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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖

Book online «His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

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"Yes sir!" He said getting up wobbling to the door. Good, If Ryan see how drunk Ryo is he can't help but forgive him. Ryan is a softie to sad drunks just like my father, who always sobbed to my brother. My phone began to ring when I heard a familiar voice call out my name. "Tommy?" My mother's angelic voice sound peaceful "Mother?" I felt my heart tighten with mix feelings. "Hey sweetie, I was just calling to let you know that we'll be home to visit in...Honey when are we leaving?! (I heard my mother call out to my father)'Two weeks!' We'll come visit in two weeks! Love you, how's Ryan? Did he find a girlfriend?" She asked giggling "No not yet mother" I lied since I didn't know how to explain to her that he is gay. "Bye son take care of your brother and sister" as she hung up on me before I could wish her well. I really do hope Ryo brings Ryan back home for me to explain our parents plan to visit.
Ryo P.O.V-
My mind was in a haze while I stumbled to Ryan's aunt's house. She is such a sweet women who just happens to make Ryan dress as a female. My Ryan whom is so kind enough not to reject her offer. That's right he wasn't mine anymore because I screwed up! What is there for me to do? Ryan must hate me right now and Tommy wants me to bring him home as if our fight isn't big. I heard some people in the background calling me stupid and should get my drunk ass home, but I can't! I want to feel Ryan in my arms once again. It took me longer to reach her home since I was slowly wobbling over. "Oh my...Ryo what kind of shape are you in?!" Vivian said as she answered the door. "Ryan is here right? Let me see him" I said almost like a puppy whimpering for it's master to return home. "Oh yes please come in dear." She said moving to the side just enough to allow me in. "Are you drunk?" Vivian asked as her nose shrunk up with disgust. "Yeah" I said honestly and she nodded accepting my answer. "He is upstairs getting ready for bed" Vivian said as I stumbled up the stairs wondering what Ryan was going to think of me being drunk! I opened the only door that was closed seeing Ryan sit on the bed facing the window. "Ryan..come back home" I whispered noticing him turn around quickly. "Please leave." He said wiping his tears that continued to flow. I wobbled over to Ryan as he looked away trying to hide his face but nothing worked. "I love you Ryan.." I said as I plopped on the ground looking up at him pouting. "Ryo are you drunk?" He asked me which was nice of him to notice. Nodding without saying a word he patted my head. "Why did you tell me something as such?" Ryan asked all of the sudden. "I..because I was jealous." I said looking up at him "Because you smelled like another man, because you didn't realize that going to out to meet another guy without telling me wasn't important." I said tears falling from my own eyes. "Don't make this out to be me in the fault! I just went to tell him I LOVED YOU!" He yelled as the last part became a scream. "I'm sorry Ryan! How am I to feel? I'm scared that Camden could steal you from me! He is taller, better built and hotter than I" Feeling my face burn with embarrassment. "Ryo, you just don't get it! I chose you OVER him!" Ryan said as he stood up from the bed "Please leave" Was the last thing he said before exiting the room. A few minutes later Rosalyn, Ryan's aunt, walked in smiling. "Ryo, what have you gotten yourself into? Ryan may be softhearted but he isn't going to run back into your arms like that." She said in a soothing way that made me what to listen to her. "What can I do?" I asked feeling hopeless and she went to a desk sitting in the chair beside it. "Look, Ryan is testing you to see how much you care. It is a good thing you came here drunk since the drunkard always tells the truth. Now is for the hardest part. Showing him you truly care." Her soothing voice became so caring. "Rosalyn, I understand that I must prove myself, but he won't even take the time to listen to me." Whimpering she got up and grabbed my jaw tightly. "Now you listen here boy! What you are not getting through your thick fucking skull" She tighten her grip "Is that Ryan is waiting for you to take action!" She glared at me as if I said something about her child. "I am not going to say this again. So listen closely. The quickest way to win someone's heart back is to take them on a romantic date and bring them back home slowly seducing them to submission." Rosalyn said as if she were possessed by a demon. I nodded and then that charming smiled appeared on her face once more "Good. I'll tell Ryan to come back up here and have you two talk a little more." She giggled and leaped out the room.
Ryan's P.O.V-
My aunt told me that the way I left things wasn't a good start and should go speak with him to clear stuff up. I knew that if I didn't listen to her she'll turn all bad ass on me and I wasn't going to have that. I ran upstairs to the drunken Ryo to see him pale as a ghost. Ryo must have not listen to her since she does have a 'gangster' side to her. "Ryo, stop sitting like that. At least sit on the chair." I said from the bed which I had full control over. He nodded as he got up to sit in the chair starting at me with care and sadness. Was he for real? Did he truly love me? People being drunk normally tells the truth, and knowing Ryo he says a lot of shit. "Ryan, go on a date with me." He said out of nowhere with a small hope of a smile. Trust me, no one and I mean no one can resist his smile. Like one time in school my brother told me how Ryo got out of trouble by smiling that the teacher asking her to forgive him. Which she did. "Alright but under one rule. No touching." I said trying to see if he'll agree to it and to my surprise he did. "But first please come back with me" He said as a bigger smile was pulled onto his face. Heart struck I nodded slowly waling over to my suitcase picking it up. I didn't face Ryo since I knew that my face was redden. "Ryan I love you" He said over and over again. I felt warm inside but I just couldn't believe him just yet. I waved my aunts goodbye and they wished us well. "We are not walking Ryo. Get in the car" I said and he did so. We didn't talk the rest of the way home but I felt Ryo eyes on me the whole time which made me shiver with excitement. "Ryan I love you" He said before getting out the car heading over to my side and getting my suitcase. It was around two in the morning when we arrive to the house where Tommy sat up since the living room lights were on. As we entered the room Tommy's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Ryan I thought you was going to stay at Auntie's house." He said surprised to see me return so easily. Tommy looked at us carefully before grinning any bigger. "I see you both made up!" He smiled before it faded "We need to talk alone Ryan..Ryo you should get some rest anyway." He added and Ryo looked at us strangely before heading upstairs with my suitcase. "What's wrong?" I asked before sitting down looking at my hesitating brother. "Mom called..." He began swallowing hard before he began "and she said that they will be here in two weeks..but knowing them they'll come here earlier to see if the house is a mess and...and if there is anything suspicious." Tommy said as his face went pale. "What are we going to tell mom and dad? You know about you being gay? I want you to live a life with no regrets nor lies." he said looking at me kindly and I shook my head "No, mom will freak out and dad will probably kill me!" I said in disbelief that my brother wanted to tell my parents. "Ryan, maybe mom will accept you since you are her son, her child that is hard to hate." He grinned maybe he was right. Maybe she'll accept me and soon come to accept her sister. "Alright, but you have to be by my side no matter what!" I warned before heading upstairs to my room seeing Ryo fast asleep on my bed hugging a piece of my clothing.
Sophia(Ryan's mother) P.O.V-
"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" My husband, Aaron, touched my shoulder lightly. I slid my small hand into his. "Dear, I think Tommy is hiding something from us." I admitted before turning to look at him. "He...sounded like he was upset and in a rush to hung up when I mention Ryan." Sighing I turned fully around with worry. "Oh sweetheart. There isn't anything you should worry about. Tommy is a strong young boy and will be a wonderful father. I, mean look at him he handled two teenage children just fine." He tried to reassure me. "But Aaron, I know Tommy isn't the type to let others know his problems!" I stressed which seem to not allow my husband understand. "You worry to much. We'll be there sometime in the next two weeks." Aaron said calmly since that is all he can do. Stay calm. "No, We are going home the day after tomorrow!" I yelled flopping down on the bed. It has been three years since I last seen my children. "Good night Sophia" He whispered and laid beside me.
Ryan's P.O.V-
I woke up beside Ryo since last night he took over my bed and didn't want to sleep in his. "Ryan..." My sister said as she walked in looking at me with a expression that shouldn't be on her face. "Oh?" A wide grin appeared on her face "Did you have fun?" She asked trying to hold back a laugh. "Not funny Isabella. We did nothing" I said blushing wishing we had. "Oh come on Ryan don't deny what we had last night." Ryo's sheepish voice said out of nowhere. "Oh hush we did nothing!" I whined but Isabella giggled out loud. "We'll anyway Tommy said get down now." She said walking away from us. When we could hear her footsteps on the stairs Ryo crawled on top of me. "Ryan I love you." He said it over and over again. "Get. Off. Of. Me.!" I said trying to breath but he didn't laughing at me. "Ryan let's get ready and go on a date" He whispered into my ear, the hot breath tickling me. "Fine, just get off of me Ryo." I said feeling my body craving his touch. Ryo was about to get up but changed his mind kissing me before leaving in a rush. "Ryo!" I groaned but got up heading to the living area where I found my brother and Isabella awaiting me. "What's wrong?" I asked feeling a
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