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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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lying down on an old sheet on the ground, while my little nieces and nephews were singing their Sunday School songs. Suddenly I felt a heavy anointing come upon me, my body became very weak, and I was out under the power of God. I saw a man, wearing a long white robe tied with a rope of the same colour, walking towards where I was lying. There was a brilliant light around Him as though it were radiating from Him. He was wearing brown sandals; His features were like people from the Middle East, with a beautiful tanned skin. His face was very kind and full of glory but I was unable to look Him in the eyes. When He spoke, His voice was tender, kind and loving, yet authoritative; waves of love were emanating from His very being.

He extended His hand to me and pulled me up from where I was lying. Suddenly I was in a beautiful, transformed body; I looked the same as I was when I was eighteen years old. I was wearing a white robe tied with a white rope. Although my robe was white, the material was different from the man’s robe. His robe was silky with a brilliance that I do not know how to describe.

He said, in a most loving and tender voice: “Victoria, I want you to come with me; I will show you frightening things and I am taking you to a place where you have never been before in your whole life”. He held my right hand and we went. I felt as if we were walking on air and we were ascending all the time. After a while on the way, I was very tired and told Him that I was unable to continue the journey and begged Him to allow me to go back. However, He looked at me tenderly and said, “You are not tired - you are fine. If you get tired, I will carry you, but for now you are fine. Peace be with you. Let us  go.”

The place at which we arrived was very arid, worse than the worst desert known to man, with no sign of life in any form whatsoever. There was not a single tree or blade of grass or any living thing in sight. It was a very depressing place indeed.  

We came to a gate and the man turned to me and said: “Victoria, we will enter through the gate and the things you will see will frighten and upset you - but you must rest assured that wherever I take you, you will be well protected. Just open your eyes and observe everything I will show you.” I was terrified and started to weep. I was protesting and pleaded with the man to take me back. I told Him that I did not want to go into that place because I could see through the gate what was going on inside. He looked at me and said, “Peace be with you; I am with you. We must go inside, for time is fast running out.”

We entered through the gate. I cannot describe to you the horror of that place. I am convinced that there is no other place in the entire universe as bad as that place. The place was extremely large and I had the sense that it was expanding all the time. It was a place of utmost darkness and the heat of it could not be measured: it was hotter than the hottest of fires. I could not see any flames of fire or the source of the heat but it was HOT. The place was filled with flies of all sizes - green, black, and grey flies. Every conceivable kind of fly was there. In addition, there were also short, thick, black worms everywhere, climbing on everything. The worms started to climb on us and the flies were also all over us. The place was filled with the most disgusting stench; there are no words to describe the intensity of the stench in that place. The smell was almost like rotten meat but was a hundred times worse than the most decaying meat I have ever smelled in my entire life. The place was filled with the noise of wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as of demonic, evil laughter.

The worst thing about this place is that it was filled with people. There were so many people that they could not be numbered. The people were in the form of skeletons. I can say with confidence that these skeletons were humans because I recognized some of my very close relatives and people from my village. Their bones were dark grey and extremely dry. They had long sharp teeth like wild animals. Their mouths were large and wide and their tongues were long and bright red. Their hands and feet had long, thin toes and fingers with long, sharp nails. Some of them had tails and horns. There were demons mingling with the people: the demons in appearance looked like alligators and they were walking on four legs. They were comfortable in that environment and were constantly teasing and tormenting the humans. The noise that the demons were making was more like a celebration, as they seemed happy and carefree; they were also dancing and jumping all the time. The humans, on the other hand, looked miserable and depressed; they were in a state of helplessness and hopelessness. The noise from humans was caused by pain; they were weeping, screaming and gnashing their teeth, and were in a desperate situation of unimaginable pain and agony.

The people in this place, were innumerable but I could clearly see that the vast majority of them were women. They were divided into many different groups. Even if they were in the groups, it was not possible to estimate the number of people in any single group because the groups were extremely large.

The man led me to one of the groups on the eastern side of the place. He looked at me and said: “Victoria, this is a group of people who refused to forgive others. I told them many times in many different ways to forgive others but they rejected me; I have forgiven them all their sins but they refused to forgive others. Their time ran out and they found themselves here. They will be here for all eternity; they are eating the fruits of their labour for ever and ever. However, it is painful for me to see them in this horrible place and in this eternal situation - because I love them.”

I was then led to the next group, and the man told me that the people in the second group were those who had debts. There were three different categories in that group. The first category was of people who owed to others: they could afford to pay their dues but they kept postponing and procrastinating. They would claim that they would pay tomorrow, next week, next year, until the time ran out for them and now they had found themselves in this place. This is where they will stay forever; they are eating the fruits of their labour. 

The second category was of those who had debts that they could afford to pay back and they were willing to pay their debts, but they were afraid of the consequences because, perhaps, if they told the truth they might suffer rejection or they might go to jail or what they had done would be made known to the whole world and they would be humiliated. The man said: “None of them came to me to ask me for a way. If they had done so, I would have shown them the easy way out. They used their own wisdom and reasoning which did not help them in any way. Their time ran out and they found themselves in this place where they will be for ever. They are eating the fruit of their labour.”

Then He said: “The third category had debts which they could not afford to pay back, but, again, none of them had told me that they had debts they were unable to pay. If they had done so, I would have paid their debts. They also tried to use their own reasoning and wisdom, which did not help them in any way. Now they have found themselves in this place where they will always be. They are eating the fruit of their labour. My heart is aching for all these people because I love them dearly.”

In the first group, I saw two of my very close female relatives, as well as a twelve year-old, also a relative of mine. I knew she was twelve because that was how old she was at the time of her death. In the second group I also saw some of my relatives, as well as a Pastor whom I knew very well. Jakes, my boyfriend who had committed suicide because I gave my life to Christ, was also in the second group. I saw some of my neighbours in both groups as well.

I recognized the people I knew before their deaths; they also recognized me. My relatives were very angry when they saw me and they started to shout obscenities at me; they were using the most vulgar language as they were cursing me. One of them said that I was not worthy of following the man who was with me; they were telling the things I used to do before I gave my life to Christ. They were not lying; the things of which they were accusing me were the truth. Jakes was saying that I belonged to him and I should go where he was because I had committed the same sins as he. At first the Pastor seemed happy to see me and he said I did well by coming but his attitude changed immediately when he saw who was accompanying me and then he also joined in the cursing and the use of obscene language. The man with me told me to ignore them for they did not know what they were doing.

I was petrified and extremely sad; my body was shaking and I could not stand. I was crying uncontrollably. The man turned to me, gave me a hug, and said: “Peace be with you, Victoria.” My strength returned and I felt very secure in His embrace. Then He told me that we had to leave the place and go back. He looked at me and said: â€śVictoria, I have shown you. Now you must choose in which of the groups you want to be; the choice is in your own hands. You must tell the people everything you have seen and experienced but do not add or omit anything.”

I remembered that we left the place of horrors together but I do not know where I left Him because then I became aware: I opened my eyes and I was back in my physical body, lying in Oshakati Hospital. There was a drip in my left arm, and I saw my mother and other neighbours from our village in one corner of the room, where they were looking at me in amazement. I could see on my mother’s face that she had been crying. I asked one of the nurses if she knew what was wrong with me but she only made a joke and said: “You were sent back; perhaps you have done something wrong and you need to repent.” The nurse was trying to speak lightheartedly about my condition but I could see she was afraid to come closer to me. I asked her to call the doctor who attended me.

When he arrived, he said that he did not know what was wrong with me. Initially, he had thought that I had contracted malaria but the malaria results were negative. He continued to tell me that my temperature, pulse and blood pressure were dangerously low but he could not find the cause for it. He said that there was nothing he could do for me; he could not admit me because I was not sick. The drip they had applied was not working at first but when I opened my eyes, it started to work. He recommended that the nurse administered another drip to me once the first one had finished so that I could get enough strength to go home.

I was frightened by what I saw in that place and couldn’t stop crying. The stench of that horrible place continued to be as real as when I was there. The scenes from that place were flashing before me all the time. I was unable to sleep and my whole body was in great pain. I felt as though all my limbs had been taken apart, and reassembled. Oh, I felt awful. I had diarrhea and a

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