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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖

Book online «Moonlight by Aiden R. Ranks (good short books txt) 📖». Author Aiden R. Ranks

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the desk.
“Why?” I replied leaning over to listen carefully.
“She digs you bro.” he said rubbing his chin.
“What, get out of here” I said cheaply and getting a little red.
“Ha, that’s all I can think about”
I had that stuck in my head for the rest of the hour. Could that be possible, I began to think a lot about that idea.
“Fine, you’re on” said Sam
“Get ready to lose” replied Erick
“What’s with them?” I asked
“They made a bet to see what team wins the most games this year” said Ryan.
The bell rang and Ryan and me put everything away and walked out. Unfortunately Ryan did not have the same class with me. So I went to class and found a great seat to sit in. I waited for the hour to end with much patience. But soon I began to lose my patience, it was devastating to wait. Emily a dazzling girl that I began to admire so very much wanted me to meet her after school; the day couldn’t get any better. When the bell finally rang I darted out and began to walk to the room, I found it with ease. I walked in to view the big room, it was a music room. No one was around, the class was empty. I gazed around at such an amusing place. There were many instruments lying about and I imagine a great musician playing them. But normally nothing caught my eye until I focused my eyes on a certain instrument.
In the center of the room, on a short like balcony sat perfectly still, awaiting a soul to engulf the lifeless body of the covered piano. The sudden impulse within me instantly flowed thru me like an electric shock. I swayed around looking at it as; I began to circle the grand piano in my presence eyeing it with outrages curiosity. I’ve seen grand pianos before but never have I had the opportunity to play one. That thought sparked the most desired idea I ever urged. I dropped my book bag and slowly walked up to the piano. With a steady pull, the long big black blanket fell off revealing the world’s best and soothing instrument.
I sat on the little stool and began to slide my fingers on the white and black keys. I felt good, comfortable and relaxed. A window of emotions opened up and I released the energy flowing in me. At first I wasn’t sure about playing the piano without permission, but I couldn’t help myself. I moved my fingers playing a peaceful lullaby with my right hand. Then I followed the lullaby rhythm with my left hand. The sound the piano made was a beauty. I kept equal paste with both my hands, simultaneously playing keys all around. I began to sway my body back and forth as I played the music, a random movement I do without knowing it whenever I play the piano. I closed my eyes and imagine a pleasant stage with me on it and millions of people quietly listening to this incredible and heart touching music.
I finished the theme slowly and tranquil, I sighed in relaxation and total bliss. I sat there with my eyes closed as the room became quite. I finished playing sliding my hands off the keys and placing them on my knees. The room was engulfed in pure silence, the air full with encouragement. I exhaled slowly still with my eyes closed, when abruptly the silence was broken.
“Brilliant, so very amazing” said the voice of a man.
I stood up with a jolt and gazed around at my surroundings to identify where the voice came from. A man stood leaning by the door and by his side was Emily with an amazed expression. I didn’t know what to say, it was awkward.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to play, I-
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it, that’s what your here for anyways” said the man.
Emily tapped the man on the shoulder with great eagerness and began to walk to me. The man who wore a gray T-shirt that read “Music is the passion of life” followed her.
“Hey there” she said smiling and sliding her hands on the piano keys. “I’m stunned; I didn’t think you where that good. Lewis I’d like you to meet Mr. Jensen he is our music instructor”
I was too embarrassed to function properly; I looked back and forth at them. Mr. Jensen looked at me and placed his hand in front of me for a shake. I hesitated but got myself together and shook his hand.
“Hi there nice to meet you pleasure indeed and sorry about the piano, it’s not normal of me to play without permission.” I said trying to calm myself down.
“It’s ok Lewis just relax no harm done, I understand how you feel us musicians can’t help but play the instrument we desire. Trust me; it’s like a big part of us. It’s a pleasure to meet you too” said Mr. Jensen. I felt a little more chilled all though I still felt embarrassed.
“Well, Emily you where right about this young man” said Mr. Jensen
“Yeah, I knew I had a good feeling when he told me that he plays the piano” replied Emily still gazing at the piano.
“Lewis I asked you to come here, because we wanted to see how good of a pianist you are. When you told me you can play, I was excited and I had to see it for myself”
I looked at her, now realizing she wanted me to come and play the piano, I didn’t mind that all though I was a little embarrassed for jumping into conclusions and thinking of other things.
“Sure no problem, but why” I asked
“Every year many schools including ours of course have a competition of musical talent. We aria range performances to compete for a 1000 dollar reward” he said leaning on the grand piano. I stood there amazed at the outstanding award.
“We, wanted to see you play, and you did and you passed so now our only request is this, will you join our music team. With your amazing talent we can go to greater heights. We can really use a pianist” he said with a confident touch.
“You guys don’t, have a pianist” I asked
“Well, no we don’t the only one that plays piano is me, but I’m not qualified to participate, I began teaching Emily the basics and such, but she won’t have time to learn everything”
I looked at her with an inspiring gaze, she has been learning the piano now I felt happier about her. Emily and Mr. Jensen looked at me waiting for my answer so I said.
“I would never refuse an opportunity like this”
They looked at each other and smiled, Emily asked me to scoot over for her to sit next to me. Without hesitation I nervously and anxiously moved over. She sat down and asked me to teach her a thing or two all though it was to pressuring to have Emily sitting next to me I tried my best to do what I can. I thought how some of the scales she did not know, and thought her about notes. She seemed to get the hang of it, as she played a theme that Mr. Jensen had thought her. I was amazed that she had learned a lot in a short period of time.
“A great talent Emily has of learning” said Mr. Jensen
Mr. Jensen, Emily and me stayed after school for and extra hour learning more about each other and about the duties I would be expected to do. Mr. Jensen played a theme I would have to learn it was nice and refreshing. The quick melody was part of a choir; eventually it had a solo section.
“Same time after school, we we’ll meet up here, Lewis what is your schedule” asked Mr. Jensen as he stood up.
I traced back to the classes but then I just handed over my schedule. Mr. Jensen scanned the schedule then asked me.
“Which of these classes is not that important or you don’t really need to take”
I looked at the classes and tried to figure it out. Math and Language Arts I had to take in order to graduate but Art was not that of importance and I liked gym. So I simple said Art class was the least. Mr. Jensen smiled.
“I’m going to take you out of art class Lewis, and place you in mine”
I smiled and nodded with enthusiasm. I did not want to leave but unfortunately I had to, it had been nearing five. I said my good byes’ and left, sadly the bus was long gone so I had no other choice but to walk home and on the walk I kept on thinking about this little event that just appeared in front in me and how now I was part of a musical team. Surely I had always wanted and dreamed about being in an orchestral sort of thing and now all of the sudden I was in one, it brought excitement to me, especially that Emily was part of it which was probably the second main reason that I’m part of this.
I began to walk fast, it began to snow a little but it was seriously cold outside. My face felt cold and stiff so I pulled my sweater up to my nose. I caught myself smiling and noticed why, I was thinking about Emily. I’ve been thinking about her this whole day, she was mostly in my mind, for once today I wondered why, and by doing so I realized a very unpredictable and satisfying fact, I think I like Emily even though I just met her.
I got home and mom wondered why I was late, so I told her everything and with that she left me alone.
“Ah, you’re here about time, where you been anyways” asked Mike barging into my room.
“Had to stay for a very important matter”
“Why, would you want to stay after school, anyways hey guess what” he said as he tapped the keys on my electric piano.
“What happened now” I sighed
“Relax it’s nothing bad, nothing uncomfortable or miserable. But seriously guess what”
“Just say it” I sighed again
Mike seems to always walk up to me and brings either devastating news or rarely brings any good or important ones at all.
“Well there are two things that I need to tell you about and the main one is about me without a doubt” he smiled and sat next to me on the bed. “I’ve thought about this back at our old school and so I’ve come to a conclusion I will join the soccer team” he said as he jazzed his hands.
“That’s nice good luck with that, and the second is”
He looked at me expecting a better or more satisfying answer and brought his hands down.
“Alright, the second one and not as important as mine is this, Simon is part of the football team, and I had the courtesy of talking to him today”
“Wait, you saw Simon today when and where” I asked
“How, I didn’t get to see him?”
“Did you know his a senior also I did not know that, I always thought of him to be younger, I saw him when I went to talk to the soccer coach.”
I looked at Mike with envy, we haven’t seen our cousin for quite a long time and I was looking forward to seeing
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