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with the Lord in prayer and in the Bible meditating on and memorizing certain verses! Hiding God's word in your heart can help stop those mental temptations. The writer of Psalm 119 both prayed and hid God's word in his heart so he would not sin against God: "Do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you". Psalm 119:10,11. We all need to humbly follow this example.

In summary, victory over sin is not just what you do but also what you don't do! In other words, starve your sinful nature by not thinking about how to gratify it and feed your spirit with God's word by meditating in Scripture. Your voluntary thoughts, that is, the thoughts you choose to ponder when free to think about anything you want, are extremely important. Romans 8:5 says, "Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."

Paul wrote, "The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life". Galatians 6:8. Notice that to reap destruction is the opposite of reaping eternal life. In other words, reaping destruction is reaping eternal death or Hell.

In the Old Testament, we also read of lust in passages like Proverbs 6:25- 26: "Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life." Again, lust leads to destruction and Hell! Therefore, do not take this sin lightly.

By the way, the word rendered "lustfully" in Matthew 5:28 is used in a good sense in 1 Timothy 3:1 and Hebrews 6:11. This latter verse reads: "We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure."

Paul emphasized free-will and human responsibility. He did this without contradicting his own grace message. He wrote, "Keep yourself pure". 1 Timothy 5:22. Undoubtedly, many will have to make MAJOR TV changes to obey this command! Victory over TV will benefit you and others in this life and throughout eternity, but get ready for the battle regarding it!

Job was the most unique man on earth in his day - being blameless, upright, a man that feared God and shunned evil. Job 1:8. This man said of himself, "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl". Job 31:1. This is also very important in our day in light of Matthew 5:28-29 and the rampancy of pornographic literature, movies and commercials in our vile country.

Paul wrote, "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry". Colossians 3:5 . Please note: it's your responsibility coupled with the power of God. Romans 8:13. that is the victory over lust.

It might surprise some to learn that Jesus used the word from which we get our word "pornography" in Revelation 22:15, which the King James Version translates as whoremongers. In the greek the original word is pornos. From which we get the word pornography. The NIV bible translates the word as sexually immoral, and stated that along with some others, such are "outside" the city of New Jerusalem or Heaven. If we compare Revelation 21:8 to this same verse, we know their specific location is clearly the lake of fire!

Someone, who calls himself alex271, sent me the following testimony about the struggle they had with sexual immorality, and specifically about how God warned him about pornography and how that it would send him to the lake of fire.


- Beginning of alex271 Testimony -

I know how pleasurable sin can be. Even though I was married, I used to lust after a woman at work, I used to fantasize about her. And even masturbated for hours fantasizing about her. I admit, it was pleasurable. I also lusted after other woman as well. I also looked at pornography and lusted after some of those beautiful women and masturbated while looking at those naked women.

Hey, I was a sinner on my way to Hell just like many of you. But God got my attention and even spoke to me one day after I had been viewing some pornography and was on my way to go masturbate in a bathroom. He simply told me without anger in His voice:


This statement He actually spoke to me right after I viewed some pornography and on my way to go masturbate. What is worse at the time I went ahead and masturbated - even after God spoke this bible phrase to me.

At first I was wondering. Why is God telling me this? I even thought He was not referring to me. That is how deceitful sin actually is. In the midst of it - you don’t think you are guilty of it. It really is amazing how deceitful our hearts can be. Even when we know the scriptures.

Again the exact phrase God spoke to me and in a very clear voice was:


The statement that God spoke to me is part of a verse in the bible, in Revelation 21:8, King James Version which says, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

This showed me that pornography, lust, and masturbation will definitely send me to Hell. Later I finally repented of this lust and adultery of my heart and I turned to Jesus with all my heart. It took a while but with God’s help I was finally able to overcome and learned how to keep pure. Don’t despair. If you really want to overcome God will help you. Just don’t play games with God. God hates that.

Having done the same types of sins that many of you have done and are doing, I cannot condemn you or judge you. I definitely do not think I am better than anyone else.

I just know with all my heart that all people who get involved in sexual immorality in any form will end up in Hell as God warns - unless they repent. Repent means to turn away from sin and totally give your life to Jesus. This I know because God never lies to us. Also God doesn't want any of us to go to Hell.

Remember: God's warning in Revelation 21:8.


Going to Hell forever is not worth the temporary pleasures of sin. It's just not worth it.

- End of alex271 Testimony -



In still another testimony the following was sent to me by someone who visited my website at, The person identified himself as luap123311. I will use luap for short. explains how he had a dream that his late father was in torment in Hell - and that what landed him there was his love of pornography.


- Beginning of luap Testimony -

Luap.     October 6, 2010.

God has taken me to the " Lake of Fire " on two occasions and I saw that it is a Lake that is made of Field Stones and I saw a soul in the Lake trying to escape? but it could not and I saw rise and fall back into it - and the soul had Black Eyes - and I was really terrified to see someone there. I ask God to reveal who that soul was - so God gave another dream and I saw my father. His love to pornography got him there and there is nothing that I can do to help him. Now he will suffer for Eternity !

The next week luap wrote the following:

Luap.       October 12, 2010.

My father took us to church every week but I guess he did not listen to the Gospels where Jesus Christ said if we Lust after a woman we have already fornicated with her. So - pornography that my father enjoyed brought him Eternal Damnation forever. Jesus means what he says!

- End of luap's Testimony -


So we see here another illustration that, Pornography and Lust WILL send you to Hell. Remember and believe what Jesus says in Revelation 21:8 about all forms of sexual immorality also called whoremongering, including adultery, fornication which is sex outside of marriage, lust, pornography which is lust and adultery of the heart, homosexuality, bestiality (sex with animals), and all other forms of sexual immorality:


Jesus does not lie. He will render judgment precisely as He warns. He will be sad and cry for you but He will still have to send you to Hell if you persist in sin and do not repent.

In yet another testimony, Jesus gave visions of Hell and Heaven to Pastor Yong-Doo Kim from Korea, some of his relatives, and some of the people in his church. The following is some excerpts from their testimonies.


- Beginning of Pastor Kim's Testimony -

Excerpts from the Book. Baptize by Blazing Fire. by Pastor Yong-Doo Kim.

(Free website download. Used by permission from


Pastors and Church members committing adultery

My heart aches whenever ministers make headline news and their dirty secrets are exposed on TV. I would either turn the TV off or shred the newspaper in fear of my family getting wind of it. As a minister, I am very ashamed and embarrassed. I am bewildered, I do not know what I should do. I feel as though it is me being exposed since I am also a minister. I have no desire to discuss or expose the dirty hidden secrets of the other fallen ministers. However, the Lord had pressed me to record the details in this book.

Jesus commanded that we never commit the sin of adultery. Among the countless of people going to Hell, many of them are adulterers. The Lord had reminded us, "Didn't your church members witness the adulterers tormenting in Hell? Adultery is a sin that is very difficult to repent." The Lord hates His people committing spiritual adultery but He also despises people committing physical adultery even more.

Many ministers and church members are deluded in thinking that if they just confess their sins using the name of Jesus, they are absolutely forgiven. As a result, they continue to commit the same sin, repent again and think they are covered by grace. They trample on grace and do not hesitate to commit the same adulterous sin over and over. The Lord resented their delusion. Revelation 2:21-23. Before a person comes to Jesus, they do evil out of ignorance. Jesus is very angry that people have accepted Him as their Lord, but continue to sin repeatedly without hesitation. The Lord shouted angrily, "It will be very difficult to forgive ministers who commit adultery in secret. If they do not repent sincerely, they will end up in Hell!"

I compassionately pleaded, "Lord! They are human beings, they are flesh, therefore, they could still fall and make mistakes, right? If a person dies, he or she will not have the opportunity to repent. But while they are alive, won't they be forgiven if they repent? There are many verses in the bible that states that You will forgive, if one repents." The Lord replied, "the ministers know the scriptures very well, and yet if they commit adultery, they will be harshly judged. It will be difficult for them to be forgiven!" The Lord austerely reproved me.

I persistently pleaded to the Lord for mercy and

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