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mystery, but I cannot, as the man of the church hears Me and makes Me heretic, both you and Me. But the Virgin, My mother, will come with Me, and then I will proclaim her mystery. The man of the church blasphemes and blames you if he finds out from you My mystery about the Virgin girl, about the Mother Virgin. Her birth is a great mystery. She is called a tree of heaven. She was born from heaven. She was born by the word that I declared to the serpent, which deceived the thought of the woman. Her seed was God’s Son, and from this seed the new man is born, from the word, as this Virgin was born even from that time, by the word that was proclaimed then. The word was born then, and she appeared now.

My people, you should not forget that everything is done by the word. You should not forget son, what creation is. The first earth was made by the word, out of the water. The earth from now was also made by the word and out of the water. But you should be careful, you who are now workers of the word into My name; be careful as the new heaven and the new earth is waiting for the creation to be finished. This new creation is waiting. Grow up sons and multiply in the word and by the word, and be born of My word; moreover, give birth further of My word to all who want to be born from heaven, from water and from spirit. Be skillful as in the end, not as in the beginning, as when I made the first earth I said to the people: «Be fruitful and multiply», and they were not careful to do this work of My word and by My word. When I made the earth of now, I also said to the people who remained on the earth, I told them: «Be fruitful and multiply». And even then there was no understanding for this word declared by God, as the man got drunk, and while being drunk he cursed and multiplied as those from the beginning. But the third time I will put an end to the evil, and behold, I work out a new birth from heaven and a reproduction from heaven; and I create the man by the word, and a new birth of the world is being made.

Oh, My people, I have slipped in a great mystery to you today. Today is a day of birth; it is a day of the third creation, of a man born of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of the Virgin. Amen.

… Verginica, little tree rich in fruit, My Mother Virgin blesses you. Verginica, child from the end, who had from Me the third work, be celebrated beside the mother of the Christians, as you have a Christian people, and no one has had a clean Christian people by now. There has always been a Christian people, but not clean at the creation of the heaven. In the time of Noah, there were eight clean people, but when they were to multiply from God they became dirty. Oh, Verginica, you have got now a clean people that follows the Lamb wherever the Lamb wants. Teach your people always not to lust. Receive the word from My word, break it and give it to the people to eat not lusting, so that this people may stick to My bosom forever and ever. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of the Lord’s Mother, on 21-09-1995. (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



… Wake up your shepherds, My country, to hear My voice and to put it over you. May you receive a golden Gospel from Me and may your shepherds shepherd you! The shepherd has to be a golden vessel, to be useful to his master. A true servant does not entangle himself in the worldly and fleshly affairs, but rather in the heavenly ones, and he is a golden vessel, useful to his master. This is what I tell those that shepherd you, flock of My Father, Romania, My last church, in which I become body and word, spirit and truth, as you need to have Me wholly, Romania, My church where I came back to be body and word with you and for you to proclaim Me to the multitudes, as a true God, your God, Romania’s God, as Israel called its God, the true One. In a spirit of faith, Romanian, as he, who does not believe into My word, which comes with the clouds to you, that one does not believe in God, and that is why he does not believe in this word. Do not ask from Me signs to believe, as I will give you none but this word. The one, who does not believe in the One Who becomes word from heaven over the earth, that one does not believe in God.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-1997


Oh, man of the church, you say that the sons of My word are liars, they who it was written about in the Scriptures that will be and forbid marriages and using the foods which God made to be taken with thankfulness. Why do you say such a thing? Why do you not look well to see who are they who take after this Scripture? Who is the one who forbids marriages? What does this marriage mean? Are you really the one who fulfills the law of marriage that you make the man to get married and then to make him a ministering priest for the holy ones of Mine and to make him a shepherd upon the people? What does marriage mean? Is the marriage really for the man to submit to the lust of the body as is today the marriage, which came to be the law of the immorality and fornication on the earth? Is it really by the law of marriage that you can deceive God, who said: «Be holy as I am holy!»? Are really all the saints, who left their families and women and gave themselves to the law of holiness, that forbade marriages and child bearing? And, if they did not forbid them, why do you say that the sons of My word forbid marriages? Behold, I tell you what this Scripture means? It was delivered for the people of Israel, which was not allowed according to the law of the Jews, to unite with other nations on the earth. But I come from the Father and told that I show no favoritism and no man who serves to the righteousness is unclean and filthy, but rather is received by God and is a Christian who fears the Lord and do justice before God. If I sanctified the two spouses from Cana of Galilee, did I really forbid marriages and child bearing? Rather, the two spouses from Cana gave birth to many sons for God.


But what does the marriage mean for the man? But does the marriage mean for God? Marriage is one thing for man, and marriage for God is another thing. For man marriage is people’s child bearing, and for God it is God’s child bearing. The use of food for man is one thing and for God is another thing, for it is written: «He who eats, eats for the Lord, he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, but let all this be done for God, not for the man», and when I said so, I was speaking about the Christians, not about the pagans, who do not do God’s will. The Scriptures are proclaimed to the believers, not to the unbelievers when it comes to such a Scripture of marriage and eating. But I tell you even more: he who forbids marriage today is the one who tramples on its law. And who does not trample upon this law? No man is clean in his marriage anymore. Not even the priests wanted not to trample on the law of their marriage. But even more, by their marriage they trample on God’s law, the law of holiness of a servant of the heaven. And behold that your church, you, man of the church, is not My church, but yours; it is not My flock, but yours, for if it were Mine, it would do My will, not yours. I did not separate the married ones, but I united them both with Me; I made them both a body with Me, and I told them not to be separated from My Body and Blood, for it is written: «Who does not eat and drink My Body and Blood, has no life in him».

I said, and fulfilled and sent you a letter, man of the church, and tell you that the Holy Scripture is not eating and drinking; it is not marriage and given in marriage and lawlessness. The Scripture is the kingdom of heaven for they who take it in them. The Scripture is the word of life for they who seek the everlasting life in it. The Scripture is not flesh and meat as you want to say. The Scripture is the Spirit of the Truth, as My today’s book, which I am writing Myself in with the believers, but even with you as well, the unbeliever, My today’s book is Spirit and Truth. The Scripture means My word, the word of My Holy Spirit, Which is writing Himself in heaven and on earth.


I am the One Who made the heaven and earth and the man as well, and I am the One Who founded My church. I and not you man of the worldly church. If you do not know the One Whom you say that you serve, then who are you, man of the today’s church? I am God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Say who you are too, the same as I come too and say who I am, and help the faithful one to know Me and to do My will. I am the way, the truth and the life. Say who you are, man of today, who sit on the seat of Christ’s church. I am Who I am, but who are you? I am. Open for Me, so that I may know who you are and so that I may help you to be. Amen.

I am Who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, on 18-05-1997.



Amen, amen I say to you, sons: «He, who believes in Me, will never perish, and will have eternal life», and he, who is haughty cannot understand this Scripture, which is Mine; he cannot believe the truth of this Scripture. Amen.


I come to you with My Scriptures, My people of today, as today I have no other people except you, and I want to have you only Mine, son of My word. No one on the earth believes that he cannot be both with God and with the devil, as he, who serves only a little bit to the devil, cannot be of any good to God, because I cannot stay this way with the man. I am a jealous God, and I want the man only for Me, and I do not want him otherwise.


Amen, amen, I say to you, My people: he, who believes in Me has eternal life and does not die, and he, who dies, does not believe in Me. He, who believes in Me, comes to life and is alive and believes, and he, who does no longer

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