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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Standing Close To The Edge(Finished) by Danielle Palmer (best summer reads txt) 📖

Book online «Standing Close To The Edge(Finished) by Danielle Palmer (best summer reads txt) 📖». Author Danielle Palmer

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The Patriot Center came into view as I ran down the street. I pushed myself faster and ran around the building to the back. The third door came into view and I slowed down. I reached up on top of the light and grabbed the key. Pulling the door open I ran down the hallways coming closer and closer to my destination. The curtain came into view and I sped up. I ran through the curtain and straight to the center of the stage. There was one single stage light on in the middle like always. I always came here when I needed to get away.

My life was always stressful. I'm 16 and live on my own. When I was 14 I got kidnapped for about 5 months so I have to go to therapy. I was beaten and raped almost every night. I was lucky I because I'm not able to have kids so I didn't get pregnant. My 16th birthday I had to get my G.E.D. So I could get a full time job. My dad died from a heart attack and my mom doesn't care about me. I'm emancipated which was my moms idea. When my dad died he left all his money to my mom. He was the best doctor in Fairfax Virgin so there was a lot of money left when he died.
The worst thing ever was when my best friend Eli died a month ago. He had the worst case of cancer and suffered for 5 months. He knew I needed him and that's why he kept fighting. I couldn't take seeing him suffer any long so I told him he could go if he needed to and later that night he took his last breath. His family was poor so I helped pay for half his funeral. He had asked me if I could sing at his funeral his last week of living. At that point I denied that he was going to die because I was in denial but I still promised. I knew I had to keep my promise so I did it for him even though it killed me.

I looked around the empty seating area after I caught my breath. I grabbed one of the 5 microphones and tested it. There was usually only one mic but whatever. I wasn't the best at singing but I loved it. Music was my everything. I imagined a full audience with a band playing behind me. In my head the music played and I started singing into the mic. Jasmine Villegas song 'Didn't Mean It' was my favorite song. Whenever I sang it I got really into it. My mom always called me hurtful names and then the next day would say she didn't mean it which I knew she did.
When I was done I heard clapping. I saw someone walking towards the stage but the light was to bright. When the came closer I was able to see. He was very hot with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was about 5'9” with spiked hair. He was wearing a gray loose tank top and black sweats with black and white Nike's. He looked really familiar and that's when I knew who he was. Zayn Malik from One Direction.
“You sing really beautiful.” He accent made him even more hot. “T-Thanks.” I stuttered before wiping my cheeks with my sleeves. I didn't realize I was crying. “Sorry. That explains why there is 5 microphones.” I said as I walked and put the mic back on the stand. “No. It's ok. We had just got done with sound check but I left my phone so I had to come back to get it.” He walked over to where the drums were on a higher platform and got his phone.
“Will you be here tomorrow night?” He asked as he walked towards me. “No. I wasn't able to buy a ticket. I did want to go but I have no money.” He looked at me confused. “Wait how old are you?” I cleared my throat before answering. “16. I'll be 17 four months from tomorrow.” He was still looking at me confused. “No allowance?” He asked trying not to laugh. “Not technically. Oh and I'm Adrian by the way.” I stretched my hand out and he shook it.
“I'm assuming you know who I am?” He smiled. I nodded my head and looked down so he couldn't see me blushing. I heard a door open and people laughing and talking. “Zayn what's taking you so long? Come on I'm hungry.” I heard someone yell. I knew exactly who it was. Niall Horan. His Irish accent gave it right away. They walked down the aisle and jumped on the stage. “Zayn who's your friend?” I knew right away it was Harry by his curly hair. “Lads this is Adrian. She was singing when I came to get my phone. You guys should hear her.”
Liam walked over and grabbed one of the mic and threw it at me. I caught it with one hand and looked at all of them. “Now?” I whispered. They looked at each other and nodded. “W-what do you want me to sing?” I stuttered feeling nerves. “Whatever you want.” Niall walked over and grabbed a guitar. I knew exactly what I wanted to sing so I walked over to him and whispered in his ear. “Demi Lovato's Give your heart a break.” He smiled and I remembered he loved Demi just like me.
He started playing and I started right on time. I closed my eyes and let the words flow. I tried not to think about anyone watching me. When I was done there was clapping and cheering. I slowly opened my eyes and the guys were all around me. I was pulled in a group hug and everyone started to jump up and down. I laughed when they pulled away. “Are you ok?” Zayn asked. He wiped my cheeks and I realized I was crying again. I nodded, looked down at the floor and wiped my face again. I was lucky I didn't wear makeup.
“You should come eat with us?” Louis asked. The other 4 nodded in agreement. I thought for a minute before nodding and following them off the stage. “Wait um...” I stopped walking and when they turned around I continued “I don't have money so um I should-” I was about to finish but Zayn cut me off “I pay for you love.” I shook my head but he shushed me and grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. We walked out the door and got straight into there van. “Paul she's coming with us to lunch.” Louis shouted to the guy behind him. Paul nodded and turned back to the driver.
When the car started to slow I heard screaming. I looked out the window and saw all the screaming fans. I looked back at the boys who all looked excited and were smiling out the window at everyone. There was at least 100 girls waving and screaming. Even holding up banners and snapping pictures of the van. “Ok guys no pictures or autographs till after we eat.” Everyone nodded but I just stared out the window. I was never good around a lot of people. I usually had panic attacks. The door opened and the screaming got louder.
All the guys got out and waved to everyone. Zayn reached back and grabbed my hand pulling me behind him. Some people looked at me weird and others took photos. Great now people are going to think we are a couple. Once we got inside I felt like I couldn't hear anything. My ears were ringing and I was a little shaky. We followed our waiter upstairs and to a private area. There was already a girl sitting at the table we were sitting at. Liam walked up to her and pecked her on the lips. That must be Danielle, Liam's girlfriend. Everyone else said hi and sat down.
I sat next to Zayn, on my right, with Niall on my left. “Adrian this is Danielle. My girlfriend.” Liam said after everyone calmed down. Danielle smiled at me and I smiled back. “It's nice to meet you.” She said as she shook my hand across the table. “It's nice to meet you to.” I replied as I settled in my seat. Everyone looked at the menu for a few minutes before the waitress came. Everyone ordered there drinks before me. When I looked up to tell her what I wanted we connected eyes. She looked really familiar.
“Adrian? Oh my gosh how are you?” She said as she hugged me. “I'm good.” I said after I realized it was my moms friend Shelby. “Well I'll get you guys your drinks. Oh Adrian tell your mom I said Congratulations and sorry I couldn't be at her wedding last yesterday.” I looked at her like she was crazy as she walked away. Wedding? My mom got married. “Will you guys excuse me for a second.” I got up and ran after her before anyone answered me. When I caught up to her, I tapped her on the shoulder. “Did you say wedding?”
“Yeah. Wait you didn't know she got married?” I walked away from her without replying and went straight to the bathroom. Once in there I pulled out my phone and scrolled to my moms number. After 3 rings she answered. “What do you want?” She yelled right when she answered. “Why didn't you invite me?” I whispered in the phone. She was silent for a second. “Your not my daughter. Never was. Never will be.” She said it like it was normal. I looked in the mirror as the tears slowly slide down my face.
“But I'm your daughter. I deserve to be there. How could you not invite your own daughter to your wedding?” I yelled in the phone. She said nothing back and instead just hung up. I walked out of the bathroom and straight to Shelby. “Do you have a paper and pen I could use?” She nodded and handed me them. I wrote a small note saying I was sorry but I had to go and signed my name. I gave it back to her and asked her to give it to the one I was sitting by on the right.
She nodded and walked away. I felt bad for ditching him but I had to leave. My heart was pounding loud and my breathing was coming out uneasy. I slipped through the opposite door and ran through the crowd. No one noticed me cause they were to focused on waiting for the boys. Any girl would be lucky to meet them but I got asked to lunch with them and ditched on them. My life was crazy right now and I couldn't deal with any crazier shit at the moment.
A cab and 20 dollars later I was climbing up the stairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and slide inside before re-locking it. My breathing was finally calming but I still felt shaky. I threw my phone on the couch and ran into the bathroom. Shoving my hand all the way to the back of the cabinet, it inclosed around my sharp steel savior. I slowly slide up my sleeve and looked down at my scar filled arm. It was two weeks today that I hadn't cut but I was about to break that. My right arm was already cut to much so I had to move to my left arm.
I watched

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