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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖

Book online «Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖». Author Aiden R. Ranks

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him and catch up on things.
“Yeah we talked alright, he got taller and big, I think that’s the reason why he is in the football team”
“No kidding, oh well I guess I’ll just talk to him tomorrow then” I sighed.
My room was covered with boxes and objects lying all around I seriously had a lot of work to do. Organizing my things and decorating my room was not easy, I wanted it to be perfect since this room was bigger and better than my last one. There was a big window with the view of the entire city, the morning sun would shine the brightest in my room.
Unpacking things out of the boxes was an aching job, but I got true it. The only things left to unpack where the main important ones, which were still in the moving truck. My bed, my keyboard and of course the counter with my T.V. Mike also had his time caught up moving around and unpacking his stuff. Mom and Dad had already finished their settling since they stayed home all day. Mike and me finished by dusk and sat in our new and quite big living room. He had a bag of chips and a coke, the T.V. was set and ready, but unfortunately we had no cable or satellite installed yet.
I wanted to pass time, I wanted the day to end and T.V. sort of helped, but then something impacted me in my head, the greatest way to make time fly. I ran to upstairs to my room and locked the door, my piano was set next to the window and I had my impulse pulsing true my veins, so I did what was expected, I began playing a piano song written by a very famous and unique pianist, his name was Isaac Sheppard. The name of the piano song was called Leaves in the Wind.
I played with ease and calmness, youth and life. This theme was a happy one, it reminded me of the wonders of life and that there is always hope. My room was engulfed in a world of pure living music. I sometimes wondered how people in world cannot like this master piece of music. I came to a close and sighed in blissfulness. My passion for this music was bare; I began to experiment with the keys, trying out new melodies. It was easy, for me. Surely just as I expected time had passed by quick, it was an hour before bed. I turned off my keyboard and went to brush my teeth, ate a little snack and got ready for school. I headed for my room and fell on the bed, in less than five minutes I was gone.
I had an amazing dream that night; I dreamed that I was at the top of the world and that I had become the most successful musician in the world. I had it all fame, money, love, and happiness. The dream was pleasant and I loved every second of it then suddenly the beautiful notes of a violin followed my sonata along, both instruments combine together made my life the happiest, they were meant to be for each other but I don’t know where the charming violin was coming from, but then briskly and unexpected, it shifted to another scene this one was cold; the presence was out of the ordinary. I was sitting down on the little stool and in front of me was a white grand piano with spotlight shining on me, my surroundings where dark I could not see anything besides the piano in front of me, for some reason I couldn’t not play it as I tried to reach the keys with my hands. It was as if my gift, my talent was sucked out of my life. I struggled, as I tried over and over to play, but each time I tried a sharp edgy strike of pain impacted me I felt sad and broken, I feared this, and I didn’t like it at all, something was utterly wrong, something had happened.
I stood up in a flash, sweating all around. What a nightmare was all I thought. What was that all about, never have I had a nightmare like that. It made no sense what so ever, one thing I was sure about was the internal, unpleasant and devastating feeling I had was full of condemned, pain and I did not like it at all.
Mike got to the bathroom before me and began to do his morning routine, he had begun this just last night since he was trying out for soccer, and he needed the best shape. Morning that day was a rush, my father had to be at his newly located job soon and I and my brothers had to be at school in less than half an hour.
Mom dropped us off, in a slick of a minute and barely made it to have a quick breakfast, I didn’t see Ryan or Emily, or Daisy for that matter but I had not time to look for them or anything. I ran to first period and barely made it before the bell rang.
Class was passed by slow like always and I wanted to get out already. When the bell finally rang I plunged out of the room trying to find Ryan, or Emily in the little five minutes I had to wonder around.
When first period was over, and second had begun, Ryan was changed into his clothes and I had actually brought my own. We played indoor soccer, since the field was covered in snow.
“December is here, first day, how nice that means only 25 days left for Christmas” said Ryan
“Yeah, I know, I get double the goodies” I replied smiling
“What do you mean” asked Ryan as he kicked the ball to me.
“My birthday, it’s this month” I said kicking it back
“Really, that is really nice and how old are you going to be”
I looked at back at the school and back at him, I haven’t given it much thought, but now that I focused on it I realized I was going to be and adult now, no more will I be a minor, I realized I was in the real world.
“Eighteen, I’m going to be eighteen”
“Eighteen, you’re going to be that old, wow that’s great, I still have to go a while before I’m eighteen”
“So buddy, what did Emily want you for yesterday?” he said it with a silly end.
I smiled and answered his question eagerly.
“She wanted to check out my piano skills, which are extremely advanced” I mocked.
“Really, what for”
“They wanted me to be part of their music clan” I replied joyfully and proud fully.
“How nice, so you took the chance right” his excitement was bare to see.
“Of course I would never refuse such an offer”
Ryan’s expression showed excitement true out the rest of the game; which we ended up losing to the other team.
Gym was over and went to my other classes worked out by the soccer game. At lunch time Ryan and I sat at our same location, but I didn’t see Emily at all that half hour. I was a little sad not to have her presence near me, I missed her.
Daisy showed up though, she sat next to me and began to condensate.
“Hi, Lewis” she said shy full
“Hey, Daisy” I replied awkwardly
“How’s your day going?”
“It’s good thanks”
“Oh, alright remember if you ever need help in anything just ask me, I’ll be there to help you” she said
I noticed she had a trouble and was struggling on saying her sentences. She was also blushing.
“Well next time I need something I’ll tell you” I said trying to be polite.
The bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria began to leave, as we did. Ryan and I went to our fifth period class where talked most of the time. I think I already have a U, since Mr. Whitaker barks at us to be quite 95 percent of the time, but he was funny, he was never infuriated he would tell us in a calm funny way to shut up. Ryan fell asleep the last twenty minutes of class and I was bored out of my mind, I knew that it was extremely important to pay attention but I was too distracted. I could not wait; sixth period was my new music class.
The bell rang and Ryan jumped up and fell out of his desk.
“Ha, that was silly and idiotic of me” said Ryan whipping the drool of his chin.
I couldn’t help but laugh, which was hysterical.
“Why are you so happy all of the sudden” asked Ryan noticing my anxiousness.
“Mr. Jensen changed my last class, to his”
Ryan looked at me in shock.
“Really, that’s perfect, I have his class for sixth, remember I told you I play the guitar”
I looked at him
“Really, why did you tell me” I said shoulder bumping him.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had his class now, in second period” he replied bumping me back and smiling.
We both pushed each other on the way to Mr. Jensen’s classroom.

I walked into the room with Ryan by my side and gazed at the big incredible room, which was full with students now. Playing their instruments and talking having fun and enjoying themselves, I felt like I was home. Ryan ran to a guitar that was sitting on the desk.
“This one is mine” he said happily
I began walking around the general area of the room, to my surprise I’ve seen most of this students around the halls, the rest I have never seen. A boy played the harp and I recognized the theme, it was Cannon. A girl played the flute, but I did not recognized what them she played. But none of these instruments caught my attention precisely, not until I heard the violin being played at the far corner of the room. I was a very beautiful theme, I know I’ve heard this theme somewhere but, I could not remember, I was sure it was recently but I couldn’t focus, the music was mind blowing. I looked around and to my amazement in the far corner stood Emily with her eyes closed and a violin on her arm.
I briefly moved to her direction trying to listen, something inside of me yearned for this, I needed it; a part of me wanted it. Emily played the violin, I wondered what she played, and I know I knew. I could not look away; Emily was so beautiful and gorgeous as she swayed freely in her little area. I wanted to hold on to this moment for the rest of my life, Emily was growing on me, and the theme made me feel alive and energetic. It gave me courage and spirit. I could not hear anything around me, everything got slow except for her, playing and reaching out for my heart and soul with that amazing solo I was without a doubt hypnotized.
Apparently I didn’t hear Ryan calling out to me until he threw a piece of paper that hit me on the forehead.
“Hello! Lewis you there, earth to Lewis” repeated Ryan
“What, oh sorry I didn’t hear you” I replied trying to remember what just happened.
“Uh-ha,” was all he said.
Ryan looked at me than at her, Emily opened her eyes and noticed us standing there looking at her. She smiled and ran up to us.
“Hey guys, what’s
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