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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖

Book online «His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

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strong tension. "Mother and father are coming home tomorrow...later today we have to get the guest room cleaned up for them." Tommy said since it use to be his old room but once they moved out he took over the master. "Alright but I have a date with Ryo...I couldn't say no to him it is his damn smiles." I said and they both looked at me nodding while holding there laugh. I wonder what was funny and then felt arms wrapped around me. "Well I am glad you like my smile." Ryo chimed happily and his lips pecking my neck over and over.
I was waiting in the car at the gas station while the gas pumped. I looked back seeing Ryo tapping the beat of the music on the car smiling since he got to take me out. I can help but feel as if he took something from me. "Ryan do you like what you see?" Ryo asked with a sexy smirk. Blushing I turned back to the front of the car since he said something as such out loud. "Aye don't turn away from me!" He sounded as if he were pouting. Silly Ryo that is for kids. Oh god what am I thinking. I should be mad at him! Not run back to him like a little child. "Hurry up! or I am walking home!" I yelled and he laughed saying that it needs to reach to twenty first.
Isabella's P.O.V-
My mind was racing like the bunny on Alice and the wonderland. I felt like my world was crashing down because of my parents coming back home. Hate. That is the word I would describe how I feel about my parents. How can they leave us all alone? Image how we felt when it was parent/teacher conference? We always got made fun of because of it....because we didn't have parents. "Isabella! Hellooo?" Jake waved his hand in front of my face bring me back to the real world. "Yeah?" I leaned into his warm body feeling my mind calm down. "Look your parents are just going to stay for what...a couple of days settle down love. I know it hurts because they abandon you guys." Jake began pecking my forehead "You have me and when we get older maybe we will have kids and learn from their mistakes." He said blushing deeply. So he is planing a future with me. "I know but still my parents think they can just walk back into our life like nothing happened!" I pouted holding back my tears. I. Hate. Them.
Tommy's P.O.V-
I watched the clock every movement it made stressing at the thought of our parents coming back to visit. What is they disliked how the house was? What if they think I am unsuited to be a good role model for my brother and sister. Will they take them away? "Yo Tommy what's up with your parents coming back out of no where?" Yuki asked plopping beside me on the sofa. "I don't know really. I just got a random call from them." I whispered feeling empty. "Man I hope they are chill about Ryan. I mean you guys did tell them right?" Yuki's voice had fear inside it. "No we haven't really.." I answered honestly also feeling fear. "Yuki what do I do?" Allowing myself to ask for help I just can't hold it in anymore. "To be honest Tommy ask them why they are coming. It has been three years since you last seen each other. So why now? Is there something that they dislike?" Yuki stared at me letting it all soak in. "I don't know" I whispered feeling silly about not thinking that myself. "It must be to late. It is already time for them to board the plane." I groaned not feeling like a man what so ever.
Ryan's P.O.V-
Ryo took me to a five-star restaurant with most of his pay check which made me feel bad since he won't allow me to pay for anything. As the far most I had fun even though through out the date he stated that he loved me over and over again. Even in front of old people who gave us dirty looks. "Ryan let's go!" Ryo said getting into the car even more hyper. Shaking my head I went to the car and relaxed in the seat. "Where are we going now?" I asked and he shoot his head not saying a word. "Sur-pri-se!" He said with a low chuckle. It was a hour drive to get to where Ryo wanted which was where the love-rock lake was at. It had to be where he was taking me and it was. We both got out and he threw me a pair of shorts telling me to change. "Come on Ryan it won't hurt you!" Ryo said hugging closely but I pushed him away remembering how I told him not to touch me but every second he did. "Fine!" I said staring down the the cliff that was there and held Ryo closer to me. "If I die...I'll hunt you for the rest of your life. If we both die...I'll make sure you don't rest in peace." I warned him but I knew we wasn't since Ryo always did stuff like this. "1...2...3!" He counted and there we are both of us falling from a ten feet cliff then splash. Coming up from the water was hard since the pressure was heavy. "Whoa! That" I took a puff of air. "Yep..always" Ryo said swimming over to me pulling me towards him. "Ryan, I love you" He whispered before kissing me softly before deepening it. I knew it...I just ask stay mad at I can't just not love him.
We reached home which was five in the morning and Ryo rushed to the door knowing that I would allow him to make out with me. I rushed to his side kissing him gently when we both led each other inside. I didn't expect Ryo to force me down on the sofa placing himself top of me. Ryo's tongue licked my bottom lip begging to enter. Smiling I opened it slightly where his tongue forced itself the rest in the way. "What the..." I heard a familiar voice cried out in disgust. "Sophia stop!" I could hear my father gasp before I felt Ryo pulled off of me and my mother's face glaring at me with full hate. "" I stuttered and she raised her hand slapping me hard. "Sophia!" My father shouted and pulled her off of me. Tears running down my face and hers as well. "How dare you become a sicko? Do you not remember me telling you about how nasty it was to be homosexual!" She hissed angry, hurt and concerned. My mother then faced Ryo pointing a angry finger at him "You...did you turn him?!" She asked about to slap him but I grabbed her hand before it happen. " he didn't if anyone changed anyone it will be me. I've been gay since the beginning of middle school." I said when both gasp came from my father and mother. "How could you be so sick!" She screamed slapping me every where. "Mom! Stop!" I heard Isabella's voice with panic. "You young lady stay out of this." She growled at her and my father once again pulled my mother away from me. "Everybody sit the fuck down Now!"

" My Father yelled and we did but then there was footsteps on the stairs as the others came in with a shock expression. Tommy rushed over to me seeing that my face was redden. "What happen to you?" He asked lightly touching my face and Ryo shaking with fear. I don't blame him I was scared to. "Tommy, did you know that Ryan was gay? And that Ryo was involved with him!" Our mother asked trying to stay calm when he nodded. She looked a lot like me and when she angry her face flashes red. "You sly dog...that's why you said he didn't have a girlfriend! Because he had a fucking boyfriend!" Her voice raised a little and my father coughed before speaking. "Ryo, do you truly love my son?" His voice showed no anger or even disgust. "Yes sir I do" Ryo said with no fear and his face back to his normal color. "I see then it is fine as long you don't hurt him." Was all that my father said and my mother stared at him in disbelief. "Aaron..." She was cut off when he held up his hand "I say this because I will not chose my son's love life. It is up to him and you know my brother is also gay. You know that it doesn't bother me. You should also know how it feels to have someone in your family to be gay. Your sister for example!" He hushed to whole room everyone staring at my mother. " not approve at all." She said before getting up and walked past me and my father stared at her walking away. "Ryan like I said I do accept you. I am not ashamed to call you my child." He smiled gently and walked over to Ryo patting his head. "I do hope you take care of my son. He is a caring person." Was the last thing he said before heading upstairs to my mom. I could hear everything she was saying. How disgusting it was for me to love another man and how it was wrong of him to accept me since he should always follow her thought process and then it was my father's turn to yell at her about how it wasn't right of her to hit me or how it wasn't right of her to disapprove since she had a bisexual stage in her life. Wow my parents can be loud. "Tommy what are we going to do?" Alex said with a worried look in his eyes and everyone else chattering about whats going to happen and if my mom will change her mind. It was when Ryo stood up kneeling in front of me. "Ryan, I know I've said cruel things and even made you cry more than once. I hope you will still love me even if your mom never approves of us." He stated as he took out a small box and opened it showing a ring "Will you be my boyfriend until the day we get older for us to marry?" He said blushing and everyone was either cheering or laughing either way Ryo wanted to be with me forever. "Get out! Get out now!" My mother screamed and my father helplessly walked back into the living area towards us. "Ryo, I am sorry but I would like time to think about it." I told him and my father looked at us confused "Ryan what are we going to do to have your mother accept you?" He asked with true worry. "Dad you were never here! Never you and mom should pack your fucking bags and leave" Isabella hissed with anger. Our father looked at her with narrowing eyes "I never asked to be away from you all. Your mother got a job promotion and your brother plus you two didn't want to go with us. So don't you dare put that on us!" He yelled at her and Isabella winced. "No, Aaron you could have visited instead waiting three years to see your children." Jake said defending us and my father face soften. "Your right. I am sorry for being a bad father and I can't make up the last three years but I do know is we have to get your mother to approve Ryan." Was all he said before plopping on the sofa. "Dad, I think

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