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spider with teeth before. I watched as they entered the jail cells, and began to crawl all over the bishops, attacking them and biting them all over their bodies with their teeth. There were masses of them; so many that they covered all the cells. You could not see the cells or the poor souls that were in them because thousands of those black spiders covered them like an enormous black blanket. Oh what screams and cries came from within the cells, from the apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, and bishops, who were the disobedient children of God! Then the Lord God Jesus said to me, "These are the cursed ones, the disobedient children that I called into My kingdom, but this hour they are here in this place of outer darkness, tormented and suffering for their disobedience."

Then the Lord God Jesus said, "Look, listen and learn. Those spiders you see are demonic spirits who were assigned by the Prince of Hell to go to Earth and seduce ministers of God. These demonic spiders have the power to cause men and women to be sexually seduced. They are sexual seducing spirits, better known as unclean spirits. They are part of the blame for those preachers that you see in those prison cells to be here this very hour. These preachers became involved in all sorts of fornication: adultery, homosexuality, masturbation, pornography, lust, the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah, sexually taking the advantage of little children and bestiality. Had they repented, gaining control over their sexual appetite, they would not have been here. Only if they had not given heed to those seducing demonic unclean spirits that appear to be spiders. All demon spirits do not look like this. There are different shapes and forms of many sizes."

- End of Testimony by Doctor Roger Mills -


It is very obvious from God's word and these testimonies that God really means what he says in Revelation 21:8 which states that:



The Eternal Danger of Lust

What is God's view of how important your sexual life is?

1 Thessalonians 4:6 says, "that no man transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we solemnly forewarned you." And in Revelations 22:15 God plainly tells us that: “Outside [of Heaven] are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.”

This means that the consequences of lust and all forms of sexual immorality including pornography, adultery, sex outside of marriage, are going to be worse than the consequences of mere bodily death. Jesus said, "Do not fear those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear. Fear him who after he has killed has power to cast into Hell". Luke 12:4-5. In other words God's vengeance is much more fearful than earthly annihilation. And according to 1 Thessalonians 4:6, God's vengeance is coming upon those who disregard the warning against lust.

As previously mentioned, in Matthew 5:28-29 Jesus says, "Every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into Hell." Take careful notice here that Jesus said Heaven and Hell are at stake in what you do with your eyes and with the thoughts of your imagination. Lust will cause, “your whole body to be thrown into Hell.”

Again here Jesus says that if you don't fight this sin of lust -- which is adultery of the heart -- with the kind of seriousness that is willing to gouge out your own eye, you will go to Hell and suffer there forever.

There are many professing Christians who have a view of salvation that disconnects it from real life, and that nullifies the warnings of the Bible and puts the sinning person who claims to be a Christian beyond the reach of biblical warnings. And this doctrine is comforting millions on the way to Hell.

Simply stated, Jesus said, if you don't fight lust, you won't go to Heaven. The stakes are much higher than mere physical death.


Justifying Faith Is Sin-Fighting Faith

Are we not, then, saved by faith, by believing in Jesus Christ? We are indeed! Those who persevere in faith shall be saved. How do you lay hold on eternal life? Paul gives the answer in 1 Timothy 6:12, "Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life."

Recall also the essential role of faithful obedience as Jesus emphasizes in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ ” Real faith is always accompanied with real obedience. You cannot have one without the other.


The Apostasy That Must Be Destroyed

The great apostasy that I am trying to destroy in this message is the deception that says, “faith gets you to Heaven and holiness only gets you rewards.” This is the great deception of our day. In Hebrews 12:14 God says, "Without holiness no man shall see the Lord". So according to the bible -- which is God's Word -- not only faith but also holiness, which reveals true faith, are needed to see the Lord and make it to Heaven.

Again in Matthew 7:21 Jesus says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven." Jesus is so clear in his warning about disobedience. If you choose to accept man's word over God's word then you will reap disastrous and eternal consequences. Only God's word can be depended on to be absolutely true.

The battle for obedience is not optional. The battle for obedience is absolutely necessary for salvation because, obedience itself IS the fight of faith. The battle against lust is absolutely necessary for salvation because it is the battle against unbelief. Faith delivers from Hell and that same faith, if genuine, also delivers from lust and from sexual immorality and from Hell. This means if you are in lust or sexual immorality then you are not in faith, and if you are not in faith then you are destined for Hell, unless you repent.

True faith will lead you into holiness and the reward of seeing the Lord in Heaven. But if you persist in lust or sexual immorality in any form and therefore lack holiness, you will not make it to Heaven and you will not see the Lord.

Again, as God says in Hebrews 12:14, "WITHOUT HOLINESS NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD".


- Hell Testimony from Dr. Roger Mills -

Excerpt from the book: “While Out Of My Body I Saw God Hell And The Living Dead” by Dr. Roger Mills In this testimony Jesus gives Dr. Roger Mills a tour of Hell and shows him many people in torment there.

In this testimony Jesus is explaining what will happen to sinful Christians who do not repent. Specifically Jesus reveals what happens even to “believers” that commit adultery in their heart.

- Beginning of Testimony by Dr. Roger Mills -

“But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” 1 Timothy 5:6.

The Lord God-Jesus continued to say to me, “I am going to introduce you to some people, and I will let you see them as though they were already living in their future. What I am telling you is this: I will allow you to see and talk to certain people in this very room, all of whom are dead, yet are very much alive on Earth!”

There were many people in this room, and some of them I recognized as preachers! I was shocked to see one preacher in particular that I knew. He was my friend when he was alive on Earth! He did not see me, but I saw him. There were many other people I saw that I knew could not possibly be dead, yet I saw them in the Room of the Future Dead, in Hell. I saw people who I thought would never be there and the ones that I thought would go to Hell, I did not see.

Immediately, I could see through the wall. It appeared as if I were watching a television screen. I saw a jail cell, with rusty black iron bars. The bars ran up from the dirt ceiling and down to the dirt floor. It was a very small cell, and inside, lying on the dirt floor was my brother Randy. I remember him distinctly. I said to the Lord God-Jesus, “I know who that is! That is my oldest brother, Randy!” Then the Lord God-Jesus said to me. “I have brought you here to Hell this hour so that you can see his future. So that you can go back to the Earth and tell him to change and repent from his lukewarm and sinful-Christian lifestyle. If he doesn’t repent, he will be here in Hell. Tell him that I know about the many unconfessed and unrepented acts of sin he has committed, and the hurt and pain he has caused his family. I know of his arrogance, I know of his pride and I also know about the pain and hurt that is in his heart.”

Immediately I saw two more jail cells that contained my brothers, Michael and Bernard. Jesus gave me the same message for both of them. I asked the Lord God-Jesus, “Where is my brother Tony?” The Lord God-Jesus answered and said, “The demonic spirit named the Prince of Hell assigned demonic creatures to take him as well as your other brothers to their assigned jail cells, where they shall receive their temporary punishments of torment for their unconfessed and unrepented sins. Then on the Final Day of Judgment, I will command that the Prince of Hell release them from their jail cells, and they will be judged for their lukewarm and backsliddenChristian lifestyle. Then they shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the Second Death.”

After hearing the Lord God-Jesus say this, I cried bitterly. Then He said, “There is nothing that I can do about it that I haven’t already done, but there is something that you can do about it! Go back to the Earth and warn your brothers before it is too late! If they repent, I will have mercy upon them, forgive them and cleanse them from all unrighteousness, but if they don’t, great will be their punishment in the Outer Darkness of Hell.”

Then the Lord God-Jesus said to me, “Come!” We continued to walk through the Room of the Future Dead. He said,” I brought you into this room because I knew that you would appreciate it.” The Lord God-Jesus told me to turn around and look. There, sitting approximately five feet before me was a black wooden chair. Sitting on the chair was a image of a person with their back turned toward me. I stared at the image and I knew instantly who it was. I walked over to the chair and looked into the face of that person. Recognizing that it was my best friend, Richard, I yelled at the top of my voice in complete horror, “Richard, what are you doing in this terrible place?!” His response was silence. I put my hand on his shoulders and said, “Talk to me, Richard! What’s wrong?” He

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