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Who was with a heavenly blood, with life from heaven, I let Myself be created like the man, with blood of man, mixed with My blood, as I was the life which was born of the man. I did this to shed My blood for man’s recreation, and I raised the man to life by a blood price, by My blood from the Father, together with the blood from the man in My body, which came out from the Father and from the man. This is how I made the man again, and that is why the Scripture calls Me: «The Son of Man». But who allows to be pervaded by the mystery of the Son of Man, to let himself for resurrection and redemption and to be alive and eternal, as I am? Who is the one that understands the mystery of the Son of Man?

Oh, how long My waiting for the man has been! It has been the longest day, as it is written: «With God all days are as one and one day as all days altogether». I have been long enduring, only that I may not lose the man, who pulled himself out of Me after I built him. The first built man split in two and went into those that he was made of. He went both into the earth and into the heaven, as his body was taken out of the earth, and his soul, was taken out of Me and put into the man that was built by My hand. My Spirit had no room in the man, as the man arose haughtily against Me with his spirit, and since then I have been waiting for the man’s humiliation. 

Oh, how long My waiting was until I made the man again! And when I gave My price of the blood to perfect the work of the new man, as I was the new Man, then the fallen man, looking at Me, spoke a prophecy and said: «Behold the Man!». Pilate did not know why he had to say so when he took Me out of Praetorium to tell the Jews that he found no guilt in Me. I, with the crown of thorns and clothed in a purple garment for mocking, stood before Pilate, and Pilate said: «Behold the Man! Take Him, as I find no guilt in Him».

Behold, two thousand years ago I made the man new again. I am the Man. I am the Man, the new One, the Man that came down from heaven among the people. I sown Myself in a body of a Virgin and I was born a humble baby, a baby deprived of all those from the earth, and deprived even of the glory that I come from before eternity. The spirit of Lucifer, which works through the haughty mind, the fallen one of the man, was deceived, as I was the unfathomable mystery; however, I was the Man, the Son of Man. The angels from heaven still saw Me near My Father in heaven and near My mother Virgin, a baby, then a little child, and then a perfect Man. I was the mystery, hidden from ages and not known by the angels, let alone by men. It was only the Father and I that knew about this mystery, and now it is known by all heaven, the heaven above and the heaven below; even the fallen angels know it, as two thousand years they did not understand that I was on earth as in haven, the Son of the heavenly Father, that came down from heaven as flesh among the people.


The first man built, when finished, was split in two and he went into those that was built of; he went into the earth and into the heaven, but I, the new Man, remained whole and perfect, and they did not break the bones of My legs so that I might die, as it was written in the prophets: «None of His bones will be broken». But the soldiers pierced My side with a spear, so that I might give the price of redemption for the fallen man by the woman taken out of his rib. My rib has to be wounded to shed My blood for the sin of the man who has been sinning for seven thousand years; sin in his body and sin without his body. When the sin does not affect the man’s body, it remains at the gates of the body and it does not make his way down into the body if the man is a strong city. But when the man becomes brother with sin, then the sin makes his way into the body and has dominion over the man, as it becomes stronger than the man; however, this is what I said then: «No one can break into the house of the one that is stronger until he binds him first and only then he breaks into his house».


Oh, the man should not boast that he loves Me; rather he should humble himself. Let the man not rejoice over Me if I cannot rejoice over him. Let the man humble himself, as the sign of the man’s sin stays not healed in My rib; an unforgettable witness on the body of God, the Son. Here is why I came to become the Son of Man on earth. The spirit of Lucifer and of his angels is a spirit that is ashamed of My love and mercy for the man that is fallen from eternity.


I have taken your guilt upon Me, man. The sign of your sin bears an unforgettable mark on My godly body. You have sinned in your own flesh, as the woman is the flesh taken out of your flesh. I bear the sign of your sin in My own flesh of that time, when I came to become the Son of Man, to take the man out from under his sin. I took your guilt upon Me as a wrongdoer, but you are the wrongdoer. Humble yourself, as your sin is the spear that was thrust into My rib, and I am God. I came after you; I have come again. Here I am! But humble yourself. Love Me, as I loved you while you were still a sinner. Love Me, as you are still sinner now, and you have nothing to love but the sin in you; for the lust has been conceiving the sin in you for seven thousand years. Love me, as I am eternal, and you are passing away because you sin. I wiped out your sin, as that is why I came, as My blood does not stain, but washes, cleanses and wipes out, but you sin even now. My blood is My life, as your blood is your life. But your bloodstains in your body and outside your body, as you pulled out from Me and remained guilty; and your bloodstains and sins kill God both in you and outside you. Love Me, as I let an abundant life on your table when I left for My Father. I put My body and My Blood on your table, so that you may have from Me, and that you put Me into your place, and to be in you and you in Me, in an eternal love. Why do you really extend My waiting? Behold My spring and My table for supper, and you are not worthy and you are without garment. I do no longer have a holy man on the earth to come after you, as within man there is only a reason for lying. I came; I came after you; I have come again. Here I am. But humble yourself, as I suffer for you. I became the Son of Man, so that I might come close to you, man. Let you be pervaded by the mystery of the Son of Man. I am the new Man, with a life giving spirit, and there is no God except Me. There is no man to do you well except Me.


Man, you are an enemy to yourself. You need Me, to heal yourself of emptiness, as nothing is true on the earth but God, when He has room together with the man on the way. Oh, life is expensive and you have nothing to pay it with. It is paid with life and you have no life, man, as you proceed from sin. I can pay the price of your life if you want to have life. I can give you from the gift that I gave for each man, only if you want, only if you love life. Behold, I give you comfort and I tell you: be a child in your flesh and God in your spirit and you will have the mystery of the new man, that is, Christ, the New Man. Be cautious, as when I paid for your sin, I started with birth, then with infancy, then with childhood, and then with the perfect man through the Father. I took them all to pass through and to give you a day for all; for then I died like a man, but I did not perish, rather I was resurrected, and this way I paid for your resurrection. Humble yourself and rise to life! It is long until tomorrow. Now is the time, as My patience and My waiting were long. Be like Me, man! Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, sons from the manger, My work for three days upon you is a mystery of resurrection for those who choose sufferance, the one for resurrection. I won the life from the dead by sufferance. This is what I told the man. I have always come near to you by the word, so that the man may hear Me and come closer to obey Me. Sons, do not wonder of what I tell you, as here is what I tell you: there is no place under the sky more beautiful for Me, more comforting and sweeter than My place from you, then My meeting with you. I find My peace nowhere as with you, as I do not receive glory from people. Oh, if I tested those that say that they love Me, I would make them also see, as they do not know what love is. Love is sufferance; it is not comfort. The comfort is the reward for love, but first there has to be love, so that the man may know who he is and what love is. It is not the man that is love, but the man does not understand the mystery of the Son of Man.  Sons, man cannot be love, as I am Love, I, and there is no God beside Me. Oh, let the man not boast that he loves Me and that he is glad. Let the man no longer rejoice over Me if I cannot rejoice over him. Let the man humble himself, for I say it again: as the sign of the man’s sin remains not healed into My rib, an unforgettable mark on God’s body.


Sons, I am pleased with you that you keep a good watch for My word, which cries on the earth. I am comforted with you, as you are My comfort. You are small, you are weak and you are tired, dear sons. I breathe upon you to refresh you, so that you may be able to do for Me. The man can do things for himself, but he cannot do it for Me, as he does not love Me. But I included you in the mystery of My coming and I enclosed you round about to be Mine and to believe that it hurts Me and that I wait for My day of victory against the haughtiness of the man, who pulled himself out of Me. I wait for the day of the man’s humility, sons.

Oh, I have been spending the

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