United States, and I remarked that Heaven looked, in many ways, like earth-but it was far more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen on this planet.

There were many leafy trees and bushes on the mountainside.  From the summit I could see a beach. It was a rocky coastline, much like the pictures I'd seen of Bar Harbor, Maine. Everything glowed with a whiteness that was stunningly brilliant and pure. We descended the mountain and walked on the sand between the rocks. It was the whitest, cleanest sand I'd ever seen, and the beach was absolutely the most beautiful I'd ever seen.

Some of the rocks nearby were so huge that I could not see their tops. As we walked around one of them, I noticed a large group of people wearing white robes. Each person was distinctly different from the other in appearance, and many children could be seen playing in the sand. Some children were holding the hands of grown-ups, and everyone was walking around in a playful, happy manner. It was wonderful to see a place of such brightness and joy.

The Lord and I sat on one of the big rocks for quite a while, simply enjoying the vibrant beauty all around us. He turned to me and said "I have made so many of the things here similar to the things on earth so that My children can enjoy them when they come to My kingdom, but there are many things that are not the same as things on earth. I have so many exciting surprises for My children."

He sounded so happy-like a parent who has provided as many gifts as possible for his children to open on Christmas Day. The Lord seemed to want His children to be happy-like the ones who were playing so joyfully in the sand. This is why He created Heaven to be such a wonderful place. It will be the home for His children forever and ever.

"Do you like what I am showing you, Choo Nam?"

"Yes, Lord. I've seen many beaches on earth, but none of them can compare with this beach."

I could sense that my response greatly pleased my Master. Soon thereafter we left the beach and returned to the white building. We changed into regal robes and crowns, and the Lord took me to the pond where

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