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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖

Book online «His full house by Natasha Estrada (best e book reader android txt) 📖». Author Natasha Estrada

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I treated Ryan. My heart felt a bit heavy since it has happen.
Ryan P.O.V-
I sped through out the highway looking for something I can do and decided to go to a gay teenage club since it has just open two weeks ago. I continue to speed until I reached the parking lot I slowed down to find one. Feeling terrible I got out of the car and walked in smiling as I seen some cute guys dancing. I walked over to the 'bar' to order a soda. "What will you have cutie?" The bartender asked kindly as his blue eyes shined in the neon lights. "Umm..Coke cola please." I answered as I felt some eyes on my back which made the hair on my neck stand. He nodded to the beat as he filled my glass handing it to me. I smiled my thanks and walked over to an empty table looking at the cute guys dancing. One of them grinned and walked over to me. His beautiful gray eye looked at me as he sat down. "What is such a cute guy doing here all alone in such a place like this?" He said with an Spanish accent. "I..I'm just getting away from the house since I am scared of what might happen." I said a bit awkward like. "Oh do you wish to tell me?" He asked looking at me kindly. I thought about it and nodded "It's because my brother friend found out that I am gay." I said sadly and he nodded his head as if he understood my feeling which might be true. "I'm Camden Black and you are?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder. "Ryan Knight" I said and he looked at me stunned "Tommy's brother?" He asked and I nodded looking at him wondering how he knows my brother. "He use to be my friend when we was ten." He said smiling and I looked at him in awe. "Oh okay that's cool." Looking around I wasn't sure what to do. "Wanna dance?" He asked and I shook my head since I didn't know how to dance with another guy. "I don't know how." I said as he began to laugh and pulled me up rushing towards the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began to move to the beat feeling his body pressed against mine. "Now move your hips along with your nice ass." He said as he grabbed my ass making me feel hot. I began to move my hips rubbing against his semi hard-on. I began to forget about my problems and danced my night away. Camden gripped my upper leg and making me moaned out loud "Camden...don't touch me there." I said not really caring but it didn't feel right. He grinned and bit my neck as we started to dance a bit more dirty. My phone began to ring but I didn't answer since I was finally enjoying myself. "Lets go to my place." He said into my ear nibbling it a little. "Sure..." I said not caring anymore since Ryo already hates me. Camden grabbed my hand leading my towards his car which made me blush and kissed my lips. "Get in." He said as he opened the passenger side but I shook my head pointing at my car. "Ah right well follow me alright?" He said and I nodded to stun to speak. My heart raced but not out of love but out of lust I guess as I ran over to my car I made my headlights wink so that he knows I am ready to follow. He did the same and drived away toward the next town. So he must have moved to be in the next town,but that's alright. My phone began to ring once again before I answered "Hello?" I asked noticing there was a silence on the other end. "Hello?" I said once more before the other line answered "Brother..where are you?" Isabella's voice sounded a bit shaky and sore. "Sorry Isabella I'll be back home tomorrow." I said before hanging up not wanting to hear her talk me out of it. Camden than turned to the left and pulled up to a gate which was for a large house. I slowed to a stop and parked behind him getting out "Is it here?" I asked as he walked over to me smiling. "Yes it is. My parents are away for now so we can you know...if you want." He said smiling pulling me closer to him kissing my neck. "S..stop let us go inside first." I said feeling my body grow hot. He grinned as he led me toward the gate pushing in the password before walking towards the unlocked door. "After you Ryan" He said bowing like a gentleman. "Haha very funny" I said walking into a beautiful home. He laughed and grabbed my hand leading me towards the stairs leading up to his room. Camden pushed open the door pushing me down onto the bed smiling lustfully " you mind?" He said as he place his hand over my penis I shook my head since I didn't care "Go ahead" I said softly as he did rubbing and putting pressure on it making me hard. He grinned as he slipped out of his clothes and was about to strip me of mine. "You want me in you don't you?" He asked blushing and I couldn't help but nodded I was highly horny and wanted some since sometimes I would masturbate alone in my room fingering myself. He slowly began to suck my penis and soon went faster. I couldn't help but moan loudly glad that his parents was away. I was thinking of Ryo doing this to me and accidentally moaned out his name. Camden looked at me and stopped sucking me grinning "My my little one you shouldn't say such things or you'll be punished." He said lifting my hips and shoved his penis inside me. I felt a jolt of pain and cried out but was soon replaced with pleasure. It was about hour in a half when we grown tired and stopped having sex I felt a bit of guilt and sighed laying next to a guy I've just met. "Ryan...go out with me..Don't worry about your unrequited love. I can get you to love me soon..please date me" Camden begged wanting me to be with him and it felt good to have someone else with me. "okay" I whispered not really knowing what the outcome will be.
Chapter Two.

Ryo P.O.V-
I stayed in the living room all night with Tommy wondering when Ryan will come home. I couldn't help but worry about him since he is my friend and we did everything together even with our age gap. "Damn it where is he!" Tommy growled you can see his worried lines showing and I felt even worse since I am the one that made him leave. We both heard the door knob turn and we both jumped up from the sofa. Ryan walked in with some guy smiling and laughing all close to each other. "Who the fuck is that?" I couldn't help but ask feeling a bit angry. "Oh..umm...what are you two doing up?" Ryan asked and looked at us with a bit a shock. The guy next to him whispered something into his ear making Ryan giggle. "We was up waiting for you to get home. Where the fuck were you? Not only that you are bring someone we don't know in our home?!" Tommy said a bit loud and sighed. "I am Camden Ryan's new friend" He said with a hint of lust in his voice as Ryan giggle slapping Camden arm. "Shut up..." He said and pulled Camden towards the stairs. "Ryan where are you going I'm not done here!" Tommy said as I stood speechless since I felt an unbelievable angry towards Camden. Ryan smiled at Tommy and ran upstairs with Camden whom was smiling like a idiot. Fuck...I bet Ryan brought his boyfriend! It has to be or they wouldn't be so lovey-dovey at all! Fuck why am I so frustrated!
Tommy P.O.V-
I saw my little brother and some guy flirting which made me feel uneasy but maybe it was just all in my head and they was just being normal guys. I looked over at Ryo to see that he was angry and you can tell by looking at his mouth. If you don't you can never tell his feelings. "What's wrong Ryo?" I asked and he looked at me sighing shaking his head and went up stairs as Isabella came down stair ready for school. "Who's the hot guy Ryan brought in and all close to?" Isabella said with an thoughtful face. "Camden is all I know" I said getting my car keys and headed outside and she did the same. "Oh...Hey Tommy..what would you do if you have someone in your family that was homosexual?" She asked and I looked at her seeing that she was dead serious. "Well I guess I will have to accept you for who you are and make sure even a girl will not hurt you." I said since I was thinking she was trying to hint that she was. " it's not me silly or anyone I was just wondering if it ever happened." She said a bit to quickly and I knew she was lying so If not her than Ryan. I will accept him for who he is since he is my little brother and I will protect him from harmful men. "Is it Ryan?" I asked and she looked at me as if her eyes will pop out. "" She tired to think up of something but it didn't work out. "Isabella Knight tell me the truth now" I said and she made a gulping sound and sighed. "Yes he is." She admitted and I smiled "Thank you for telling me now out." I said once we arrived at her school.
Ryan P.O.V-
I grabbed my chance to be with Camden since we are home alone with everyone out for work or the store. Camden grinned as he got closer to me kissing me lightly making me blush but my heart does not want it at all, but I kissed him deeply making each other a bit more hot not noticing my bedroom door open with Tommy staring. "R..Ryan all three of us need to speak. Let's go down to the living area." He said leaving without another word. Both Camden and I looked at each other and followed a bit scared wondering what my brother is going to do. He was sitting in the chair looking at us as if he were a father. I felt my body shake with fear and walked over to the sofa in front to Tommy. Camden sat next to me fear in his eyes and Tommy looking straight at us. "R..Ryan look I do not care that you are gay but do not have sex in this house. You know that all of us leave to

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