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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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it also filled the room and sank into my skin on contact. Thereafter, I saw Jesus walking towards me in the midst of a cloud of mist. He sat down on His chair next to my bed. I have no idea where this chair comes from; it usually appears as soon as He is ready to sit. It is a beautiful chair made of solid gold; the shape looks similar to most chairs but with back support. On each leg is a silver star; a similar but larger star is also on the back support.There are round wheels on each leg.

Jesus greeted me and stretched out His hand to me and told me to get up because time was fast running out. He pulled me up by my hand and I sat down on my bed. Then he said to me, “Victoria, let us pray.” He prayed in a language that I did not understand; I understood only the word "Amen". Then He continued by asking me what I was seeing and I told Him that I was seeing groups of people going to their work and others arriving at their work places. I was also seeing those similar tiny white beads falling on those who arrived first at their work places. After the first group, another group also arrived later. By that time the rain of tiny beads had stopped falling.

I also saw different groups of people, arriving at different churches on a Sunday morning. The rain of white beads would begin to fall as soon as the early comers enter the churchyard. It continued to fall for some time and then it stopped. The latecomers would not find anything.

Jesus asked me whether I understood what those visions meant and I told Him that I did not understand. Then He explained to me: “These visions mean that every place where you are supposed to be at a specified time and you know what time you should be there, there are always angels distributing blessings for that specified time. If you arrive on time, you will receive your blessings but if you are late, you will miss your blessings for that day because the angels distribute the blessings only for that specific time. Victoria, I want to warn you because you go late for work and you go especially late to church services. You must know that at those times you have been late without any valid reason; you have forever missed out on your blessings for those days; they will never return to you again. Victoria you must stop this thing and do not ever do it again, unless you have a valid reason for being late.”

When the Lord said those words I really wished I could disappear or give Him some acceptable excuses for my indiscipline. I told Him that sometimes I oversleep but He looked me straight in the eye and said that I was lying and that I had a bad tendency of going back to bed after I have woken up, to succumb to a desire to sleep for a “few more minutes.” 

After Jesus had warned me, He said, “Stand up. Let us go. Time is fast running out and there are things we must do.”

This time the Lord took me to a place where I have never been before; it was also the first time we took the road we walked on that day. We arrived in a garden filled with beautiful flowers and beautiful green trees: nothing on Earth can compare to this beauty. The flowers were in all kinds of beautiful, bright colours. We sat down on a beautiful garden bench, which was made from solid gold with small brightly-shining silver stars.

When we sat down, He pointed in front of us and said, “Victoria, look, can you see that city?” When I looked, I saw a very large, brightly lit city. It was beautiful beyond description. The city has a brightly shining golden gate and at this gate was a man, seated, who was of great age. He had a long, white beard and white hair. I had seen this man earlier and, when I asked Jesus who this man was, he told me that it was Abraham, the father of faith. 

I saw many roads in that city, which are also paved with gold. There are high-rise buildings and they were also shining like gold. The shine and the glitter in the city is indescribable Jesus turned to me and asked, “What do you think about that city?” I answered that it was beautiful and I wanted to go there. Jesus said: “I will take you there if you continue to be obedient because that is also where your house will be. Stay obedient - because if you are disobedient, Victoria, crows will fly in your house. Your house will be a dwelling place of owls and a playground of ghosts. However, do not fear, because I am with you. Just obey. For everyone who is disobedient, his house will have crows flying there; it will be a dwelling place of owls and a playground of ghosts.” 

Jesus Christ is real and He loves us with a love that cannot be described, His greatest desire is for us to choose life and spend eternity with Him. His heart is aching for all those people who are dying and going to Hell because they chose to reject the Salvation He offered them and they chose death instead.

Whether you are a born-again Christian or not, please always remember this one thing: Time is fast running out.


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Used by permission.)


5 Days in Heaven and Hell

by Bernada Fernandez

The text you are about to read, is the first part of the testimony of sister Bernarda Fernandez, who was privileged to be taken by Jesus Christ to visit the next world.


As I was not feeling well that morning, my husband refused to leave me on my own and go to work. I told him that I was not alone. After he left, I felt that I was dying. So I decided to phone some of my friends, and my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law answered: "Bernarda, God will bless you today, do not be afraid". The same answer came from another brother in Christ that I phoned, but he added: "Bernarda get up from your bed and praise the Lord, cry to Him and glorify Him".

So, in spite of my lack of strength I cried to the Lord saying: "Lord You are my strength, come and help me". I tried to stand up, but my strength left me. My voice could no longer be heard but in my soul I was crying to the Lord to help me since I was dying. Suddenly my room was lit up of a light which looked like a fire. Immediately my fear vanished and I saw angels descending and walking in my room. I could hear them clearly speaking to each other, and suddenly a marvelous being appeared, more marvelous than angels. He was dressed in White with a golden sash. On His chest was written in gold: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE". His face was showing gentleness and Love. Jesus the CHRIST was in front of me, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Blessed be His name!

Jesus approached me, touched my head and told me: "I am Jesus who died for you. Look at these marks in my hands, they are still there for you. I came down from my throne of glory to speak to you; there are many things in your life to put right. You are lazy and quick-tempered. Moreover, I do not want 25% Christian nor 95%, but 100%. If you want to go to Heaven, you have to be holy as I myself am holy; I came to take you for a journey".

I asked Him: "Lord is it a missionary journey?" He answered "No". Then He took me by my hands and lifted me up, and talked to me with simplicity and Love. He brought me as far as my windows, He looked at the city of New-York and I saw sadness on His face. He wept and said:

"My Word is well preached, but people do not listen. The sin of this city has reached My Father".

The city was full of homosexuals; among them were Politicians. The Lord told me: "It's another Sodom, but I am alive and the judgments of My Father will soon fall on this city". Then I knelt before the Lord while crying and He told me: "Do not be afraid. When judgment falls on this world, my Church will no longer be on earth". He then led me again towards my bed and asked me to phone a brother from my congregation. He gave me the name of the then brother. He then asked me to tell him that my spirit would come out of my body, and that they should not bring my corps to the hospital or to the any funeral ceremony. Instead, they should tell my husband to trust the one who is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11: 25). The Lord told me again: "I who give life, I take your spirit but you will come back and tell the peoples to trust me fully. The one who believes in me will never die" (John 11:26). He stretched His hands and I saw that another body came out of me. I was dressed in white and I was shining like the Lord, He told me: "Look! This is the body that Christians who obey my Word will soon have".

I realized that I could go through the walls. The Lord who was holding me by my hand said: "Look"! When I turned, I saw my body without spirit. He explained to me that my physical body was worthless, it was nothing but dust, and that at death it will become dust again, as any physical body. He added that the new body I had was a glorious one which is the spirit He gave to man. I thought He would lead me straight to Heaven, but it was not the case. We descended through a tunnel below the earth, and when approaching a certain place I could perceive an unbearable smell. I said: "Lord I do not want to go into that place". But we went in; that place was dark and not worth living. I heard people suffering, weeping and screaming. When we got to the end of the tunnel, we sat on a rock and the Lord told me: "Look"! I saw people suffering. In Hell, people spend their time crying, and no one cares about others. 

Dear brothers and sisters, I just came to realize that HELL IS REAL. I wept and wept, and when I looked at the Lord, He told me: "Hold on to what you have seen, and do not forget it". I was looking at the Hell, and people were screaming "Ouch! Ouch! It's forever! it's for ever! Pain and hatred for ever and ever."

I turned toward the Lord and asked Him: "Is there anyone from my family in this Hell?" He answered me "I will not allow you to see a member of your family". I asked Him again: "Lord is there anyone that I know here?" "Yes", said the Lord and I will allow you to see him. Suddenly I saw a young man coming from the depths of the Hell: It was Alexander.

I knew this young man at a crusade my husband and I attended in Dominican Republic. During that crusade, I heard a voice saying to me, "Get up, go and meet Alexander who is passing by. Tell him not to reject this message, for I'm giving him a last chance". This voice was the voice of the Lord even though I did not
see Him. I told Alexander what the Lord told me. This is how he responded: "You Christians are all fools. You deceive people by telling

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