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Book online «Hell Testimonies by Mike Peralta (a book to read .txt) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us?

Psalms 88:4 , I am counted with those who go down to the pit; I am like a man who has no strength,

And we know that the devil does have strength, in the scriptures were there was a demon-man running through the graveyard, it says:

Mark 5:1-4, Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes. And when He had come out of the boat, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains, because he had often been bound with shackles and chains. And the chains had been pulled apart by him, and the shackles broken in pieces; neither could anyone tame him.

They couldn't bind him; he had broken the chains into pieces. And that was just a man with a demonic strength. I understood these demons had about 1000 times the strength of a man. So even if I had my natural strength, I could not have fought them off anyway. So I was absolutely at their mercy, which they don't have any mercy. The Demons run your life in Hell.

The smell of these demons and the smell in Hell were so atrocious; I can't even describe it to you. There was a smell of burning flesh, of sulfur. The smell of these demons was like an open sewer, putrid, rotten meat, bad eggs, sour milk and everything you can imagine. Take it in, times 1000, and put it up to your nose. And you just
breathe it in. It was so toxic, that it would kill you, if you were here in this body, you would die. And I wondered, "Why am I living through this smell, it is so horrendous?" But again you don't die, you have to endure it.
The profanities, that they were cursing at God is mentioned in Ezekiel 22-26, "I am profaned among them". Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.

Profaning, degraded vulgar language and blasphemies.

The torment they were doing on me was mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:22-24. For a fire is kindled in My anger, And shall burn to the lowest Hell; It shall consume the earth with her increase, And set on fire the foundations of the mountains. 'I will heap disasters on them; I will spend My arrows on them. They shall be wasted with hunger, Devoured by pestilence and bitter destruction; I will also send against them the teeth of beasts, With the poison of serpents of the dust.

So there are teeth of beasts upon you.

2 Samuel 22:6 states: The sorrows of Hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me; 

And in Micah 3:2 there is an interesting scripture where the Philistines, who hate the Israelites says: You who hate good and love evil; Who strip the skin from My people, And the flesh from their bones;

That was what they did to the Jewish people. That was in the natural, but where did they get that idea from? That comes from Hell. That is what the Demons do, and the mercy? There is only mercy in Heaven. Mercy comes from God, and the devil has no knowledge of any kind of mercy, he is totally against that. Psalms 36:5 , "Your mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds."

It is defiantly not in Hell. And in Psalms 74:20 it says: Have respect to the covenant; For the dark places of the earth are full of the haunts of cruelty.

It is just a cruel, miserable, horrible place that you have to endure. You have to endure all these things.

God has made mankind the highest form of creation, and these demons are the lowest form of creation. As men we work hard to get ahead in life, we better ourselves, we study. But in Hell, your life is run by demons. These creatures have a zero IQ, absolute ignorant creatures. All they know is hatred for God, hatred for you and torture. And they run your life, and you can't do anything about it.

There are scriptures about the humiliation you have to endure. "This thing is going to run my life, I can't stop it!" In Isaiah 5:14-15, Therefore my people have gone into captivity, Because they have no knowledge; Their honorable men are famished, And their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore the grave enlarges its appetite and opens its mouth without limit; into it will descend their nobles and masses with all their brawlers and revelers. So man will be brought low and mankind humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled. 

Isaiah 57:9-16, You went to Molech with olive oil and increased your perfumes. You sent your ambassadors far away; you descended to the grave itself! You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say, 'It is hopeless.' You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint. "Whom have you so dreaded and feared that you have been false to me, and have neither remembered me nor pondered this in your hearts? Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? I will expose your righteousness and your works, and they will not benefit you. When you cry out for help, let your collection of idols save you! The wind will carry all of them off, a mere breath will blow them away. But the man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land and possess my holy mountain." And it will be said: "Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people." For this is what the high and lofty One says-He who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I will not accuse forever, nor will I always be angry, for then the spirit of man would grow faint before me- the breath of man that I have created.

Ezekiel 32:24, There is Elam and all her multitude, All around her grave, All of them slain, fallen by the sword, Who have gone down uncircumcised to the lower parts of the earth, Who caused their terror in the land of the living; Now they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.

On and on it goes. That was a horrible thing, to have your life run by these creatures, that have no mercy for you whatsoever.


Bill Wiese describes the darkness and screaming in Hell

I was lying in the cell and it went dark, pitch, pitch black. I mean a darkness I have never ever felt before. And I have been down in caves, way down in iron mines in Arizona. There was a blackness that you couldn't even imagine. I managed to crawl out, somehow I was able to crawl and they let me apparently. I remembered where the door was so I crawled towards it and I felt my way, and I got outside the cell. I looked one direction, all black, and all I heard was screams, billions of people screaming in this place. I knew there were billions, and it was so loud. If you have ever heard someone scream before, it is so annoying. Well if you hear billions of people
screaming, you can't imagine how it affects your mind. You just can't stand it. You hold your ears because it is so loud and penetrating. You can't get away from the screams.

And the fear that overcomes you is unbelievable. Everything is dominated by fear. There is no presence of God in this place, so you have to endure the fear and the torment and the blackness. You can't see anything. You can't even see what is coming up against you. Scripture talks about this darkness in Psalms 88:6 , You have laid me in the lowest pit, In darkness, in the depths.

Revelation 16:10 , Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain.

Jude 1:13, Raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

And there is a darkness which may be felt, as shown in Exodus 10:21, Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness will spread over Egypt- darkness that can be felt."
You can feel this darkness.


Bill Wiese describes the fear in Hell

The fear, I got a tell you, was so powerful. It grips you. If you have ever seen some scary movie, where the fear jumps up in your throat, if you can take that and multiply it by at least a thousand, and hold it there, that is how you stay all the time! And I know something about fear. When I was young, I use to surf. When I was really young we were in Coco Florida surfing and there was a school (group) of sharks coming around me. And a 9 foot Tiger shark came up and bit my board right in a half. And it grabbed me by the leg and pulled me down. So my leg was in the mouth of this giant shark. I wasn't a Christian then; it was before I was even saved. And all the sudden, it let me go. I know God opened that shark's mouth.

But for a few moments, the fear that comes into you is absolute overwhelming. If anybody ever saw JAWS, that fear was NOTHING compared to actually going through it. The fear was terrifying. The guy next to me was just a couple of feet away, and a shark ripped his leg right off! And they dragged him up on the beach, with blood everywhere. He was screaming and had no leg. So I understand fear, but that fear was nothing, absolute nothing compared to the fear I felt in Hell, no comparison at all. I think the fear I felt from the shark attack was one of the greatest fears we could experience on earth.

So these are some of the things we have to endure in Hell. In Isaiah 24:17 it says: Fear and the pit and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth. And it shall be that he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit, and he who comes up from the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken.

Ted Koppel, during a presentation he did on "Night Line" a year and a half ago, visited some of the prisons in our country and spent the night there. He couldn't believe how loud it was, that he couldn't sleep, everybody screaming at the top of their lungs. He said on TV that he was shocked by how people just scream and whining all night long. So even in our earthly prisons, people are screaming, how much more in Hell. In Job 18:14 it says that the wicked ways of a man, a persons who rejects the Lord: He is torn from the security of his tent and marched off to the king of terrors. 

The devil is certainly the King of terrors.


Bill Wiese describes the Desolation and Darkness that exists in Hell

I was now outside the cell and I looked this direction and as I looked this way I could see there was flames of fire, about 10 miles away from me. I knew it was 10 miles. And a pit of fire, about 3 miles across, had flames that lit up the skyline enough to see the landscape of Hell just a little bit.

The darkness was so heavy; it just eats up any light. But there was enough to just see some of the skyline. It was all brown and desolate! I mean absolutely not one green leaf, not anything of life of any kind, just stone, dirt and black sky, and smog in the

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