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believe, is no longer alive. I told the first man; I told Adam: «If you do not listen, if you take what I told you not to take, you shall die in that day», as for the one, who does not believe what I tell him, that one is no longer alive, and no one understand what the end of the world means; no one, My people. He, who does not believe in Me, is not alive. This word that I have been coming with on earth for forty years, in fact even for forty-five years, as it is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets, this word is for the judgment of unbelief, (See selection topic: „The Judgment[10]”, r.n.) as the people do not know what the end of the world means, and the unbelief is spreading upon the people to all the margins, but My word goes as swiftly as an arrow, which suddenly stops at the place where it falls, and the end of the world means the disbelief in God. (See the selection topic: „The End of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)


Oh, My loved Israel, the man put My word aside; he has always put it aside, not only now. It is written for man: «Man, you shall not take the name of the Lord in vain», as the Lord will not forgive such a man. But the man is blind, as the blind man sees only those that are worked by him. The man, who takes the name of the Lord in vain, is blind, and he gives his name on everything he does. But behold, I tell you a mystery, sons, as after the good fell from man, the man replaced the good from him by haughtiness of his own self, with the evil, sons. And how comes this? Open your ear to My wisdom in you and listen to it. When God created the heaven and the earth, the light and the day, the night and the expanse of the sky, a boundary for the waters, and the dry land which He called earth, and the green grass with seed in it, and the trees with fruit after their kind, and the sun, and the moon, to give light to the day and to the night and for the signs of the seasons, and the stars to give light to the earth, and all the living creatures on the earth and in the waters, and the birds to fly on the earth and in the open expanse of the sky, and the fish, and all the animals, and the creeping things, and all that God made in the beginning; God saw that everything He did was good, and then He made the man to have dominion over the earth, over the fish, over the birds, over the animals and over all the animals that creep on the earth. God made the man, male and female, and God saw that everything He did was very good, and the man did not know something else but the good that God did, and God told the man what is good; He told him to shun evil. God built the Garden of Eden for man and took Adam and put him in the garden to dress it and to keep it, and commanded Adam saying, «Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die». And then the Lord made a suitable helper for him, as Adam gave names to all living creatures that God made, and the Lord looked to Adam to see how he would name each one of them, as at the beginning God let the free will be upon man. And Adam did not find a suitable helper for him of all the living creatures that he gave names and then God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man and took the woman of him and brought her to him to give her a name. And then Adam said: «She will be called woman because she was taken out of man; therefore a man will leave his father and his mother, and will join with his wife, and they will be one flesh». This is what Adam spoke after God made the woman of one of Adam’s ribs. And behold, Adam had God as father and mother, and said: «A man will leave his father and his mother and will join with his wife and will be one flesh».

Sons, sons, Adam took his free will even from the beginning after God made him. Then it was nothing but the good and the man that God made to have dominion over everything that was made. The man gave birth of him to evil; he gave birth of him to disobedience and insubordination, and the man was not submitted to God, and then he lost himself from God. And after the good fell from men, the man replaced the good from him with haughtiness of his own self even from the beginning, My people. Oh, Israel, even from the beginning, the man separated from God and joined with his woman and became one flesh. Every man loves himself and his wife, and the woman loves herself and her husband, and no one loves God anymore, as the man said even from the beginning that he would leave God; and the man and the woman would join together and they would be one flesh. The man did not believe in Me, to listen to what I said to him and not do what I commanded him not to do. This was the only commandment that I put upon the man: not to eat good and evil, as the man cannot serve both to God and to the devil. And when I came with the commandments upon the fallen people, the first commandment was so: «Man, you shall love God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your virtue, and with all your soul», as he, who does not love God, does not have love from God; he has no love. One like that has love for his own self; he has haughtiness of his own self, he has got love without God, and not as the man from the beginning had. Oh, sons, the one who loves, does not need love, as he has love and does no longer need it; and the one who does not love, seeks love; that one needs love and seeks to be loved; he seeks it in those that are seen; he seeks love with man. The one who loves has God, and the one, who does not love, seeks love; he seeks to be loved.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Passover, of the blind, from 01-06-1997


Woe to the man who spoils My words, and that one has as food the tree of death, the forbidden tree, the tree, which stops the man from walking on God’s way, and the man, subjected to death bears fruit. The man who bears man from the woman is a man that eats of the tree of death, as the first man did, losing the life of Eden, the life without sin. I said this to the man: «Of every tree of the heaven you may freely eat, but from this you shall not eat: for you will die when you eat». But the man ate and has no longer had eternal life from that moment on; and since then, the man that came out of the man has always been eating from the tree of death; and the man is a tree of death, the fruit of the forbidden tree, the tree, which God told the man about: «You shall not eat of it!». But I said to My apostles: «Not all know this mystery, but only those that it is given from God to know».


Oh, the man fled from the gift of the eternal life, and I came two thousand years to pay for him before My Father, so that I may give the man life if he wants it. But today the man flees from this gift likewise, as the man loves the fruit of the tree of death, the man loves the woman and does not love God. But who knows this? Who is to tell the people what they eat and what they feed on? Who is to tell them about the tree of life, which was let on earth from heaven, so that the man may come to resurrection and then to the tree of the eternal life? The resurrected man is the man who does no longer sin, receiving in him the angels. My word is an angel sent from heaven upon the people to let them know about My coming after two thousand years, after seven thousand years.

Oh, sons of the people, hear! My word of today is called the seventh angel into the Scriptures, I and My word. Oh, sons of My people, everything has come to an end! I fulfilled all My mystery written in the Scriptures. Everything has come to an end! I have nothing for you anymore. I sent all that I had to send for your coming back. I sent upon you the last calling, the voice of the seventh angel, My word of today, served by the angels. Hear what the Word said: everything has come to an end! Amen, amen, amen. I have sent from beginning to end everything that was written to for the man. And everything that I had to do for the man’s salvation came to an end. Now a reward for each deed is written into the Scriptures. Amen.

The false prophet, who arises from everywhere and proclaims peace between Me and the man, who goes on sinning, this false prophet is the reward for the deed of the man departed from God, as it is written in the Scriptures: «When they will speak peace, then My wrath will suddenly come and will catch everyone under it». The false prophet arose and posed as the reconciler between God and the man that sins on and on worshipping the idols of this age, which are: eating and drinking, marriage and given in marriage, and all that come out from these as the fruit of the tree of death. The false prophet poses oneself as God’s friend before the people, but I bring him to light and tell him that he is not My Friend, but rather he is My enemy like the first man, who overthrew My seat from him, so that he might seat and to eat from the forbidden tree, the tree of death, which killed the man. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism[11]”, r.n.)


Sons, prepare the way of My word; prepare the peace of My word upon you; prepare a dwelling of the Holy Spirit in you, to be forever in you. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, at the Synod of the saints archangels Michael and Gabriel, on 21-11-1998



Oh, My waiting has been long, until I made the man again! And how did I make the man again? I made him also of clay, as the man was created of clay. I came and I sown Myself as life in the Virgin, in a man taken out of the earth, as the man came out of the first man built from earth. I became earth, a body that came out of the human body, but I came out of the man at My Father’s commandment. I, the One,

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