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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖

Book online «Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖». Author Aiden R. Ranks

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indeed shown me the great successful side.”
“Explain?” asked Mike getting a little more comfortable on the couch; I decide to sit down as well.
“Everything has been great you see, I’m the biggest football player in school, my grades have gone to their highest, above B+ and of course life with Allie is the best.”
“Who’s Allie?” I asked with much curiosity.
“His girlfriend” quickly answered Mike.
The words hit me with surprise; Simon never had time for girls, he was always working out his muscular body or attending a very important matter, like working, or doing normal things that interest him, at least back 3 years ago anyway.
“Really, how long have you been with her?” I asked as my curiosity grew.
“About a year now, I tell you I would be lost without her, my heart is a beautiful rose and she is its only seed.” he said feeling excited about the poetic phrase.
I had to admit I envied him. But getting a girlfriend isn’t so hard, keeping one is extremely difficult, in my book anyway. I decide to change the subject.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing out of the usual just came to talk to you”
Simon wanting to talk to me, what could it be about I wondered.
“Ok, let’s go to my room then.” I said
My room was already finished and everything was where it needed to be, Simon looked around scanning everything he saw. I didn’t mind him looking around. He walked up towards my keyboard and smiled as he began playing the keys. He wasn’t much of a music person that could be easily seen by the way he miss played the notes.
“Not so much of a pianist, I don’t have music talent like yours.” he chuckled
“Well, I wouldn’t off discovered my talent if it wasn’t for you” I said sitting down on my bed.
“I remember that day like it was yesterday, you where what 8 when I lost you at that Mall” he said smiling at me.
I began to laugh along with his chuckles,
“I was a curious kid, and I wanted to explore the music section.”
“I was worried, you where gone, and I ended up finding you there, you where crying because you where alone, remember?” he said and still chuckled.
“Yeah, and then you saw a piano and took me to it so I would stop crying.” My smile was distant, his was too.
“I could not believe it when I saw you playing like you knew the notes already.”
“Yeah, well I really liked it, and what I felt inside, took over my hands and released it.”
“The new you had been born, right?” he teased.
I only smiled.
“Now look at you, you’ve become such a magnificent talented pianist, and that’s great. Now, I have a question for you, Lewis?”
I stood up and listen closely.
“What is it?”
“You’re tall, and have somewhat of a muscular body, and I’m here to ask, the football team needs one more person, and I thought you would be a great person to fit the team, just need some training and we have the last member, what do you say?”
I looked at him, he was asking me to join the team, I don’t know much about football, and I didn’t really like it.
“Simon, that sounds great an all, but you see football doesn’t really fit into my interests list, I hardly know anything about it.” I said feeling a little bad.
“That’s why we would like to train you, I can do it myself, and I would be your teacher.” he said with lots of hope.
I felt really bad to turn him down but I just couldn’t join the team.
“Sorry but I already have other things to do I’m part of the music class with Mr. Jensen, and I wouldn’t have time.” I said feeling bad now.
“Oh, then don’t worry Lewis, I didn’t know you where in his class, its ok then, no big deal.”
“But thanks for the offer; I’m pretty sure you will find someone that would fit perfectly.” I said, trying my best to make the moment better.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we will.” He said sounding disappointed.
“But you guys don’t need me; I mean they got you the biggest strongest guy on the team.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right, I am pretty good aren’t I.” he said giving me a push.
“And sorry that I haven’t really talked to you at school, I’ve hardly seen you.” I said
“I see you, but you’re always talking to Emily, but don’t worry I know how you feel, girls right.” he said chuckling again.
“Ha, yeah girls” I said following his sentence.
“Now listen I have to leave, I only came to ask you. I would stay more but I have to work soon, what can I say life is busy when you have both school and work to take care of, take care Lewis.” he said walking out my door.
“Oh alright, you too, nice to talk to you by the way” I yelled out.
I could hear his voice yell out “You too” as he walked out the front door. That afternoon I spent in my room practicing the sheet music we where to play. We had two music sheets, one title A Fresh Air Christmas and the other An American Christmas. Mr. Jensen had mention that we would perform at the school’s auditorium for the Christmas assembly, where 3 representatives that would represent our group for the tour would sit in the audience. They will observe closely and choose those who where well talented and had the potential and heart to play.
Those chosen by the representatives would go on into the competition tour. I will make it, I had no doubt and I had the feeling that Emily would make as well. I memorized A fresh Air Christmas already since it was my favorite one and post poend An American Christmas for another day to practice. I had enough and I was begging to feel a little exhausted, I decided to lie down and let my body relax.
Lying down and letting your body rest away can make time pass by extremely fast, it was already dark outside. I stood up and looked around I had eventually fallen asleep and now it had gotten dark and I had not done my homework. Homework was not as challenging as many might think; I finished quick and decided to take a shower. The warm water felt nice, since the temperature outside tends to get cold. With nothing else to do in the house I decide to go back to my room and lie down once again.
Almost immediately I started thinking about Emily, wondering what she was doing now, what she was thinking and most important, what does she think of me. I had many thoughts that night, many questions. This I was feeling inside was strong, strong emotions I had reflected towards her, only her.
But how could it be since I have recently just met her. I decided that I would not let that bother me no more and I let my emotions run free, I care no more about anything else.
All I wanted was to get Emily to notice me, to notice how happy she made me feel inside, how when she talked to me my worries would vanish, and how she started grow on me greatly by the minute.
I wanted her to realize how much I liked her. Thinking about Emily and about many things I could only dream off set my mind at ease, and slowly I drifted in to a deep slumber. Half asleep I knew I was not going to wake up until dawn, I passed out and was gone.

Chapter 4

I woke up startled and dazed moving around my bed. With my eyes half shut I looked at the clock that sat neatly on my wall. Thursday 6:30 am it glimmered with the bright red flashing lights. I mumbled and sighed a bit as the bright sun beams shot in to my room and illuminated the entire room once I opened the curtains. I expected to be the first on up but Mike was up before me. That was a surprise since he wakes up usually minutes before noon.
I must have brushed my teeth with more force than intended too for red stains where visible all around my teeth and tooth brush. I combed my hair with gel and sprayed my torso with a perfume that had a very pleasing scent.
Mike was finished and set for a day of school as was I. Mike and I began to take the school bus to school now since the bus dropped off students nearby. It was chilly outside the wind blowing a little. I shivered in my sweater and Mike rubbed both his arms trying to warm them up, he kept the cycle of turning back to look over his shoulder every few minutes. A girl about his age smiled back at him every time he did so. On the bus I sat with Mike.
“So, who is your lady friend there?” I asked nudging him on the shoulders.
“None ya.” He replied.
“Come on tell me, who is she?”
“Lewis, that’s none of your business, now is it?” he said
“Isn’t she the neighbor girl?”
He looked away and out the window.
“Yeah that’s right the neighbor girl, I’ve seen her a couple of times. She isn’t bad looking.”
He turned to look at me and smiled.
“Her name is Marley and she is just a few months younger than me. I have her for two of my classes and I’m starting to get to know her.”
“Is that right, good for you?” I replied.
“Yeah well I want to make a good first impression. I want her to see we are neat people.” He said looking back at where she sat.
“What do you mean? Wait, is that why you have been cleaning the front yard these few days? That’s why you took out the garbage out for me the other day.” I said
He smiled and nodded but keeping his gaze on her then turned to look out the window again.
“She is so pretty and attractive.”
“Appealing, yes she is in deed.” I said looking at her too.
“I know exactly how you feel.”
“What do you know about this sort of situation.” he said still keeping his gaze away from me.
“Trust me; I know exactly what you are going through. We are both traveling down the same path my brother.” I said looking out the window as well. Mike only sighed.
“I’m new at this stuff; I don’t know what to do?”
He seemed to have trouble talking to me about this and I understood why. Mike didn’t have much of a way with girls.
“It will come around and favor you Mike, just wait something will come up positive.” I said now
“Just keep fighting for her. Keep trying until you reach a point where she will understand what you are feeling.” I said thinking about Emily myself.
“That sound easier said than done.” he replied with doubt.
“Just try, trust me you never know when something can be a great thing. Like for instance, what you are feeling for her she might not see that it could be something amazing.”
Mike now looked at me
“You’re good with this, pep talk.”
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