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Book online «My Protector by Mallory Davis (cool books to read txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Mallory Davis

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This was for him. I relax into his grasps anddrift to sleep. Maybe I’ll die. Maybe they’ll kill me. Fast I hope. Dying inplace of someone seemed like a good way to go. “You are a smart girl, Riley, wewould have killed him” the angel whispers once we were high into the air. Ismile a sad, sad smile. I was so tired of fighting. I was so tired of beingstrong. So tired of living.  Death issomething life will never be: peaceful. I yearned for Dakota, I wanted him tohold me. I wanted to feel my soul click into place with his. I wanted to feelhis warm body pressed against mine. I wish things were different. I go slack inthe angels arms. “I give up” I whisper. I see the angel smile which bringsshivers up my spine. The tears don’t come. Instead I sleep Chapter 26: Not good enough


I wake up doggedly. I sit up quickly and take in my surroundings. I was in a small cozy room with dark, black curtains and a red rug. It had one bed and a small fireplace. It was cold out so I rap myself in my covers. I smell warm food that set apon the bedside table. My stomach growls aggressively. I don’t dare take it for fear of what it contained. There’s a hard, rapid knock at the door. I don’t say anything, but they enter anyway. A man enters, he was tall and broad. His muscles were huge and solid, like rocks. His eyes were hard and calculating. He stares me up and down, sizing me up. We just stare in silence. “The king requests you” he says. I laugh in his face, the face of death. “King? Ha! What are you? My knight in shining armor.” His face turns hard. I stand up, wobbly. “Well, let’s get to it”. Now he was the one laughing. “You think you’re going to the king looking like that? No, it’s unacceptable” he says. I look down at myself, I was covered in blood. Dakota’s blood. I nod and he clamps his hand down on my shoulder. His grip was like iron, I didn’t even attempt to break it. He leads me down a wide, cold corridor. The floor was cobblestone and the room was dimly lit. He pushes me and I fall hard onto the ground. I jump up before he kicks me and continued walking. We reached a room at the end of the hall and he pushed me inside. Then, slams the door shut. I look up, many maids scurry around the room in nervous chatter. Their hands quickly undress me before I can register what happened. I’m dragged into a tub of steaming hot water. I dunk my head deep within and sigh. The water felt amazing on my wounds. They wash me, and my hair. Then they pull me out and dress me into a golden dress. It was tight in the chest and flowed out on the bottom. A healer comes in and fix my cuts and bruises. It still couldn’t fix the hate, the loneliness that was in my heart. I go through the motions numbly, letting them primp, pluck, and alter any ounce of ugliness that was on my face. We they were down they all stood around staring. I fidgeted nervously with my hands then look into the mirror. I was truly beautiful. I looked like an ice queen. Cold, heartless, beautiful. Those three words fit me perfectly. I look around at the maids that still stared at me. There stares were
envious. I shake my head. I hated my uncle. I hated them for envying  me. I would trade places in a heartbeat. I rise and go to the door and wait. I wait for them to take me away to my uncle. To the murderer. To the demon.

Chapter 27: Dakota


I awaken with a jolt up right. People surround me with grim faces. Sam’s was angry so was Nick’s.  They looked
murderous. I sit up and look down at my bandaged side. I couldn’t remember how it happened. I search my mind, but it was foggy, incoherent. “What is it?” I say in a  loud, threating voice. Silas steps forward, but hesitates. Silas NEVER hesitates. Then I realize only one person’s not in this room.  Riley, my sweet, sweet Riley. I think of him touching her, feeding of her emotions. Toying with her, like she’s an animal.  Then the memories flood back. She had done it for me. After how I treated her, how vile I was to her she was still determined to risk her life for me, like I was someone. Like I wasn’t a beast. I smile a sad smile. When she had told me she loved me, I felt like crying, because all I wanted to do was kiss her. I wanted to feel her touch, cool on my skin. I wanted to feel her warm kiss that seemed to consume me. Her smile, her
innocence that took my breath away. Then when I lied and told her I didn’t love her she shattered. That face that was always smiling, through the bad. I had broken her. I hated myself. I just wanted to hold her in my arms, to feel her warmth. I kissed Viper, just to feel something. It wasn’t the same. It was fierce, dark and she wanted more. That’s not how it is with Riley. Riley’s kiss is like being in the dark for years and finally seeing sunlight. Its breath taking, you want to go slow just so you don’t miss anything. It’s like living for the first time. When we kiss our souls knit together. I think of her uncle. I think of him beating her, killing her, taking Riley. MY Riley. Anger feels my veins. I feel my wolf instinct take over. I was fighting hard not to change. “They have her” I whisper in a hoarse voice. Silas nods, I stand up and walk across the room to put on my shirt. Sam stands up also “I’m coming too” he says. I see the pain in his eyes, he loved Riley too. He had confided in me one night that he could see that Riley loved me. So he kissed Sarah in front of her so that she wouldn’t feel guilty when she ended it with him. He had a good thing going with Sarah, but his heart will always belong to Riley. “I’m going too, no way I’m missing out on killing some demons” Nick said which surprised me. When Riley first came he hated her. Now they have formed an unlikely friendship. I didn’t doubt it though, Riley just grew on people. I nod and Silas stands up. “I will alert the council to send back up, then we will suit up and join you” he says wearily. Silas was tired, everyone was. Anger, hatred, and pure fury filled my heart. I shift and so does Sam. Let’s go kill something I whisper into his mind. Then we set off. As we followed Riley’s scent (Vanilla)  I think of how her uncle beat her. I remembered how she would be covered in blood. I remembered how she never cried because it would give him satisfaction. Rage filled my veins. Over and the images play in my head. Then, I make up my mind that I will kill that man today. Even if it takes every amount of life I have in me. 

Chapter 28: Family Reunion


They don’t, however, take me to the ‘king’. Instead they take me to a place with white sterile walls and tile flooring, with no windows. They strap me to a hospital bed. I don’t fight, instead I think of Dakota . Think of his smile, his laugh. I think of his intense eyes, his warmth. Right then and there I almost started crying. So I tried to think about something else, anything else. They stuck an IV into my vein in my right arm. Then, the leave me alone and scurry out the room. I look at the drip bag. It was black, tar looking stuff. What where they doing to me? Is this how they planned to kill me? A man walks into the room. No, he wasn’t a man he was a demon. He was my uncle. In demon form he was all black with wide, fully white eyes. He had wings, but they were hairless, featherless. He smiled at me and suddenly cold, hard fear erupted inside me. He walked, slowly over to me. “Hello, niece” he says giving me a wicked smile. “You have been a VERY good girl for coming so willingly.” He whispers in my ear leaning over me. “What are you going to do to me” I ask, sounding very much like a child. He smiled and sat in a chair at my bedside. His gaze was like a slippery snake gazing up and down my body. “You will bare my children” he says simply. I gag, bile comes up. I lay my head back and this time tears to come when I think of what he’ll do to me. “I’m your niece, you sick jerk” I yell, which makes him smile wider. “First, I will make you half demon. Our children will be powerful beyond measure. They will be demon and angel, the first of their kind and we will rise as leaders of the world” he says with a hiss. “You’re crazy, I will never do that” I say and he laughs wickedly. Then becomes very, very serious. “Riley, you will find that I am merciful. I can change forms, I can look like your precious werewolf if that’s what you want.” He says simply. I

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