Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) đź“–

- Author: Aiden R. Ranks
Book online «Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖». Author Aiden R. Ranks
“Don’t worry about it” I said picking up by book pack and brushing off the dust on my jeans. “Where you headed?” he asked.
“Gym, but I’m lost, again” I finished my sentence with a whisper.
“Great, that’s where I’m off to, we’ve better hurry Mr. Richards is rough”
We arrived at the gym class where students where coming out in gym clothes.
“Ha you’re late again Ryan, you owe me five bucks!” said one of the boys
“This one doesn’t count; I was delayed by Mrs. Barrett.” he said passing by the boy. I followed Ryan to the locker room and to his locker.
“Ok, I’m guessing you don’t have gym clothes. So here you can borrow my extras.” said Ryan I was a little timid, to wear his extra clothes but I figure it wouldn’t hurt.
Gym class was a work out, we played a game called Wolf Pack, where four players are centered in the middle on their knees, while the rest of the class mates attempt to run from one side of the class to the other as the four in the middle give it their best to pull you down. I was glad when the bell rang.
The rest of the day went by fairly enough, third period was Biology and fourth period was Language Arts. To my luck, I had Ryan as my personal guide. Lunch came after fourth, and as I walked out of Language Arts I bumped into Ryan himself.
“What’s up, Lewis.”
“So are you hungry yet, because I’m starving.” he said as he smirked at his belly.
“Uh, sure” I said modestly. The line was growing big as students rammed the cafeteria. Ryan plunged without hesitating into the line as I followed quickly keeping up with his paste.
We sat in a table just him and me, when someone abruptly tapped my shoulder. I glanced at my side to notice Emily smiling at me holding her little paper plate.
“Do you mind, if we sit here?” she asked. I was too mesmerized to speak.
“Emily! Yeah, go ahead” I said pushing Ryan to move over.
He replied smiling at me.
“How was your first day, Lewis?” she asked.
“Fine, just fine, I was lost most of the time but other than that great.” I said sounding more excited than I intended too.
“That’s great, so do you like it so far?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah it’s pretty nice here” I said shy fully. What was wrong with me, I was so nervous for some reason, I lacked words yet again and I couldn’t concentrate.
“I see you already met Lewis.” asked Ryan
He placed his arms on my shoulders.
“Yeah, I already had the honor.” she said smiling at me.
“You two know each other?” I asked
“Unfortunately yes” replied Emily
I smiled at coincidence. The girl next to Emily did not speak much; she was quite the whole time until Emily introduced her to me and that got her talking.
“So Daisy, I heard your now on the writing job for the schools paper” said Ryan finishing his meal.
“Oh, yeah, I’m” she said.
I noticed she was shy to speak, too. I figured it was because of me, so I tried to be amicable. I knew exactly how she felt.
“So what do you do?” I asked.
“Well, I write stories about the school and what’s going on recently.” she answered.
My amicable intention had worked. Daisy was comfortable now, and she was talking with ease. Ryan and Daisy began to razz around pocking at each other. I noticed that Emily did not have much on her paper plate just an apple a Gatorade and a bag of chips.
“You’re not that hungry?” I asked
“Well, no not much. I normally eat at home”
I smiled at her pleasantly.
“That’s particular of you” said Ryan.
“That’s not insignificant” replied Emily. As she stood up to throw her plate away, Daisy followed her step.
They returned and sat back on their seats.
“Where are you from Lewis?” asked Daisy, this time she sounded more confident.
“Yeah you haven’t told me anything about yourself.” said Ryan
I looked at them; Daisy had apparently placed me on the spotlight.
“Well I’m from a little city, not necessarily a city like this one, but more of a little city. I’ve lived there my whole life.”
“Well, welcome to Utah” said Ryan as he stroked my back
“Thanks” I said solemnly.
“I should write this down on my paper, I can see it now, (New Student at Brookside High)” said Daisy.
She began to write down little facts on a little brown notebook that she took out of her book bag. I glanced at her as she wrote, I was going to be the one in the spotlight once again I thought in a somber state of mind. I’m very stage frightful. I grinned at her as she looked at me and began to speak. “You don’t mind if I ask you a few questions”
I did not want to speak about me; I was bad at first impressions so I did not want to say something dumb in front of Emily, or Ryan for that matter.
“Um no, go ahead”.
“Great ok, first of all, what is something particular about you.”
I searched true my mind, without a doubt I had nothing, until the only thing that seemed to pop up.
“I play the piano” I said
To my surprise Emily looked at me pleasantly, I tried to decipher her expression but had no luck. I couldn’t tell why she was looking at me in this matter, her kind admiring smile and she seemed to pay more attention to me.
I liked that.
“Play piano, neat” said Daisy. “How long have you been playing for?” she asked.
“About Ten years.”
“Ten years, great.”
“What are your motivations, and expectations?”
I looked at her reluctantly, but I did the appropriate thing and began to answer her questions. I had no choice Ryan and Emily where looking at me awaiting my answer.
“I’m not sure about my motivations; but I would say that I’m pretty much motivated by my feelings. My greatest expectation is to become a great pianist, that’s my expectation for sure.”
“That’s magnificent.” said Daisy
“That’s nice bro, I play guitar myself all though I’m not that great of a musician.” said Ryan
“Music is my passion.” I said
“Well, passion not really but for me it’s more of a hobby, I like to play guitar, for fun.”
I smiled and nodded.
It was quite for a minute, until I broke the silence. I was curious to find out more about Emily other than her name, so I began to ask the questions.
“So, you guys are all friends, from what I see.”
“Friends, yeah pretty much, just the three of us.” said Emily
“Four of us, now” said Ryan.
I smiled at Ryan and then Emily giggled. She had the most amazing laughter; it was childish in a way and tranquil, it brought joy to me.
“How long have you guys known each other?”
“I met Ryan this year, he played a prank on the wrong person” she said as she leaned over to hit Ryan.
“Hey, you where the one who fell into the trap, you know it wasn’t for you.” replied Ryan rubbing his shoulder “That Jose guy got lucky if it wasn’t for you Emily he would have been covered in glue and feathers.”
Emily closed her eyes and smiled rubbing her face with her hands. “Don’t mention it again.” she said playing around with her hair.
“I’ve known Emily since the eighth grade.” said Daisy
“That’s really nice.” I said as I smiled at them.
The bell rang and everyone began to pick up after themselves. I threw my paper plate regarding the leftover food on it.
“Well, I have to go the opposite way, so I’ll see you guys later.” Said Daisy
Emily hugged Daisy and waved good-bye to each other. Ryan and I began walking the other way; I was wishing I could say my good-byes like that. But to my surprise Emily caught up to us and began walking by my side.
“So hey, can I talk to you?” she said gesturing to Ryan to give us some privacy and beckoned for me to follow. Ryan sighed and began to stride away.
“What’s up?” she said with that gorgeous smile, stunning.
“Hey?” I replied, wondering what in the world was going on, I felt so happy and shallow.
“Can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Um, sure” I muttered
I was weak, and nervous, she had a deceptive look. I was beginning to realize she was trying to ask me something. The scenery around me began to stretch; I was beginning to jump in to conclusions.
“What, is it?” I asked
She smiled and finally said it
“You said you play piano right?”
“Yeah, definitely” I replied weary
She had a much exited face, determined and anxious.
“Can you meet me in room B17 after school?” she asked me with confidence.
“Yeah of course, but what for” I asked. She swayed around with a glimmer of bliss.
“Just a favor, meet me their ok, see you after school” she finished as she strode away. Ryan darted back to me but on the way he bumped into a girl walking by.
“Sorry” he said quickly getting out of his gaffe situation.
“So, what did she say?” asked Ryan enthusiastically.
“She wants me to, meet her in some room, room B17.”
I finished my sentence with a whisper and a plain expression. Then suddenly the rush of pure joy impacted my body. Ryan grinned at me and raised his hand to give me a high five. I looked at him without saying anything we flawlessly stroked our hands together,
“I wonder what this could be about” I said
“Well whatever it is, it involves you in it, come on we both better get to fifth. You don’t want to get U’s on your citizenship already” said Ryan tapping my shoulder.
“They are the worst.”
We began to walk to fifth period and as we walked I looked back the way Emily had left and wondered.
Chapter 2
Apparently Ryan and I ended up having fifth period together as well. I sat along his side in the back of the class room where two other guys sat. We became good friends with these two individuals. The one on the left was named Erick and the one on the right was named Sam.
“The football team seems like it will be a great team this year.” said Sam.
“That’s fascinating, but I think the soccer team has an outstanding group this year” said Erick.
“Team football” replied Sam
“Team soccer” replied Erick
Ryan and I began a conversation leaving Erick and Sam out of it. We figured they had to talk about whom had the best team so we began a conversation about Emily’s invitation to room B17. I had no idea what this was about but I couldn’t wait to find out.
“Ok, I think I know what she wants you for” he said tapping his pencil on
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