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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖

Book online «His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

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sister hasn't told Mary about me being gay. I looked at Jenny as she began to blush "I'll like ice water please." She nodded and walked away. "Ooh Ryan she was flirting!" Mary teased but with a hint of anger in her voice. "Mary don't worry he has a girl already." Isabella said winking at me knowing that she'll want something in return. "exactly no we broke up today." I said and looked at Isabella with a smirk. "Oh my Ryan how can you keep a happy face like that!" Mary sighed in happiness. "Well because I didn't love her." I answered truthfully. Mary looked at me in shock since I never really sounded hateful. Isabella laughed and began to have tears fall from her eyes. "What's funny?" I asked and she pointed at me and slowly stopped and sight. "It's because your gay silly." She said as the waitress walked by and Mary nodded in agreement. So Isabella had told her but she still likes me? Why is that girl so hard to understand. "Here is your drinks and are you ready to order?" She asked still blushing and everyone ordered their food and Jennie walked away still blushing. "Why does women still like gay men?" I asked mostly pointing towards the waitress so that Mary wouldn't think I was talking abut her. Mary was the one that answered with such pride "Well because what a women can't have is something that turns us on even more." She said and Isabella face palmed herself. "Well what do you think Isabella?" I tend to ask since she had a disapproval look on her face. "Well I think it is because it is 'forbidden' that girls and boys fantasize about the same sex being together." She said a bit to high and mighty but I understand the concept of what she was saying. "I see well okay but no fantasizing about me being with a other man!" I warned them since it is a bit weird having this convocation with my little sister and her friend. They both rolled their eyes when my phone started to ring and it was Ryo. "Hold on you two." I said before answering. "Hello?" I answered and felt my heart began to race since I'll be hearing Ryo's voice.
"Hey where you at Ryan? The party going to start in a hour." He said a bit excited since there will be girls coming over.
"Oh, I'll be there once the girls and I finish eating." I said a bit hurt but didn't let on since I don't wanna bother him. Isabella and Mary started to whisper into each others ears making me feel a bit more awkward in my convocation with him.
"Alright better hurry up. It's not going to be fun without you!" He said before hanging up the phone. I sighed and felt my heart once again beat like a mad man and looked at the girls. "Now tell me what you two were saying?" He smirked and they both looked at each other before saying so. "Well duh your in love silly" Isabella said and Mary giggle. I couldn't deny it so I just sighed loudly. "We knew it you love Ryo!" They nearly scream in excitement. "You two stop! Now or I will never ever take you out again!" I was getting embarrassed since I normally don't talk about this. Jenny walked back with our food in her hands. Placing them down one by one she then looked at me smiling. She handed me a folded up paper. She than leaned down to my ear and whispered into my ear. "Read it you'll understand then. I placed my number in there if you need a little help understanding who you are." Jenni than kissed my cheek and walked away. The girls watched in shocked as Jenni winked at them. "Let me see what she gave you!" Isabella held out her hand and I put in my pocket. "No she gave it to me not you silly one. Now hurry up and eat so we can make it back to the party." I said and felt my heart sink wondering what was in the paper she had given me. Once we all finished we headed to my place since Mary wanted to sleep over and Isabella can share her clothes with Mary. When I parked I had to on the street since the driveway was piled with cars. The girl got out and ran inside to change I simply followed behind to freshen up a bit. When I reached my room I took out the paper and began to read it. "Hi as you know I am Jenny but my real name is Jackson. I am near my twenties. I have overheard the girls you was with about you being gay. Do not fear it is a normal thing to happen. I am gay as well as you can tell I had a sex change. Here is my number please call if you have any questions. 678-278-9854 <3" I felt a bit shocked since Jenny..I mean Jackson looked like a women. There were a knock on my door. "Hey Ryan you in?" Ryo's voice called from the other side. "Yea uh...hold on!" I shouted and hid the paper opening the door smiling a bit flushed. "You okay you look a bit red." He said placing his hand on my cheek and forehead. "No..I am fine lets go down and party!" I tried to sound excited and he smiled so wide that my heart wouldn't stop beating. "Lets go bro." He said and lead me downstairs toward a group of girls blushing and trying to get our attention. Well Ryo already went in to see who he will fuck. I stood there and saw Isabella and Mary grinding on a couple of guys. Sighing I than looked for a girl to dance with but no luck since I really wasn't in the mood to do anything until Jenny walked into the door. I walked over to her and smiled holding out my hand so that I can lead her to where less people were standing. "Hey Jenny you was invited?" I asked since I didn't know that my brother was friends with her. I know I keep calling him a her since he do look like a female so I am going to call him one. "Yes Yuki invited me believe it or not." She giggled and I couldn't help but smile. "That's nice to know so how come you are not looking for him hmm?" I asked and I could see her face flare up with redness. "B..because you pulled me aside.." She tried to sound normal but you can her the excitement and disappointment in her voice. "Go look for him maybe sometime we can go to a gay bar and chill as friends." I said and she nodded before leaving my side to look for Yuki. I didn't feel anything for her since he wanted to become a she. I want a guy and that will be Ryo sadly we will never be together and it breaks my heart I have to get over this crush and find someone who will love me back. Isabella walked over to me noticing that I wasn't active in the party and hit my arm before pulling me along with her. "Ryan what's wrong? At least act before someone notices. Your lucky it was me Ryan." I know Isabella looks out for me but I just didn't care today.
Ryo's P.O.V-
I saw Isabella took Ryan away someplace else since she had a bit of anger in her eyes I followed them quietly wondering what it is she was mad about. I heard Isabelle talk to him first. "Ryan what's wrong? At least act before someone notices. Your lucky it was me Ryan." She said angrily and I could help but listen a bit more. "Look I know if I act like this people will find out I am gay but please stop watching Isabella." Ryan said and do to my overhearing I wish I hadn't since it is like losing a best friend over what gender he likes. I couldn't help myself and butted in glaring at Ryan and than at Isabella. It wasn't I was disgusted with him being gay since I know he is a cool guy but knowing he is hiding something from the whole family is a bit too much. "What is this you being gay shit Ryan?" I asked as Isabella stood in front of him as in to protect him. Ryan's face was slowly losing it's color, his face struck with fear, and he looked at if he were punched in the stomach. "Well?" I asked impatience hoping I heard it wrong. "Yes...I am..." He said softly but I heard every word he said. I just shook my head not really knowing what to say."So you had to tell your little sister of your dirty ass secret?!" I yelled upset that he will bring a young girl into his sick ass world. Ryan's face went straight pale and looked down as if he were about to cry. Isabella walked closer to me and slapped me hard as hell. "You are a big asshole. He didn't tell me! Me,myself and I found out on my own. I told him I didn't fucking care because I will always love him for who he is and for whatever reason of him liking you is out of my question zone!" She yelled also grabbing Ryan who stood there not saying a word and pulled him away from where we were. Ugh...why is it that he must be gay? Why do I have to lose a good friend because of he liking males...Wait does Tommy knows? I thought I should go tell him so I hunted him down looking to the side I can see Ryan pulling off Isabella and leaving the house. What the fuck? I walked over to Isabella where she was crying and Mary was also by her side. "What happen?" I asked and she started to hit me. "It's your fault all your fault!" She sobbed and Mary explained "Ryan left because he is afraid of what might happen." She said semi calmly. "Where is he going?" I asked a little worried but not much. "We don't know he just told Isabella to shut the fuck up and leave him alone." Mary said holding Isabella onto shoulder. "Why must of all people you find out?!" Isabella growled at me. "Well my bad! Does Tommy even knows of this!" I asked a bit to loudly and everyone looked at us. Tommy made his was to us and glared "Why is she crying?" He order and she looked at me shaking her head. "Ryan left pissed off and she's worried" I said holding his secret which made me feel a bit upset. "Oh where he go Isabella?" He asked her and she shook her head and he sighed. "Fuck! Everyone out now!" He yelled and everyone gathered their things a bit offended but left anyways. Yuki was talking to a new chick, Jake stood there wondering what was going on and Austin and Adam arrived looking stunned. "What's wrong Tommy?" They all said being as pissed as he was he took in a deep breath "Which one of you mother fuckers pissed off Ryan?" He said as the new chick looked at me. Who the hell is she. "Well sorry for saying something outside of all this but your brother Ryan needs all of your support." She said leaving after giving a kiss to Yuki. Tommy sighed watching the girl leave without explaining herself to either of us, but she must know that he is gay or she wouldn't have said so. Looking at Isabella once again I felt kinda bad about how
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