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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun
.He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖

Book online «Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Aiden R. Ranks

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do you mean dad?” I asked concerned.
“Well since where moving into the city, we have been thinking about your new school.” said Dad as he began to eat
“Oh, ok”
I reply without much effort.
“You are going to attend the Brookside High. That’s the school your cousin goes to; you remember your cousin Simon.”
“Yeah I remember him, haven’t seen him in a year or two.”
“Yeah well you and Mike are both going to that school.” he said it with much excitement.
“Ok, Dad this school better be good, or at least they better serve good lunch.” said Mike devouring the fried chicken on his plate.

It got dark quick and I began to wash my dish, afterwards I went back to my little room in the basement and looked at the empty room with only the counter, bed and the piano. Just one look at the piano and my mind was calm; I got the sudden urge to play a theme. I looked at the piano with a great impulse, then placed my hands on the plastic keys, then pressed down on two keys, making a very soothing sound. I continue the rhythm by pressing three other keys at the same time. I knew that I have never played this before, but the feeling inside of me told me to play it. I sat there as my, talent! Took over and I began playing a sensational theme, full with calmness and relaxation.
I woke up the next morning feeling nice and neutral, the night went by slow and I slept wonderful. As I looked at the clock and noticed the time, I knew that this was our last day here. We would be leaving for our new home.
“Come on now, Mike you have masculine arms you can carry that box by yourself” said Dad.
Mike and Dad were already up, too early for Mike to be up usually at this time especially on a Saturday.
“Morning Lewis, here can you take that box to the Moving truck” he said pointing to the great box scribbled with the words ‘Glass Menageries’.
“Morning dad, and yeah sure”
That morning passed by in a long period of time, since the entire morning we spent cleaning up the house and packing up every single object we owned. It wasn’t until dusk that we finished completely. The house was cleaned and everything packed up. I had one box left to finish packing and once I finished I was warned out and tired. I sat down to rest for a bit, but I fell asleep.
The shout of my mother woke me up; to my shocking surprise it was morning once again.
“Ok, breakfast now come and get it or you’ll go hungry until we arrive at our new home. Everyone ran without being told twice.
“Hey, wait for me!”I said as I quickly jumped out of the box and pursuit my dad and the others to the fried chicken.
The only objects left in the kitchen where a little table and the plates in which we ate our breakfast.
Twenty minutes after we finished eating we got ready and said our final good-byes to our beloved house. It was harder than expected to say good-bye to my home, but I had to, all though I didn’t want to leave. Outside two trucks waited for us, my father and I along with Mike would be traveling in the front. As for my mother and Leo, they would be traveling on the other truck following us behind, and just like that we where off to our new home. The drive was not that long, all though we had to stop to make a few arrangements. It was beginning to get dark when we arrived; we began to enter the city. It was an amazing site, the lights of the city where so bright and mesmerizing. We drove down a long street where the neighborhood was neat in many ways. Clean streets, nice homes, and each house had a big tree on both sides of the street.
Finally we arrived at our new home, the house I’ve be leaving in now, and to my surprise it wasn’t that bad. At first I scarcely looked at it, but when the full image was clear my mouth dropped open.
“This can’t be the house!” I said opening the door.
“Believe me this is it. I couldn’t believe it either such a nice place, at such a low bargain” said Dad as he waves his hands for my mother to pull in the drive way.
The house was nice and clean, painted white on the outside walls. There was a little porch on the front made out of polished wood with stairs leading up to the front door. The yard was at an average sizes and we had two threes on either side of the yard.
“And you where complaining Lewis, this place is nice” said Mike “What! You where the one complaining, not me” I replied
Mike ran inside to explore as Leo ran behind him.
We finish packing everything into the house that night. I explored the two story house, it was neat I had to admit. We all gathered for dinner as we talked and had fun that night in our new home. Mike, Leo and me went off to our new bed rooms, for tomorrow was the first day of school. I got ready the night before so I wouldn’t be rushing in the morning. The night went by fast and I was up before I knew it, I could hear my mother calling up stairs where my room was.
“It’s already time Lewis, we have to go register you in”
I moved around drowsy and headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth.
“I hate Mondays.” I muttered.
Mike was in there putting on his gel and spiking it up like usual.
“That’s mine” I said as he smiled.
Mom dropped of Leo at his middle school where he apparently already had registered a day early.
The next morning was the beginning of, my new life. I was ready to tackle this day down. As we drove down the street, I gazed at the wonders this place had, definitely more places to go have fun. We pulled up in to the Brookside High parking lot. It was full with many people walking around.
“Come on now, you don’t want to miss first period” mom said.
“Mom by the time we finish registering it’ll be too late” I said. We made our way to the main office, where the lady attended us and we began to register.
I had my new schedule and I was off to my first period all though it had started thirty minutes ago. I looked for the class number D17 but I couldn’t find it; I was lost with no one around to help me. It took about ten minutes of wondering around clueless when I bumped it someone making a turn on the stairs.
“Oh, sorry” she said as she looked at me with a kind look.
“It’s my fault I should have looked where I was going” I said blushing like crazy, for she had the most beautiful, mesmerizing brown eyes.
Her face was inexplicably attractive. Her hair was black and smoothly straight, I couldn’t think I felt so mellow and my legs began to turn to noodles. She seemed to notice me blushing and she knew I was nervous she gave me a little smile looking down.
“Are you ok?” she asked.
“Oh sure, yeah I’m just a little lost is all.” I said I must a sound like a fool.
“You’re new; I’ve never seen you here before.” she said still gazing at the floor.
“Um, yeah today is my first day here, and I have no idea where I’m going.”
I placed my hand on my hair and laughed sarcastically, boy was I nervous.
“Where are you headed?” she asked this time looking at me.
“Where, oh, well um, room D17” I said barely making out the words.
“Mr. Daltons class, you have math. I know where his class is, I can take you there if you’d like” she said this time she was blushing.
“Sure, I would appreciate it.” I said smiling, deep inside some part of me felt nice
She walked in front of me as I followed her down the hall on the second floor. I felt like saying something, I wanted to speak and ask her for her name. But I couldn’t find the words, I lacked courage. I was too lost in thought that I didn’t notice her stop. I bumped into her.
“Oh, sorry, I” I try to say my excuse but she kindly laugh and said
“It’s ok”
Now I felt like a complete fool.
“Here’s your class, Mr. Dalton is great teacher you will like him.”
She said looking true the little window on the door. I was quite; all I could do was smile and nod. “Aright then, I’ll let you go” She said as she walked away.
I couldn’t just let her leave without me saying anything, so I said something.
She turned around briefly.
“What’s your name?” I asked feeling my face turn red. She smiled the kind smile and said “Emily.”
“Thanks, Emily” I replied.
“It was nothing, see you around.” she said as she left. “Emily” I repeated her name again quietly.
Mr. Daltons class was full of students, I had the courtesy of sitting in any seat I would like. I’d prefer the back. One thing I was certain about the class room was that everyone looked at the new guy like a new toy. I swiftly moved by the classroom to sit at the back, where an empty seat awaited my arrival. The room seats where in groups of four desks together. To my luck, only two people were sitting on two of the desks and I sat farthest away from the two girls. Mr. Dalton continued his lecture after filling me in on what I missed. I was concentrating on the board and listening to every little detail Mr. Dalton was throwing out. But I didn’t stay concentrated for long; I began to think about the nice girl who had helped me find my class, Emily. To my surprise the bell rang, I looked at the clock and wondered how long had it been since I entered the room. Then I noticed that the time went by as I day dreamed.

My second period was gym, this time I found my destination quicker even though I was lost yet again, since the halls where crowded with students. A nice teacher named Mrs. Ortega showed me the way.
“Just go straight turn left and go down the stairs. Then walk out the doors and go straight to the building outside. As soon as you enter you’ll see Mr. Richards standing by the two doors leading to the gym class” she said moving her hands around like snakes.
“Oh well, thank you very much” I said as I walked away confused.
Following directions is not as easy as it sounds. ‘I hope Emily finds me again’. I thought wistfully. The bell rang and I knew I was late. As I made my way down the stairs I heard footsteps head my way quick from upstairs. I looked and as I did a boy bumped me pushing me down unintentionally.
“Whoa!” He shouted
“Sorry, I saw you but I couldn’t stop
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