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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖

Book online «His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

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you meet up with Camden?" I asked feeling myself glare at Ryan. "Yes, I have met him today..but only to tell him that I love you!" Ryan said with a serous face but how am I to know that? He could be lying for all I know. "Well you made a mistake...I was just jerking with you." I said and regretted it once I saw tears fall down his eyes. "Ry..Ryan hey don't cry." I whispered but he pulled his hand back and nodded. "Sorry for bothering you..." He said and left the house again. Where was he going? To Camden's place? What the hell is wrong with me?
Ryan P.O.V-
How can I be so stupid to fall for something as that? Of course he wouldn't like a guy...he been straight his whole life! Damn it, Why do I have to be so stupid...but all I could do was walk away. I'm not going to tell Tommy since he'll kick him out and I don't want that on him. I'll just find a place of my own and worry about everything else later...or move in with my parents. As I went down the road I got a phone call but I didn't answer since I wasn't in the mood too. Where am I going to go? There was no where I could go right now..Fuck! I wasn't for sure where to go but I went to my aunts house that wasn't to far from home. I walked up to the door and knocked like I always have. "Coming Ryan one moment!" My aunt yelled like always and a few moments went by before she opened the door. "Ryan dear...what's wrong?" She gasped since she knew I don't always cry in front of others. "What do I do Auntie...He played me" I whined and she sighed waving me inside. She led me to the living area with a confused facial expression. "My goodness child. Since when have you ever cried over a lover?" Auntie said with a hint of anger. "Auntie...he is special though!" I cried feeling anger, sadness, and pity. " shouldn't give up on him. I've been by your side since day one. Yes, I understand it is hard to have the same sex relationship but that doesn't mean anything you have to work harder for it that is all." She said looking at the photo of her and her wife. "Even thought my sister, your mother, doesn't approve of me and Vivian" She added looking at me wanting to know me replies. "Auntie I don't want to give up on him. I chose Ryo over a pure gay guy, because I loved him..and when I told him he told me he was joking around with me." I explained whimpering with heartache. "Oh sweetie, he might have been jealous." She said giggling but a evil smirk appeared on her face "What's with that look" I asked feeling a strange aura. "We'll just have to test him...come live with me for a while and see if he'll come after you." She growled enjoying this drama. "Are you sure Auntie?" I asked and she just grinned "Go pack your stuff as I prepare the guest room." I just sighed as I left the house to go back to my own. "My goodness....what am I getting myself into?" I moaned in frustration. Once I pulled up the drive way I saw Ryo waiting on the front steps. I must stay strong. I repeated in my mind as I walked up to the door. "Ryan...Wait" He said as he grabbed my arm, pissed I pulled away glaring at him "Fuck off." I said rushing into the house, to my bedroom and locked the door until I had my stuff packed into a suitcase. "Ryan!...Please hear me out!" Ryo said as he banged on my door but I didn't pay any mind to him. Sighing I picked up my suitcase and opened the door to see a stunned Ryo at the door with a hurt expression. "Ryan don't go" His voice cracked but I couldn't help by laughing at him for acting as if he cared about me which he didn't. "You know Ryo...I hoped you enjoyed playing with my heart you ass." I said pushing past him. Rushing to my car with silent tears escaping my eyes as I went to my aunts house. The same I went up to the door but without knocking this time I walked in heading upstairs. "Auntie, are you sure Ryo will chase after me?" I asked worried but all she did was laugh. "Yes, I am sure since Ryo is a stubborn kid. Did he try to stop you?" She asked with a expression which said she already knew the answer. "Yes." I admitted anyway. "Sweetie he'll come then....oh don't forget to inform your brother." She chuckled with excitement and rushed out the room when she heard Vivian call out her name. What am I to do? How can she say it is jealousy? Do people normally do that when their jealous? What am I going to tell my brother? Ah fuck! This is giving me a headache. "Ryan! Come down here!" Vivian cried out with excitement I moaned out with fear because she normally dressed me up in a girlie manner. "Coming!" I called out as I slowly made my way down to the living area. Where I saw the vary tall and yet elegant woman sitting in the sofa with a large grin. "Oh my Ryan look at how you grow." Vivian said looking at me with wickedness. "Go put this on!" She growled handing me a bag from Rue21 "But Vivian! that isn't right" I pouted knowing that I'll lose the battle I went ahead and changed into the short skin-tight dress with matching pair of high heels. I walked back to where my aunt and Vivian was as I heard them giggle in enjoyment...God am I making the right choose to stay here for a while? I asked in fear of becoming there personal doll.
Ryo's P.O.V-
I was sitting on my bed with the laptop as I stalked Camden's Facebook page wondering if he'll post anything about being with Ryan. It was about twenty-minutes before he posted about going to the mall to cool his head. Feeling my body build up the stress and anger along side jealousy I thought it would be best to catch Ryan in the act with Camden.
As I arrived at the mall I searched around for Camden when I walked past the American Eagle store. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around seeing that Camden was in there talking with some other guy and not my Ryan. "What the fuck?" I thought to myself and walked in because my anger got a hold of me. I walked up behind him and made an attacked that sent Camden to the ground but soon was revived on his feet glaring at me. "Where the fuck is Ryan?" I yelled and turned to the guy that Camden was flirting with. "And this guy is dating him! Get outta here!" I growled and he did like a white bunny frighten by a big bad wolf. But soon I felt a blow to my head as my back was turned to Camden, whom was on top of me at the moment. "What do you mean! He left me for your dumb ass..." He hissed as he slammed my face with his fist. It took all my strength to push him off. "He...was telling the truth?" I asked as if I were in a daze "But what did you do to him Ryo?" Camden said as he lifted me off the ground by a inch with fury not other wishes to see. "He..he left" I muttered as I felt his hot fist in my face once again. "You know what Ryo? He loved you because when I was fucked him the night you rejected him....he called out your name!" Camden yelled as he left me there feeling no other than a ass monkey. The security came to escort me out of the mall telling me how lucky I was for not getting arrested. As always it is me who screw things up, not Ryan he always so sweet and innocent. "Now get out of here kid and find your lover." The security guard said as he walked back into the mall shaking his head. The by-standers must have explain it to him that I was fighting over a boy...not any boy though.
Ryan's P.O.V-
I finally got out of having to try on anymore outfits that my aunt and Vivian wanted me to wear by saying I wasn't in the mood. It was true though since I couldn't get Ryo out of my mind. "Don't forget to tell your brother!" My aunt yelled which always sounded so sweet. That's right I have to tell him where I am at. I went up to the guest room where I'll be staying for a week or two because I don't think that I could last much longer. "Hello?" A familiar deep voice ask with a hint of worry since I don't call while he is at work. "Hey Tommy, I'll be staying at auntie's house for a couple of weeks" I said and all I can here in the background was a light gasp. "The women who dressed you up as a girl until you turned ten and began to dress you as a porcelain doll?" Tommy asked as he said my embarrassing moments out loud. "Yes, that women" I laughed knowing my brother will wonder why I was. "Did you have a lover quarrel with Ryo?" He asked instead sounding as if what he said was true. "W..what do you mean...noo!" I lied and he knew it "Ryan...I don't mind you two having a lovers fight but if he hurts you let me know." Tommy said caring about me and Ryo's future together...but what future. "Tommy...Does Ryo get jealous?" I asked and heard my brother laugh loudly "Hell he is the most possessive guy I ever met." He said before his boss told him get hung up. "Talk to you later Ryan...remember he say awful things when he is mad." Tommy said before hanging up on me without letting my wish him a goodbye.
Tommy's P.O.V-
"Tommy, Is something the matter with your family?" My boss asked me smiling since he knew my parents wasn't around. It's a touchy subject for me since I have so much responsibility on me. I'm trying to be a good role model for my brother and sister since my father or mother wasn't involved. "No everything is fine. Just my brother love life is endanger." I laughed it off knowing I can get Ryo to tell me about what happen. "Oh...young love" He laughed as he walked out of the lobby. If you was wondering I work in a body shop for cars. "Tom help me out here with the oil" Jessie pleaded for my help since he didn't really know much about cars. "Alright!"
Later on in the day I walked through the front door to see a drunkard Ryo on the sofa which made my job a bit easier. "Ryo, My dear dear friend....why is it my brother staying at my auntie's house?" I asked sitting next to him looking at him kindly so he'll spill. "I...I told him something horrible, which was I was jerking with him...but He came back home smelling like Camden...I...I thought he was cheating on me with him" He cried as real tears fell. "I see, you do know you are stupid for telling my brother something like that because you were jealous. Go find him and bring him home tonight!

" I said growling lightly with my eyes narrowing.

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